THE collection described in this catalogue has
been made to show the origin and growth of
the Book of Common Prayer.
The earliest liturgical documents in the collection
are a set of prymers listed on pages 1 25-1 30 ( num-
bers 667-677). The gradual replacement of the
original Latin by the vernacular English in these
mediaeval lay-folks' prayer-books becomes very
noticeable during the third and fourth decades of
the sixteenth century, thus preparing the way for the
complete liturgy in English. The early results of
the English reform movement may be studied in the
Bishops' Book of 1537 and the King's Book of 1543
(pages 122-1 23, numbers 659-663).
When the royal commission, presided over by
Archbishop Cranmer, prepared the Prayer-Book in
1549 and revised it in 1552 (pages 3, 4, numbers i,
2,4, and 5), Quignon's Breviary and the Branden-
burg-Nuremberg Kirchenordnung (pages 123-124,
numbers 664-666 ) , among other works, were largely
consulted. The religious settlement under Queen
Elizabeth, King James I, and Charles II, is exempli-
fied in the long list of Prayer-Books and other his-
torical documents, on pages 3-23 (numbers 6-116).
The missionary activities of the Church of England
called forth the many translations listed on pages
26-40 (numbers 125-219). These are preceded, on
pages 24 and 25, by the Latin and Greek versions,
intended for universities and other learned institu-
Exigencies of political, social, or domestic nature
[ v
have given rise to the many special forms of prayer
and to the state services (pages 65-94).
The requirement of the royal commission in re-
gard to a service in the vulgar tongue according to the
Use of the Church of England to be said or read in
churches, was excellently fulfilled in King Edward's
first Prayer- Book. But, inasmuch as from early days
music in some form or other constituted part of the
public worship of every Christian congregation, it
soon became necessary to frame a reformed liturgy
calculated to be sung. This was soon accomplished,
in 1550, by John Merbecke in his Prayer- Book noted
( page 3, number 3 ), one of the rare treasures of the
present collection. The same demand for congre-
gational singing brought about the many editions of
the Psalms in Metre, a favorite hymn book from Ed-
ward VI to the beginning of the nineteenth century
(pages 59-64).
Along with the Liturgy of the Church of England
the collection contains liturgical monuments of the
Church of Ireland, the Church in Scotland, and the
Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of
America. The Nonjurors' liturgy and devotional lit-
erature, the Book of Common Order of the Puritan
Church of Scotland, and the Directory of the Com-
monwealth, together with much additional literature
illustrating these periods, are added for the sake of
Boston Public Library
Boston, Massachusetts, U. S. A.
[ vi ]
Most of the Books of Common Prayer and liturgies in
general were printed in black-letter type until the be-
ginning of the eighteenth century. Editions of this char-
acter in the following Catalogue are marked "black-
letter." When the type is not specified it is understood
that the book is printed in roman characters.
By size of page, e.g. 6*9 inches, is meant the page of
type, including running head-lines, footnotes and catch-
words, and marginal notes on either side of the text.
The measure of the paper is added to designate the ex-
a<5t size of the book.
When pages are not indicated it is understood that the
book is printed without pagination. In such instances,
however, the number of leaves or of signatures is given
in the case of early, rare editions. In all paginated edi-
tions the number of pages is stated. When in such
editions the introductory section or an appendix is not
folioed, the number of pages which it occupies is added
in parentheses.
The binding is not mentioned except in the case of
early editions, and then only when it is contemporary,
or nearly so, with the issue of the book.
KING EDWARD VI : 1547-1553
1. The booke of the common prayer and administracion
of the Sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies of the
Churche : after the vse of the Churche of England. Londini,
in officina Edouardi Whitchurche. 1549, Mense Martii.
Colophon: Imprinted at London, . . . the seuenth daye of
Marche, the yeare of our Lorde, 1549.
Black-letter. 190 folios, variously numbered. Sig. <*,two leaves; A,
eight; A, eight, B-I, in sixes, K, eight, L-X, in sixes, Y, eight; c,
four, ca-ce, in sixes, cf, eight. Page, 6^6*9; paper, jxio^s
inches. Title in a compartment. The blank folios 18 (sig. A 8), 152
(c 4), 190 (c f 8) are wanting. Editio princeps of the First Prayer-
Book of King Edward VI. For reprints, see Nos. 97, 100—102.
2. The booke of the common praier and administracion
of the Sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies of the
Churche : after the vse of the Churche of Englande. Londini,
in officina Richardi Graftoni, Regij impressoris . . . Anno
Domini, M.D.XLIX. Mense Martij.
Colophon: Excusum . . . Mense lunij. M.D. XLIX.
Black-letter. 158 unnumbered folios. Sig. <?»•, ten, A-R, in eights,
S, T, in sixes. Page, 6x9; paper, 7^ x 10^ inches. Title in alter-
nate black and red lines, within a compartment. The first page of
Matins ends: "the drie lande."
3. The booke of Common praier noted. 1550. [By] John
Merbeck. [London.] Imprinted by Richard Grafton. 1550.
Black-letter. 68 unnumbered folios. Sig. A, 2 leaves, B-R, in fours,
S, 2 leaves. Page, 4^*6; paper, 5^ ^7^ inches. Contemporary
binding in limp vellum. See, also, No. 104.
4. The Boke of common prayer, and administracion of
[ 3 ]
the Sacramentes, and other rites and Ceremonies in the
Churche of Englande. Londini, in officina Edvvardi whyt-
churche . . . Anno 1552.
Part 2 contains: The fourme and maner of makynge and con-
secratynge, Bisshoppes, Priestes, and Deacons. Anno Domini.
Black-letter. 184 unnumbered folios. Sig. a, 8 leaves &, again, a,
2 leaves (containing Act of Uniformity), inserted between the first
3j and au; B, c, in sixes; C C, A-Q, in eights; R, 6 leaves, verso of
last leaf blank. — Ordinal, S i, S ii, AA iii-vi; BB, 6 leaves; CC, 8
leaves. CC viii, recto, has a wood-cut representing the Virgin Mary,
with emblems; verso, blank. Page, 5^x8^; paper, Jj/sxio^i
inches. Title printed as in No. 2. Calendar in black and red. The
Black Rubric concerning Kneeling at the Communion is printed
on signature Oi a, b.
See, also, No. 105.
5. The booke of common prayer, and adminystracion of
the Sacramentes, and other rytes, and Ceremonies in the
Churche of Englande. Londini, in officina Edovardi whit-
churche . . . [l55|.]
Part 2 contains: The psalter, or Psalmes of Dauid, after the tras-
lacion of the greate Byble, poynted as it shalbe sayde or songe in
Churches. This is followed by : Certain godly prayers to be vsed for
sondrye purposes.
Black-letter. Sig. a, c, A-P, in eights; Psalter, Sig. A-I, in eights,
K, four leaves, aan recto; verso blank; aa2-aag, recto, godly prayers;
verso of last leaf blank. Page, 4^3 * 7^ ; paper, 5fax 8^j inches.
Title printed as in No. 2.
6. The Booke of Common prayer, and administration of
the Sacramentes, . . . Londini, in officina Richardi Jugge &
lohannis Cavvood. 1.5.62.
Black-letter. Sig. A & B, in eights; C, 6 leaves; text, A-T, in
eights, U, 10 leaves; Psalter, A-N, in eights. Page, 4^6* 6^ i pa-
per, $y&x J3/& inches. Bound in brown morocco antique.
See, also, No. 106.
7. The booke of Common prayer, and administration of
the Sacramentes, and other Rites and Ceremonies in the
Church of England. Jmprinted at London, by Christopher
Barker, . . . Anno Dom. 1581.
Contains, with special title-pages, (2) The Psalter or Psalmes of
Dauid, after the translation of the Great Bible . . . London, Bar-
ker. No date; and (3) The Whole booke of Psalmes, collected into
englishe meter by Thomas Sternh. lohn Hopkins and others. . . .
Imprinted at London by lohn Day. Anno 1580.
Black-letter. Sig. (. ' .) eight, c, i o leaves, A-P, in eights ; Q_, 6 leaves ;
verso of last folio blank; Psalter, A-K, in eights; Psalms in metre,
A-S, in sixes. Page, 6*9^; paper, 7^*10^ inches.
8. The Booke of Common Prayer, . . . London, Deputies
of Christopher Barker. [No date.]
This copy contains, also, with special title-pages, — Part 2: The
Psalter, or Psalmes of Dauid; and Part 3: The Whole booke of
Psalmes, collected into English meeter by Thomas Sternh. John
Hopkins and others. . . . 1595. 96 (mostly numbered) leaves.
Black-letter. Sig. C, C, in eights; A-T vii, in eights; Psalter, T viii,
U-Y [no sig. Z]; Aa-Kk 4, in eights; Psalms in metre, A-M, in
eights. Page, 4^ x 6^4 ; paper, SI/ix lY* inches. Titles and calen-
dar in black and red, the former within a compartment. Contem-
porary binding in dark brown morocco. The " Almanacke for xxvi
yeeres" begins with 1578 and ends with 1603.
THE PRAYER-BOOK OF KING JAMES i: 1604-1644 (1660)
(The Hampton Court 'Book)
9. The Ansvverre of the Vicechancelovr, the Doctors, both
the Proctors, and other the Heads of Houses in the Vniver-
sitie of Oxford : (Agreeable, vndoubtedly, to the ioint and
Vniforme opinion, of all the Deanes and Chapters, and all
other the learned & obedient Cleargy, in the Church of
England.) To the humble Petition of the Ministers of the
[5 ]
Church of England, desiring Reformation of certaine Cere-
monies and Abuses of the Church. ... At Oxford, Printed
by Joseph Barnes, . . . 1603.
Black-letter. ( 1 6), 3 2 pages. Page, 3^x6^; paper, SJ^x73/i inches.
10. The Booke of Common Prayer, and Administration of
the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the
Church of England. London, Robert Barker. 1605.
Black-letter. Sig. A 12, B 8 leaves; text, A 8, B 10 leaves; C-N
in eights, O 10, P 8, Q_, 6 leaves.
Contains as part 2, The Psalter, A-K, in eights; and part 3, the
Psalms in metre, A-P, in sixes; Q_, 4 leaves. Page, 6 # 9^ ; paper,
7^x11 inches. Title and calendar in black and red. Contempo-
rary binding in dark brown morocco.
See, also, No. 107.
11. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . London, Robert
Barker. 1609.
Black-letter. Sig. A and B, in eights; text, C-U 4, in eights. Page,
4^* 6H> paper, 5^2* 7^ inches. Contains parts 2 and 3, Psalter
and Psalms in metre. Titles engraved and printed in black and red.
12. The Booke of Common Prayer, . . . London, Norton &
Bill. 1622.
Black-letter. Sig. a 12, B 8 leaves; text, A 8, B 10, C-P, in eights,
Q_6 leaves. Page, 6*9^; paper, j%xii inches. Engraved title.
Contemporary binding.
13. The Booke of Common Prayer, . . . London, R. Bar-
ker, ... and Assignes of J. Bill. M. DC. XXXI.
Black-letter. Sig. A-D 4, verso, in eights. D 5, blank, D 6-F 8, in
eights, G, 4 leaves, for Psalms of David. Page, 3$/8x6y& ; paper,
4/4x6^2 inches. Engraved title. Red morocco binding, with oak
board covers and metal clasps.
14. The Booke of Common Prayer, and Administration of
the Sacraments : and other Rites and Ceremonies of the
Church of England. London, R. Barker, . . . and Assignes
of I. Bill. 1636.
Black-letter. Sig. A, 12, B 8 leaves (Preliminaries); text, A-Z, Aa-
Cc, in eights, Dd, four leaves. Page, 5^*9^; paper, 63^x14.
inches. Large-paper copy. Red-ruled. Contains (2) the Psalter, after
the translation of the Great Bible, and (3) the Ordinal.
Originally the property of Archbishop William Juxon.
15. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . London, R. Bar-
ker, . . . and Assignes of J. Bill. 1639.
Page,4^.v 6'3/,6; paper, 5^ x 7^ inches. Engraved title. Red-ruled
throughout. Bound in old English blue morocco, with gilt Etruscan
16. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . London: R. Bar-
ker, . . . and Assignes of J. Bill. 1639.
Black-letter. Page, 4^x7^; paper, 5 3/s*7% inches. Engraved
title. Bound in dark brown morocco antique.
17. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . London: R. Bar-
ker, . . . and Assignes of J. Bill. 1641.
Page, 3 % x 6; paper, 4^ x 6 y± inches. Engraved title. Seventeenth
century binding, with centre and corner ornamentation worked
in gold.
18. The Book of Common Prayer . . . London: Christo-
pher Barker. 1660.
Black-letter. Page, 5 $/$ x 9 ^ ; paper, 7x11 inches. Printed in double
columns. Bold initials, rubricated title within a wood-cut border;
rubricated calendar.
Contains also, with special title-pages, (i) the Psalter or Psalms
of David after the translation of the Great Bible. 1660; (2) The
form and manner of making & consecrating bishops, priests &
deacons: according to the appointment of the Church of England.
M DC LX ; (3) The whole Booke of Psalmes collected into English
meeter. . . . 1661.
19. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . [London. JMCI3LX
Page, 2^4 * 5/^; paper, 2X 5^4- inches. Title in a compartment.
Contemporary binding in brown morocco.
[ 7 ]
20. The Savoy Conference Documents. Collected by Tho-
mas Case, one of the Presbyterian Commissioners. Lon-
don. 1661, 1662.
Page, approximately, 4^x6}^ inches. Early eighteenth century
A. Two Papers of Proposals concerning the Discipline and Cere-
monies of the Church of England. 26 pages.
B. An Accompt of all the Proceedings of the Commissioners of
both Persvvasions, appointed . . . for the Review of the Book
of Common Prayer. 6, 32, 4, 130 pages.
c. A Petition for Peace: with the Reformation of the Liturgy.
[By Richard Baxter.] (i), 101 pages.
D. A True and Perfect Copy of the Whole Disputation at the
Savoy, (i), 6 pages.
E. Efforts of Presbyterian Ministers to have the King's Decla-
ration of October, 1660, enacted. In manuscript, n pages.
F. To the Kings most Excellent Majesty. The Due Account
and Humble Petition of the Ministers of the Gospel, lately
Commissioners for the Review and Alteration of the Liturgy.
(i), 6 pages.
21. Another edition of 20 c. Printed also in 1661, but evi-
dently reset, (l), 95 pages.
Page, 434 * 6^4; paper, S^X7^4- inches.
22. Something in answer to the Old Common-Prayer-
Book, and for the information of those who are for it;
which is much of it taken out of the Old Mass-Book. Lon-
don. Robert Wilson. 1660.
Black-letter. 40 pages. Page, 3 24 * 6^2 ; paper, 5^ x 7 inches. The
tracl: was written by G(eorge) F(ox), founder of the Society of
23. The Trial of the English Liturgy : wherein several ex-
ceptions and arguments against the Imposition and Use
[ 8 ]
of the Service-Book in the English Churches are set forth
and discussed. London. 1661.
31 pages. Page, 4.%x6%; paper, 5^ x J^ inches.
24. Common -Prayer Book no Divine Service : ... By Va-
vasor Powell. 3d edition. London: Chapman. 1661.
(10), 44 pages. Page, 4^,6 x6s/8; paper, $ x b^ inches.
25. A short view of the Prelatical Church of England. Laid
open in sections ... by John Barnard . . . whereunto is
added, The Anatomy of the Common-Prayer. [London.]
Printed in the year 1661.
Black-letter. (4), 44 pages. Page, 3^*6^; paper, S/ix7 inches.
See, also, Nos. 634 and 635.
26. A View of the Government and Ptiblick Worship of
God in the Reformed Churches beyond the Seas. Wherein
is shewed their conformity and agreement with the Church
of England, as it is established by the Act of Uniformity.
By John Durel, Minister of the French Church in the Sa-
voy, by the special appointment of his Majesty. London :
Printed by J. G. for R. Royston. MDCLXII.
Black-letter. (24), 344 pages. Additional engraved title-page. Page,
3^ (4^)* 6 24; paper, 5$/sxj% inches. Contemporary binding
in brown calf, blind tooling and red edges,
27. The Liturgy of the Church of England asserted in
a sermon. . . . By John Durel, Minister of the Gospel.
(12), 38 pages. Published as an appendix to No. 26.
28. The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of
the Sacraments, and other Rites & Ceremonies of the
Church, according to the Use of the Church of England,
Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, Pointed as
they are to be Sung or Said in Churches : And the Form
& Manner of Making, Ordaining, & Consecrating, of
Bishops, Priests, and Deacons. London, Printed by His
Maties Printers ____ MDCLXII.
[9 ]
Black-letter. Sig. A I & 2, a-d, in sixes, e, 2 leaves; text, A-Z;
aa-ee, in sixes, for the Prayer Book proper. Page, 5^x10; paper,
jy&xii}£ inches. The Calendar is printed in black and red. The
title is in a beautiful compartment, engraved by David Loggan,
after the drawings of lanbatista Caespers. It has been suggested
that the title-page was used as a pattern for the woodwork behind
the altars in some of the churches of London, built after the fire of
1666. There are numerous wood-cut initial letters throughout the
Editlo princeps of the present English Book of Common Prayer,
being the same as the "Sealed Book" of the Tower of London
and the last revision made by authority.
See, also, Nos. 108, no, in, 112.
29. The Book of Common Prayer. . . . MDCLXII.
Black-letter. Large-paper edition. Paper, 8^*14 inches. Engraved
title-page. Original binding.
30. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . London, John Bill
& Christopher Barker. [1662. J
Black-letter. Large-paper edition. Paper, 9^ xif inches. Engraved
title-page. Red-ruled. Contemporary binding in red morocco; back
and sides inlaid with citron and blue.
31. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Cambridge: John
Field. 1662.
Page, 3^4 * ^A ; paper, 4^ x 6^ inches. The title in a compart-
ment. Contains full-page engravings. Contemporary binding in dark
brown morocco.
32, 33. The Book of Common-Prayer, . . . London: His
Maties printers. . . . MDCLXIX.
Black-letter. Page, 5 % x 10^ ; paper, 8f6 x 13^ inches. Engraved
title-page. Two copies, on large paper, and red-ruled title. One of
the copies has also red-ruled text.
[ 10 ]
34. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Oxford : Thomas
Guy. 1682.
Page, i'5/,6* 3?4 '•> paper, 2^x4 inches. Engraved title, portrait of
Charles II, and engravings in the text. Contemporary binding in
dark red morocco.
35. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . London : The as-
signs of John Bill, Henry Hills, and Thomas Newcomb.
Page, 2*4^; paper, 2 */> x 4 "/% inches. Red-ruled throughout. Con-
temporary binding in English morocco.
36. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Printed at ye The-
atre in Oxford. [1687?]
Page, lYz x\?.y%\ paper, 9 x 1354 inches. Title-page engraved by
John Sturt. Printed in double columns; red-ruled by hand, and nu-
merous initial wood-cut letters. Early binding in dark brown leather.
37. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . London: Charles
Bill, Henry Hills, and Thomas Newcomb. 1687.
Page, 6 y% x I o5/8 ; paper, 9^x15 inches. Additional engraved
title by D. Loggan from the edition of 1662. Title and text red-
ruled. Black morocco binding, with monogram of William and
38. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Oxford: Printed
by the Vniversity-Printers. 1706.
Page, 4*7; paper, 4^>x 7^ inches. Contains portrait of Queen
Anne, and fifty-five copper-plate engravings by John Sturt, after
the drawings of Bernard Lens, 2d. Red-ruled throughout. Bound in
red morocco.
39. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . London: Charles
Bill and executrix of Thomas Newcomb. 1707.
Page, 3^*7; paper, 4^*7^ inches. Red-ruled throughout.
With engravings. This copy has the form: "At the Healing,"
after the forms of state prayers.
40. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . London: J. Bas-
kett, Assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills.
Page, 354* 7; paper, 4 ^ x 7^ inches. Dark morocco binding.
This copy has the form : " At the Healing."
41, 42. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . University of
Oxford: John Baskett. MDCCXVI.
Page, 224*5^; paper, 4^*754 inches. Title and calendar in
black and red. Title and text are red-ruled. Two copies, one bound
in old English black morocco, the leaves with painted edges; the
other in original binding of dark red morocco. The second copy
has running head-lines and sub-titles printed in red.
43. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . London, Engraved
and printed . . . 1717 by J. Sturt.
Large-paper edition, xxvi, 1 66 pages. Page, 4^ x j%; paper, 6*9
inches. Red-ruled throughout. Contemporary binding in full Eng-
lish dark blue morocco.
This copy contains the movable centre of "A circular table to
find all the moveable Sundays," which is missing in most of the
extant copies of this edition. There are numerous engravings, with
a beautiful pictorial border to each page.
44. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . London , Engraved
and printed . . . 1717, by J. Sturt.
xxi, (i), 166, (i) pages. Page, 3^.* 5^3 ; paper, 4*7 inches. Con-
temporary binding in dark blue morocco. It contains 188 copper-
plates by John Sturt; but it lacks the movable centre disk.
45. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . London : John Bas-
kett . . . Newcomb and Hills . . . 1718.
Page, 3^6*5^ ; paper, 3^>* 6 inches. Title and text red-ruled.
Forty full-page, hand-illuminated plates, by John Sturt.
46. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Oxford : John Bas-
kett. M DCC XXVII.
Page, 3 * 5 24 ; paper, 3^*6^ inches. Red-ruled throughout ; with
title printed in black and red; additional engraved title-page and
fifty-five new historical engravings, including a portrait of George I.
Contemporary fish-skin binding, with silver clasps, centre and cor-
47. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . London. M. D. CC.
Page, 7l/2 xi3%; paper, 9^*15 inches. Contemporary binding in
full sheep.
48. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . London, Assigns of
His Majesty's printer, and of Henry Hills, deceas'd. 1729.
Page, 4 x 634. ; paper, 424* 7^4 inches. The text is red-ruled, and
has engravings as in No. 46, but with portrait of George II. Black
fish-skin binding, with engraved silver ornaments and clasps.
49. The Book of Common Prayer in Short-Hand, accord-
ing to Mr. Weston's excellent method. . . . London: James
Weston. 1730.
Page, 2*4; paper, 2^-2*4% inches. Engraved throughout. Con-
temporary binding in dark blue morocco.
50. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . London : John Bas-
kett. 1734.
Page, 5 l/^ x S% ; paper, 9x11% inches. Contemporary black mo-
rocco binding.
51. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . London : John Bas-
Page, 7*13%; paper, 9^*155^ inches. Title in black and red.
Contemporary binding in full English dark blue morocco.
52. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Oxford: Thomas
Baskett. 1745.
Page, 3 x 5^4 ; paper, 4^2* 7 inches. Black morocco binding.
53. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Oxford: Thomas
Baskett. 1754.
Page, 4*7; paper, 4fi*724 inches. Contemporary binding in
dark red morocco.
[ '3 ]
54. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Cambridge : John
Baskerville. MDCCLX.
Page, 45^x7^; paper, 6^*9% inches. Printed in long lines,
without border. Bound in vellum, with border in gilt and blue.
There is a delicate painting on the fore edge of the closed leaves.
55. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Cambridge: Bas-
kerville. MDCCLX.
Page, 4'3/i6-v 8J/i65 paper, 5^ x 9^ inches. Printed in long lines,
with border on the title-page and text throughout. Dark brown
morocco binding.
56. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Cambridge: Bas-
kerville. MDCCLXI.
Page, 4-^x 7^4 5 paper, 6*9 inches. Printed in double columns,
without border. Contemporary binding in dark blue morocco.
57. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Cambridge: Bas-
kerville. MDCCLXI.
Page, 424*8; paper, 6 x 9^ inches. Printed in long lines, with
border on the title-page and text throughout. The typography dif-
fers from the edition last mentioned (No. 56). Contemporary bind-
ing in black morocco.
58. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Cambridge: Bas-
kerville. MDCCLXII.
Page, 4^* -jYz ; paper, 6*9^ inches. Printed in long lines, with-
out border. Head-lines in roman. Second issue of February, 1762.
Contemporary binding in black morocco.
59, 60. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Cambridge:
Baskerville. 1762.
Two copies, the one containing the Sternhold and Hopkins Psalms,
the other the New Version of Tate and Brady. Page, 3*5^; pa-
per, 4*6^ (3 24 #6^) inches. Printed in two columns to the
page, without borders. Dark red morocco binding.
61. The Book of Common Prayer . . . , Oxford: Mark
[ 14]
Page, 4 * 7 ; paper, 5x8 inches. Printed in long lines. Plates. Black
morocco binding.
62. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . London: MarkBas-
kett, and Assigns of Robert Baskett. MDCCLXVI.
Page, 7%x 13^; paper, 9^ xisfy inches. Two columns to the
page. Additional engraved title-page. The main divisions are headed
by handsome vignettes running across the page. Contemporary
binding in dark red morocco.
63. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Cambridge : Joseph
Bentham. 1766.
Page, 3/4*5^6; paper, 3% x 6% inches. Bound in red morocco.
This edition contains 47 full-page engravings.
64. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Oxford: T. Wright
and W. Gill. 1769.
Page, 6%x 9; paper, 8*10^ inches. Bound in red morocco.
65. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Cambridge: John
Archdeacon. M.DCC.LXX.
Page, 7j£#i3f6 ; paper, 9^^-15 inches. Contemporary morocco
binding. Originally for many years the property of Hadstock parish,
66. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Oxford : T. Wright
and W. Gill. MDCCLXXII.
Page, 6^*9^; paper, 8%xio}4 inches. Dark brown morocco
67. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Oxford: T.Wright
and W. Gill. 1775.
Page, 4 x J3/8 ; paper, 5 x 8^ inches. Contemporary binding in old
red morocco.
68. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Paris : Didot. MDCC
Page, 2^4 x $y& ; paper, 3^x6 inches. Contemporary light brown
leather binding. This edition contains nothing after the Communion
Office except the Marriage Service and the Psalter.
69. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . London : Low. 1793.
Page, 3*5^ ; paper, 3l4*6^ inches. Bound in vellum.
70. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . London : Ritchie.
Page, 4^6*8; paper, 6xio inches. With fourteen plates, drawn
by Thomas Stothard, and engraved by Francesco Bartolozzi and
others. Black morocco binding.
71. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . According to the
Use of the United Church of England and Ireland : . . .
London: Reeves. [1801.]
Page, 4^8 x 7>6 ; paper, S^* 9 inches. Plates. Dark blue morocco
binding. This edition contains an introduction and notes by John
This change in the title of the English Book of Common Prayer
lasted from 1800 (1801) until 1878, i.e., from the beginning of
the civil and ecclesiastical union of the two countries until the
disestablishment of the Episcopal Church of Ireland.
72. Another edition, by Reeves. . . . 1802. Without the
73. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . To which is pre-
fixed an introduction, . . . Accompanied with notes . . .
By the Rev. Richard Warner. . . . Bath: Cruttwell. 1806.
; paper, 4^* 8^ inches.
74. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . with notes upon the
Epistles, Gospels, and Psalms. By a member of the Estab-
lished Church [Sir John Bayley.] . . . London: Otridge.
482 pages. Page SIAX %1A '•> paper, 6 x 9^ inches. Bound in black
[ '6 ]
75. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Stereotype edition.
London: Eyre and Strahan. 1815.
22, 510 pages. Page, 25/g x 5^ inches. Bound in red morocco.
76. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . with the Companion
to the Altar, . . . Notes and annotations [by W.M. Bur-
kitt]. London: Evans. 1818.
(20), 682 pages. Page, 5^*8^ inches. Bound in black morocco.
This edition contains a special frontispiece, additional engraved
title-page, and five full-page engravings.
77. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Stereotype edition.
London: Eyre and Strahan. 1821.
22,510,81 pages. Page, 2^*4^3; paper, 4*6 inches. Contem-
porary binding in red morocco.
78. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . with notes ... by
the Right Reverend Richard Mant. 3d edition . Oxford :
Parker. 1825.
Ixxii, 966 pages. Page, 7 * 9^4 ; paper, 9*11^ inches.
79. The Pictorial edition of the Book of Common Prayer,
. . . Illustrated with many hundred wood-cuts. To which
are added original notes and an introductory history of the
Liturgy, by Henry Stebbing . . . London : Knight. [1838—
xl, 711, (i) pages. Page, 4^ #8; paper, 6^*10 inches. Bound
in black morocco. See, also, No. 542.
80. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Oxford : Colling-
Page, 424#7^5 (including the border); paper, 5^*9^6 inches.
Rubricated throughout, and with red border. Long lines. Bound in
dark brown morocco. Printed on old paper of 1794.
81. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Oxford : The Uni-
versity Press. M.DCCC.XLIV.
Page, 4x7^; paper, 6 x f)fy inches. Bound in black morocco.
[ '7 ]
82. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . London: Pickering.
Black-letter. Page, 5 ^ x 1 1 ; paper, 9*1 6 24 inches. Rubricated
throughout. Full morocco dark brown binding. Called "The Vic-
toria Prayer Book."
For the reprints of the early standard books issued by the Picker-
ing Press at the same time, see below, Nos. 98, 100, 104—107, 109,
and in.
83. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . With notes. Illu-
minated [with chromolithographs] and illustrated with en-
gravings from the works of the great painters. London:
xl, 484 pages. Page, 4^ x J^s (including the border); paper, 6 x
()3/8 inches. Bound in light gray leather. The edition contains an
introduction and notes. See, also, No. 86.
84. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . London : Pickering.
Page> 3^5 x 5 J& > paper, 4^ x 6fy inches. With wood-cut borders,
copied chiefly from those in " A Booke of Christian Praiers." 1581,
etc. See edition of 1608, below, No. 679. Bound in black morocco.
For a reprint, see No. 1 14.
85. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Oxford: The Uni-
versity Press. M.DCCC.LXI.
Page, 4*7^ (including the border, 4^ #7^); paper, S/{X9
inches. Rubricated throughout.
86. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . With notes and
illustrations. London: Murray. 1863.
Hi, 476 pages. Page, 4^/8 x J^i; paper, 5^ x 8^ inches. A reissue
of the edition of 1845. See, above, No. 83.
8 7. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . London: Hotten.
Page> 3^*6^; paper, 5^ #8^ inches. Floriated borders sur-
round each page of this edition.
88. The Annotated Book of Common Prayer, . . . Edited
by John Henry Blunt. London: Rivington. 1866.
Ixxx, 64, 610 pages. Page, 6^2*9^ ; paper, 7^*11 inches.
89, 90. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Oxford : The Uni-
versity Press. MDCCCLXVII.
Page, 6 x 9% j paper, 8^ x 1 1 inches. Two copies, bound in bright
red morocco.
The two copies contain, in manuscript, the canon and ordinary
of the Mass in English according to the Use of Sarum and other
offices, compiled by the original owner of the books.
91. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Oxford: The Uni-
versity Press. [189?]
Page, 6^*9^; paper, 8^-x-ii^ inches. Bound in dark brown
92. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . of King Ed ward VII
. . . London : Eyre &. Spottiswoode. MDCCCCIII.
Black-letter. (13), 387 pages. Page, 7 x qS/s; paper, 10 ^14 inches.
Plates and vignettes. Title and calendar in black and red. Rubri-
cated throughout.
93. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Authorized Ameri-
can edition of the Prayer Book of King Edward VII. New
York : Dunne, M D CCCCIV.
Black-letter. (13), 387 pages. Page, jxqS/z; paper, 10^^-13^
inches. Description the same as in No. 92.
94. A key to the principal decorations in the Prayer-Book
of King Edward VII. , as designed and carried out by C. R.
Ashbee. New York : Dunne. 1904.
14, (i) pages. 8vo.
95. The Convocation Prayer-Book, being the Book of
Common Prayer, . . . according to the Use of the Church
of England. With altered rubrics, showing what would be
the condition of the book if amended in conformity wTith the
recommendations of the Convocations of Canterbury and
[ '9 ]
York, contained in reports presented to Her Majesty, the
Queen, in the year 1879. London: Murray. 1907.
575 Pages. Small 8vo.
96. Book of Common Prayer and Hymns. In Memoriam
Edward VII. (1901-1910) . . . London : Eyre and Spottis-
woode. 1910.
23, 8, 469, (i), 208 pages. Page, 2^*4^; paper,2^x 4^ inches.
Contains: i. Special forms of service in commemoration of his
late Majesty King Edward VII of blessed and glorious memory to
be used in all churches and chapels in England and Wales and in
the town of Berwick-upon-Tweed, either on the day of the funeral,
or on the most convenient day within the octave. By authority.
There are four plates in this portion of the book, viz.: (i) Por-
trait of the king; (2) In memoriam Edward VII, 1901—1910, with
coat of arms; (3) the funeral of King Edward VII: the lying in
state at Buckingham palace; (4) St. George's Chapel, Windsor,
May 2Oth, 1910.
2. Alterations in prayers occasioned by the death of his Majesty
King Edward VII and the accession of his Majesty, King
George V.
3. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . together with the Psalter or
Psalms of David . . .
4. Hymns ancient and modern for use in the services of the
church. Complete edition.
97. Liturgiae Britannicae, or the several editions of the
Book of Common Prayer, of the Church of England, from
its compilation to the last revision. With the liturgy set
forth for the use of the Church of Scotland. Arranged to
shew their respective variations. By William Keeling. Lon-
don: Pickering. 1842.
xxv, 425 pages. 8vo.
98. The Order for the Administration of the Holy Com-
munion and Occasional Offices, according to the Use of the
Church of England. [1548.] London: Pickering. 1844.
The Pickering reprints of 1844, Nos. 98, 100, 104-107, 109, and
in, were issued as companion volumes to the "Victoria Prayer
Book" (see No. 82), uniform with it in type, in size of page and
paper, and in binding.
99. The Order of the Communion, 1548. A facsimile of
the British Museum Copy C. 25, f. 15. Edited by H. A.
Wilson. London, 1908.
XLIII, (18), 55, (i) pages. 12 additional facsimile plates. 8vo.
Henry Bradshaw Society. Volume 34.
100. The Book of Common Prayer, printed by Whit-
church, March, 1549. Commonly called the First Book of
Edward VI. London: Pickering. 1844.
101. The 'Book of the Common Prayer,' as issued in the
year 1549. . . . Privately reproduced in facsimile ... for
G. Moreton. 1896.
Black-letter. Page, 5 y2 x 9 ; paper, 8 ^ x 1 1 ^ inches.
102. The First Prayer Book of King Edward VI. London:
Moring, The De la More Press. 1903.
A reprint verbatim et literatim, vii, 372, (2) pages. Page, 4^5*
65/8', paper, 524*8^ inches.
103. The Clerk's Book of 1549. Edited by J. Wickham
Legg. London: [Harrison.] 1903.
LXII, (i), 137 pp. Tables. Facsimile. 8vo. Henry Bradshaw Soci-
ety. Volume 25.
104. The Book of Common Prayer noted. By John Mer-
becke. 1550. London: Pickering. 1844.
Page, 4*6^; paper, 6I/4xg inches. Reprinted, by Charles Whit-
tingham,of theChiswick Press, from the original edition (see above,
No. 3), but not in facsimile, and with some changes.
105. The Book of Common Prayer, printed by Whit-
church, 1552. Commonly called the Second Book of Ed-
ward VI. London: Pickering. 1844.
106. The Book of Common Prayer, commonly called the
First Book of Queen Elizabeth, printed by Grafton, 1559.
London: Pickering. 1844.
107. The Book of Common Prayer. King James. Anno
1604. Commonly called the Hampton Court Book. London :
Pickering. 1844.
108. Facsimile of the Black-letter Prayer-Book of 1636,
showing the manuscript alterations made in 1661, and
authorized by the Act of Uniformity, 13 &. 14 Car. II.,
A.D. 1662. London. 1871.
Paper, 10*16 inches. Parchment binding. Usually called "The
Convocation Book."
109. The Book of Common Prayer, as printed at Edin-
burgh, 1637. Commonly called Archbishop Laud's. Lon-
don: Pickering. 1844.
Nos. 109 and 113 belong properly to the sections "The Episcopal
Church of Scotland" and "The Church of Ireland." They are
given here because they belong to two groups of reprints listed in
this section.
110. The Book of Common Prayer, from the original
manuscript attached to the Act of Uniformity of 1 662, . . .
London: Eyre & Spottiswoode. [1891.]
Black-letter, viii, 544, (8) pages. Paper, 10*15 inches. Usually
called "The Book annexed."
111. The Book of Common Prayer, as revised and settled
at the Savoy Conference. Anno 1662. 14 Charles II. Re-
printed from the Sealed Book in the Tower of London.
London: Pickering. 1844.
Reprint of the edition dated MDCLXII, but which does not have
the printer's name. See above, No. 29.
112. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . according to the
United Church of England and Ireland. Edited by A. J.
Stephens. London: The Ecclesiastical History Society.
3 volumes. Paper, 5/^>* 8^4 inches. Edition of the Book of 1662
taken from the sealed books; the book approved by the English
113. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . according to the
Use of the United Church of England and Ireland; . . .
The text taken from the manuscript book originally an-
nexed to Stat. 17 & 18 Car. II. c. 6 (Ir.) Edited by A. J.
Stephens. London: The Ecclesiastical History Society.
1849, 1850.
3 volumes. Paper, $%x 8^4 inches. A reprint of the revised book
of 1662, as adopted by the Irish Convocation in 1662, with the
Irish Acl: of Uniformity of 1666.
114. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . London: Rickers
and Bush. 1863.
F*age> 35/& x 57/% (including border); paper, 4^3 x J% inches. A re-
print of No. 84.
115. Reliquiae Liturgicse. Documents, connected with the
liturgy of the Church of England ; exhibiting the substi-
tutes that have been successively proposed for it at home,
and the alterations that have been made in the adapta-
tion of it to other Churches. Edited by the Rev. Peter Hall.
Bath: Binns and Goodwin. MDCCCXLVII.
5 volumes. Page, 2§/6*4^; paper, 4*5^ inches.
116. Fragmenta Liturgica. Documents illustrative of the
Liturgy of the Church of England, exhibiting the several
emendations of it, and substitutions for it, that have been
proposed from time to time, and partially adopted, whether
at home or abroad. Edited by the Rev. Peter Hall. Bath :
Binns and Goodwin. MDCCCXLVIII.
7 volumes. Page, 2^*4*^; paper, 4*5^ inches.
117. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . in eight languages
. . . London : Bagster. MDCCCXXI.
(12), 280 leaves and pages 144-168. Page, 7^* S}4; paper, 824*
IO6 inches. Bound in dark red morocco.
118. Ordinatio Ecclesiae, sev ministerii ecclesiastici, in flo-
rentissimo Regno Angliae, conscripta sermone pa trio, & in
Latinam linguam bona fide conuersa, & ad consolationem
Ecclesiarum Christi, . . . edita, ab Alexandro Alesio Scoto,
. . . Lipsiae in officina Wolfgangi Gvnteri. Anno M.D.LI.
Black-letter. 8 and 66 unnumbered folios. Sig. A-R, in fours; S, 6
leaves. Page, 3 24 * 5 24; paper, 5 fax 7^3 inches. Contemporary
binding. A Latin translation of portions of the First Book of Ed-
ward VI, by Alexander Aless.
119. Liber Precum pvblicarvm, sev ministerij Ecclesiastice,
administrationis Sacramentorum alioruqj rituii & ce/emo-
niarum in ecclesia Anglicana. Cum prilegio [sic] Regie
Colophon: Excusum Londini apud Reginaldum Volfium,
Regiae Maiest. in Latinis typographum. Cum priuilegio
Regiae Maiestatis.
Preliminaries (20 leaves). Sig. (a), H1I, b, c, d, in fours; text, A-Z,
Aa-Qq, in fours. Page, 3 % x 6 % ; paper, 5 y2 x 7 24 inches. — Walter
Haddon's Latin translation. Copy from the Lord Amherst library,
No. 715.
120. Liber Precvm Pvblicarvm, sev Ministerij Ecclesiasti-
cae administrationis Sacramentorum, . . . Londini, Thomas
Vautrollerius. 1574.
27 (unnumbered) and 299 folios. Sig. A 8 leaves, b 4, c & d 8;
A-Z, in eights; Aa i, ii, in (reverse blank). Psalms: Aa iiii-Oo, in
eights; P i, ii, iii (reverse blank). Page, 2^3*5; paper, 324*6
inches. Bound in old English calf. A revision of Haddon's edition
of 1560; reprinted from the edition of 1571 (1572).
121. Aeirovpyio, Bperra^t/c^, rfyovv Bt'/3Xo5
ev^wv KOL StaKo^ifcrea)? javcrr^ptwv /cat TUV aXXwv
Kal reXeraii/ eV TTJ 'EK/cX^crta. r^^wv 'AyyXiKai^^ KT\.
[ 24 ]
Liber Precvm pvblicarvm ac celebrationis Sacr amen tor um
reliquorumqj Rituum & Caeremoniarum in Ecclesia nos-
tra Anglicana, . . . Opera & Studio Elite Petili Presby-
teri. Londini. Typis Tho. Cotesi pro Rich. Whitakero . . .
Sig. A,a-y, 11, 1I1I,B-N, in fours, preceded by one leaf for the title.
Page> 3 Y* x 5 y\ 5 Paper, 4j^ x 6 fy inches. The Psalter or Psalms of
David, in Greek, follow as part 2. Sig. A-P 2, in fours. Bound in
dark brown full calf.
The first translation of the whole Prayer-Book into Greek, by
Elias Petley.
122. BtyQXo? rrjs Srj/xocrias ev^s, . . . 'Ez> rf) KavTa(3piyia,
e^6TV7ra)0rj Trap' 'laidvvov ^teXSov.^Eret . . . a/^e[ = 1665] .
(35), 126 pages. Page, 2% x 5^; paper, 4x6^ inches. A Greek
translation of the Book of 1662, by James Duport, Dean of Peter-
Part 2 ((2), 171 pages) contains the Psalms of David and the
123. Liturgia, seu Liber Precum communium, . . . Lon-
dini, Excudit Rogerus Nortonus. 1670.
Sig. 11, 4 leaves, a-c, in eights; A-U, in eights; X, 4 leaves. Page,
324*6^; paper, 4^ x 6^ inches. Red-ruled throughout. Dark
red morocco binding.
A Latin translation of the Book of 1662, by Jean Durel, minis-
ter of the French congregation in the Chapel of the Savoy. This
translation, being authorized by Parliament, is an important wit-
ness for the true text of the Book of 1662. See, also, Nos. 26, 27,
and 127, 128.
124. Liber precum publicarum Ecclesiae Anglicanae, a
Gulielmo Bright . . . etPetro Goldsmith Medd . . . Latine
redditus. Impressio quinta. London: Longmans, Green &
Co. 1910.
XLII, 434 pages. Page, 3^5^; paper, 4x6^ inches. Rubrics
printed in red.
125. Le Livre des Prieres Communes, . . . Traduit en
Francoys par Francoys Philippe. . . . [Londres.] Tho-
mas Gaultier. . . . 1553.
Black-letter. Sig. a-e, in fours, and, again, e i, e 2; Ai-Zz4, in
fours. Page, 4* 6^6; paper, SJ4X7^ inches.
126. La Litvrgie Angloise, ov le livre des prieres pvb-
liqves, del 'Administration des Sacremens, &autres Ordres
& Ceremonies de 1'Eglise d'Angleterre. Nouuellement tra-
duit en Francois par 1'Ordonnance de sa Maieste de la
Grande Bretaigne. A Londres, Par lehan Bill . . . M.
Sig. A-E 4, A-Z, Aa-Rr 3 (obv.), in fours. Page, 4^ x 7 (text);
4^* 6^ (title); paper, 6%x 8% inches. Title in a compartment.
Part 2 contains: Le Livre des Pseaumes de David. Title, one leaf
(Rr 4), verso blank; A-Z 3, in fours, Z 4, blank.
127. La Liturgie, c'est a dire, le Formulaire des Prieres
Publiques, . . . A Londres. Imprimee par R. Everingham,
(20), 432 pages. Page, 3^* 6^ ; paper, 4^* 7 inches.
Authorized French translation, by Jean Durel, for the use of the
French subjects within the realm of King Charles II. See, also,
Nos. 26, 27, and 123.
128. The Same. A revised edition. 1695.
(36)> 344 pages. Page, 2^*5^; paper, yAx^A inches.
129. Le Livre des Prieres Communes, . . . The Book of
Common Prayer, . . . Oxford : Baskett. MDCCXVII.
Page, 3^4 x 1 '•> paper, 4^ x 7^ inches. Contains French and Eng-
lish parallel text and title-pages. Dark red morocco binding.
130. Llyfr Gweddi Gyffredin, a Gweinidogaeth y Sacra-,
mentau, . . . Yn Rhydychen, dros Joan Basged. MDCC
[ 26 ]
(80) pages. Page, 3^$-*"6^; paper, 4^*7^ inches. Printed in
double columns; red-lined throughout. Welsh translation of the
Prayer-Book, by Ellis Wynne (1671-1734). The Prayer-Book is
followed by the Apocrypha of the Old Testament and the New
Testament, the translation corrected by the Rev. Moses Williams,
of Devynnock; the Psalms in metre translated by Edmund Prys,
and hymns. A companion volume contains the Welsh translation
of the Old (and New) Testament. Same date and publisher. This
is also edited by Moses Williams. Contemporary binding in full red
morocco extra.
131. Llyfr Gweddi-Gyffredin, a Gweinidogaeth y Sacra-
mentau, . . . Yn y Mwythig: Thomas Durston. 1743.
Sig. A-Z, Aa-Ff, in eights; Gg, six leaves. Page, 3^5 x 5^ ; paper,
4 x 6 inches. Original dark brown leather binding.
132. The Book of Common Prayer [in English and in
Welsh] , . . with notes. Clwydian Press. Denbigh : Thomas
Gee. . . . 1823.
Page, 4^ x 7; paper, S^X9/^ inches. Bound in dark brown mo-
rocco. The English and Welsh are printed in parallel columns.
133. The Book of Common Prayer, ... in Manx. Fourth
edition. Whitehaven : John Ware, for the S. P. C. K.
Sig. A, 6 leaves, b 4; B-Z, Aa-Ii, in sixes, Kk and LI, 2 leaves
each. Page, 3^ #524; paper, 4*6^ inches. Two columns to the
page. Follows a selection of Psalms, 20 pages.
134. The Book of Common Prayer in Manx Gaelic. Being
translations made by Bishop Phillips in 1610, and by the
Manx clergy in 1765. Edited by A. W. Moore, assisted
by John Rhys. Oxford: At the University Press. 1895. 2
volumes. [The Manx Society. Publications. Vols. XXXII,
135. Leabhar na Nornaightheadh Ccomhchoitchionn,agas
Mhiniostralachda na Sacraimeinteadh, . . . Lunnduin:
Everingham. 1712.
Sig. A, 4 leaves; a-f, in twos; B-Z, Aa-Zz, Aaa-Rrr 4, reverse,
in fours. Page, 3 'fyx £>"/%; paper, 4^ x J}4 inches. Old red mo-
rocco binding.
Irish translation of the Prayer-Book, by John Richardson.
136.Leabhar nah'UrnuighChoitchionn, . . . Dun Eideann :
Moir. 1794.
(28), 47 1, 14 pages. Page, 3^6 x 6^; paper, 4^ x 8 inches. Bound
in English calf.
Translation, by Patrick Stewart, of the Prayer-Book into Scottish
Gaelic, a diale6t somewhat different from the Irish proper.
137. Leabhar nah--Urnuigh Choi tchionn . . . Glasgow:
Sinclair. 1895 [1896].
xxxiv, 588, 30 pages. Page, 3%x6; paper, 4^ x 7 inches.
138. Liturgia Inglesa o Libro del Rezado publico, de la ad-
ministracion de los Sacramentos, y otros Ritos y ceremonias
de laYglesia de Ingalaterra. . . . Augustas Trinobantum.
CI3, ICI, IXIIV [=1617?].
Black-letter. Sig. a-d, E, F, in fours; text, A-Z, Aa-Q(|, in fours.
Page, 4^4 * 6^; paper, 5%x J% inches. Contemporary binding.
Spanish translation made by Fer[di]nando de Texeda, Vicar of
Blackmere and Prebend of Hereford.
139. La Liturgia Ynglesa, 6 el Libro de Oracion Commun.
. . . Hispanizado por D. Felix Anthony de Alvarado . . .
Londres : Impresso por G. Bowyer. 1707.
Sig. A and b; B-Z, Aa-Dd, in eights; Ee 4 leaves. Page, 3^*7;
paper, 4^ #7 24 inches. Contemporary binding in dark brown
Spanish translation of the Prayer-Book of 1 662, by Don Felix Anto-
nio de Alvarado.
140. La Liturgia Ynglesa, b el Libro de la Oracion Comun,
. . . Hispanizado por D. Felix de Alvarado . . . Edicion
segunda corregida y augmentada. Londres: Impresso por
William Bowyer. MDCCXV.
C 28
xxxvin, (10), 436, (2) pages. Page, 4^ x j%; paper, 4^*
inches. Contemporary binding.
Revised, corrected, and enlarged edition of the Spanish translation
first published in 1707.
141. La Liturgia, ovvero formola delle Preghiere publiche
. . . Nuovamente tradotta dall' Inglese nel Tosco idioma.
Londra: Vernor ed Hood. 1796.
Page, 2% x 4; paper, 3*4^ inches. Light brown morocco bind-
ing. All the Occasional Offices, except Matrimony and the Church-
ing of Women, are omitted.
Translation of the Prayer-Book into Italian, by Antonio Montucci
and L. Valetti.
142. O Livro de Oragao Commum, . . . Traducido em lin-
goa de Indo-Portugueza. Londres : G. Ellerton & J. Hen-
(2), 239 pages for the Prayer-Book proper. Page, 3^ x 6% ; paper,
5^4*9 inches. The Psalter is not folioed. Bound in dark reddish-
brown morocco.
Translation of the Prayer-Book into the Indo- Portuguese language,
by Robert Newstead.
143. The Book of Common-Prayer, . . . HetBoek der ge-
meene Gebeden, . . . Amsterdam: John Crellius. M.DCC.
xxxvi, 565, (8) pages. Page, 3^ x $%; paper, 4 x 6^ inches. Ori-
ginal binding in dark red morocco.
First edition of the English and Dutch Prayer-Book. The English
and the Dutch are printed in parallel columns, the latter mainly
in black-letter type. The Dutch is from the 1704 edition, revised
by A. Duez and B. Hoefnagel, tot dienst van Haare Majesteyts
Nederduytse Hof-Capelle te S. James. It has the form: "At the
Healing," in English and in Dutch.
144. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . in English and in
Dutch. London : S. P. C. K. 1898.
(60), 811 pages. I2mo. — For the benefit of the Dutch-speaking
Boer congregation in the Cape Colony, South Africa.
145. Liturgien eller den Almindelige B0nnebog . . . Lon-
don: S. P. C. K. 1896.
(52), 635, (i) pages. I2mo. — Danish translation, by T. G. Repp,
revised by C. Bulow.
146. Liturgia Anglicana : seu Liber precumcommunium:
. . . Arabice mine primum totus editus . . . [Calcutta:]
Typis Collegii Episcopalis Calcuttensis. 1837.
xxxvi, 277, 216 pages. Paper, Sxio^j inches.
147. IJK^S; nrna bw rptyan r6np :ru» ^DD r6cnn "no
j?own nnKi rpwon n:tm : \\~\yb rron TVS
:b*rnp "spy nworb
19, 324, 124 pages. Page, 3^ *6; paper, 4^*7^ inches.
Hebrew translation for missionary purposes, made by Christian
Czerskier. A literal translation is as follows: "Order of Prayers
according to the rite of the congregation of England and Ireland.
Printed in the capital city of London. In the year of the Messiah:
And Thou in Heaven hearest and forgivest the sin of the people of
Israel." [=1853.]
rmDyn: The Book of Common Prayer. Dublin, Ireland.
civ, 106,10, (i) pages. I2mo. Written in lithographic ink by Mari-
anne Nevill within a month, for the use of Christian Israelites at
149. Du 'ai 'Omumi Kitabidir k! Inkiltera Kilisaslnin . . .
London. S. P. C. K. 1883.
47, 786 pages. Demy 8vo. A Turkish translation by Dr. S. W.
Koelle and John Tewfik.
150. Ingilteranin va Irlandarin birlashmish kilisalarinin
sabah va akhsham duwalarmin . . . London: S. P. C. K.
150 pages. i6mo. — Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in
[ 30 ]
151. Girk Hasaragats Aghotits, . . . London: S. P. C. K.
(64), 822 pages, fcap. 8vo. — Armenian translation, by C; P. H.
152. Liturgia, seu Liber precum communium, . . . Am-
harice. Opera et studio Caroli Gulielmi Isenberg. Londini:
(34), 522 pages. Demy 8vo. — Facing the Latin title is the Am-
haric title.
153. Kitab i Namaznamah 'i 'Ami Kilisai Mukaddas i
Inglistan dar Iran ki ba dast akal al-'ibad Robert Bruce
. . . Landan: S. P. C. K. 1898.'
171 pages, fcap. 8vo. — Persian translation, by Robert Bruce.
154. Kitab da 'Amo Dua'o, . . . Landan: S. P. C. K.
(28), 329, (3) pages, fcap. 8vo. — Pashtu translation, by Worth-
ington Jukes.
155. Sadharana Prathana Aura Sakramentorh Sambandho
Paricaryya . . . The Book of Common Prayer in Hindi.
London : S. P. C. K. 1906.
(i), 684 pages. Demy 8vo.
156. Du'ai 'Amm aur Sakraminton aur KalTsiya . . . Urdu
Version of the Book of Common Prayer, . . . London :
S.P. C. K. 1908.
(i), xxv, (i), 274 pages. Demy 8vo. — Printed in roman charac-
157. Du'ai 'Am aur Sakramenton aur Kilisya . . . Urdu
version of the Book of Common Prayer . . . London : S.P.
C.K. 1906.
(5)? 580 pages. Demy 8vo. — In Persian characters.
[ 31 ]
158. Inglaridaritila Ekklesiyecya Rityanusara Sadharana
Prarthana . . . The Book of Common Prayer . . . MarathI
translation . . . Kolhapur : Mission Press. 1908.
578, (2) pages, fcap. 8vo.
15 9. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . In Telugu. Revised
edition. Madras: S. P. C. K. 1880.
xv, 206, (2), 288 pages, fcap. 8vo.
160. The Book of Common Prayer in Malay ajam. . . .
Kottayam: S. P. C. K. 1907.
(8), Lin, (l), 398, 256, 101, (2) pages. Demy I2mo.
161. Kalisiyaki Sumbrarpo ketabe atheno Sagr Bacheri
lagki Sumbrar Pawriki Sakramenteki . . . Agra : Secundra
Orphanage Press for the S. P. C. K. 1886. '
200 pages. Large 8vo. — Malto version of the Book of Common
162. Ho Sadharana Binati PothI Ingalenda Eklesiyarea
. . . Chalbasa, Chhota Nagpur: S. P. G. 1902.
(2), 456 pages. I2mo. — Ho translation for the services of the
Larka Kols.
163.MundariBintlPuthineareEiiglikanaKalisiyareah . . .
1909 . . . [The Book of Common Prayer in Mundari.] Ran-
chi: S.P. G. Mission.
(i) 181 pages. Royal 8vo.
164. Pgha ghaw mil lee tah bah tii K'pah . . . The Book
of Common Prayer, in Sgau-Karen. Tounghoo: S. P. C. K.
34, 422 pages, fcap. 8vo.
165. The Book of Common Prayer, translated into Chinese :
Foochow dialect. London: S. P. C. K.
(2), 44, 472 pages. Crown 8vo.
166. The Order for Morning and Evening Prayer, and
[ 32 ]
Administration of the Sacraments, ... in the Hok-kien
dialect (Amoy colloquial). Transliterated by W.H. Gomes
and L. C. Biggs. Singapore: S. P. C. K. 1901.
(8), 216 pages, fcap. 8vo.
167. Ainu Karisia Eiwange gusu an Inonno-itak oma kam-
bi. The Book of Common Prayer. Translated into Ainu.
By John Batchelor. London : S. P. C. K. 1896.
(4), 417 pages. Demy 8vo.
168. Ekalesia ana Pari. [Portions of the Book of Common
Prayer in the Mukawa language.] London: S. P. C. K.
(2), 181 pages, fcap. 8vo. — Mukawa is a New Guinea language.
169. Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in the Wano
language, San Cristoval Island, Melanesia. London : S. P.
C. K. 1901.
64 pages, fcap. 8vo.
170. Tolaha ni Qaoolana Mala Ulawa . . . Portions of the
Prayer Book, Ulawa, Solomon Islands. London: S.P. C.K.
214 pages, fcap. 8vo.
171. Tolahai Palona Mala Saa . . . Portions of the Book of
Common Prayer in the Mala Saa dialect. London : S. P. C. K.
208 pages, fcap. 8vo.
172. Na fata fooala i Fiu kira fooa dai'ii . . . [Matins,
Evensong, Psalms, Collects and Hymns in the Fiu, Mala,
dialect, Solomon Islands.] London: S. P. C. K. 1909.
112 pages, fcap. 8vo.
173. Na ronoborononi kokoeliulivuti. . . .The Book of Com-
[ 33 ]
mon Prayer in the Florida language (Solomon Islands).
London: S. P. C. K. 1906.
(i), 302 pages, fcap. 8vo.
174. Na Buka Tarai Bugotu. [Portions of the Book of
Common Prayer in the Bugotu language of Ysabel.] Lon-
don : S.P. C. K. 1905.
191 pages, fcap. 8vo.
175. Te Pukapuka o nga Inoi . . . Ranana [f.<?., London] :
S. P. C.K. 1909.
xxvni, 491, (i) pages. 24010. — Maori, New Zealand, translation.
176. Ka Buke o ka Pule ana a me ka hooko ana . . .
(Prayer Book in the Hawaiian language for use in the
Sandwich Islands). Ladana: S. P. C. K. 1883.
XLII, (i), 468 pages. 241110.
177. Ny Boky Fivavahana mbamy ny fomba hafa sy ny
filaharana fanao ao amy ny Ekklesia, araka ny fomban' ny
Ekklesia Anglikana . . . Portions of the Book of Common
Prayer in Malagasy. London: S. P. C. K. 1909.
234; (i), 82; (i) 40 pages, fcap. 8vo.
'Bantu Languages
178. EkitaboEkyokusaba kwabantu Bona, . . . [Luganda
Prayer Book.] London: S. P. C. K. 1909.
XLVIII, 429 pages, fcap. 8vo.
179. Ekitabu Ekyokusaba kwabantu bona . . . [Portions
of the Book of Common Prayer in the Lunyoro language.]
London: S. P. C. K. 1902.
xxxm, 146, 204 pages, fcap. 8vo.
[ 34 ]
180. Same. Revised and enlarged. 1912.
xxxiv, (i), 353, (i) pages, fcap. 8vo.
181. Kulomba Kwikumutikinyi ni kwihangolobe . . . Lon-
don: S. P. C. K. 1907.
48 pages, fcap. 8vo. Service book, hymns and occasional prayers
in Lumasaba.
182. Kitabu cha Sala ya watu wote, . . . The Book of Com-
mon Prayer in Swahili. London: S. P. C. K. 1896.
xxv, 494 pages, fcap. 8vo.
183. Another, revised and corrected edition. 1907.
xxv, (i), 494, (i) pages, fcap. 8vo.
184. Chuo cha Kulomba, kwa wandu wose, . . . [The
Book of Common Prayer in Kisagalla] . Translated by the
Rev. J. Alfred Wray'. London: S. P. C. K. 1912.
470, (i) pages. i6mo.
185. ChaKufugila . . . Mu Nonga ya Kaguru. [Portions
of the Book of Common Prayer, in the Kaguru language.]
London: S. P. C. K. 1895.
196 pages, fcap. 8vo.
186. Common Prayer [Cigogo] . . . London : S. P. C. K.
(6), 300 pages, fcap. 8vo.
187. Kitamo cha Kuomba kwa wandu wose . . . Portions
of the Book of Common Prayer, in the language of Taveta,
Eastern Equatorial Africa. London: S. P. C. K. 1894.
79, (i) pages, fcap. 8vo.
188. Kitabo cha Kulomba na kwita Sakramen to, . . . Por-
tions of the Book of Common Prayer in Kisukuma. Lon-
don : S.P. C. K. 1897.
(4), 100 pages, fcap. 8vo.
[ 35 ]
189. Chikalakala cha Mapempelo ya pamoji ndi kum-
tumikila mlungu pa Sakraments, . . . [The Book of
Common Prayer in the Chinyanja language.] London:
S.P.C.K. 1909.
(12), 561, (2) pages, fcap. 8vo.
190. Minamato Yamangwanani na Mahuro . . . Matins
and Evensong ... in Chino, the language of Mashonaland.
London: S.P.C.K. 1898.
52 pages, fcap. 8vo.
191. Minamato ne Zwiyimbo. [Portions of the Book of
Common Prayer, ... in Chizwina, the language of Ma-
shonaland.] London: S.P.C.K. 1911.
268 pp. fcap. 8vo. A revised and enlarged edition of the preceding.
192. Buka ea Merapelo ea Pontshen le ea Tirelo ea Lisa-
keramente, . . . Secoana version of the Book of Common
Prayer. London: S.P.C.K. 1911.
(i), xxvu, (i), 311 pages, fcap. 8vo.
193. Buka ea Merapelo ea Pontseng le ea Disakeramente,
. . . [The Book of Common Prayer in the Sesutho lan-
guage.] London: S.P.C.K. 1892.
0)> 357> 0) Pages- fcaP- 8vo-
194. Incwadi Yemitandazo, neyemimiselo yokwenziwa
kwe-Sacramente, . . . London: S.P.C.K. 1911.
(20), 463 pages, fcap. 8vo. — Xosa-Kafir translation.
Nigerian Languages
195. Kare Dirimi Nembe bebegho . . . The Book of Com-
mon Prayer translated into the Brass language. London:
S.P.C.K. 1910.
496 pages, fcap. 8vo.
196. Addu'a ta Safiya . . . Portions of the Book of Com-
[ 36 ]
mon Prayer and hymns in the Hausa language. London :
S. P. C. K. 1908. *
48 pages, fcap. 8vo.
197. Akukwo Ekpele n'asusu Ibo. Portions of the Book of
Common Prayer in the Ibo language. London: S. P. C. K.
122 pages, fcap. 8vo.
198. Akukwo Ekpelu nke anekpelu Cuku n'ogbo na inye
-ga Sakrament, . . . London. S. P. C. K. 1908.
xxxiu, (3), 532 pages, fcap. 8vo. The Book of Common Prayer
in Ibo, including the Psalter and the Ordinal.
199. Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in the Isuama
(Ibo) language. London : S. P. C. K. 1907.
104 pages, fcap. 8vo.
200. Adua Lazi be Lozu . . (Portions of the Book of Com-
mon Prayer in the Nupe language). London : S. P. C. K.
(12), 67, (i) pages, fcap. 8vo.
201. Iwe Ise ti Egwari Sekiri . . Portions of the Book
of Common Prayer in the Shekiri language. London:
S.P. C. K. 1909.
39 Pages- fcap. 8vo.
202. The Book of Common Prayer in Susu. London:
S.P. C. K. 1869.
(i), 364 pages. 24mo.
203. Iwe Adura Yoruba, . . . London: S. P. C. K. 1879.
(2), 485 pages, fcap. 8vo. Yoruba translation, by Crowther and
[ 37 ]
204. The Order for Morning and Evening Prayer, and Ad-
ministration of the Sacraments. Together with a collection
of prayers, and some sentences of the Holy Scriptures. The
third edition . . . Translated into the Mohawk or Iroquois
language. Revised with corrections and additions by Daniel
Claus . . . [Quebec.] . . . M, DCC, LXXX.
(6), 208 pages. Page, 3^#6>6; paper, 4^*6^ inches.
205. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . : together with a
Collection of occasional prayers, and divers sentences of
Holy Scripture, . . . Translated into the Mohawrk lan-
guage, ... A new edition, to which is added The Gospel
according to St. Mark, translated ... by Captn. Joseph
Brant. London: Buckton. 1787.
(4), ill, 505, (i) pages. Page, 3^*65/8; paper, 4^*7^ inches.
English and Mohawk printed on opposite pages.
206. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . , translated into
the Mohawk language, compiled from various translations,
revised, corrected, and prepared for the press, under the
direction of the Rev. Abraham Nelles, . . . The Collects,
the Service of baptism of such as are of riper years, &c.,
translated by John Hill, Jr. ... Hamilton : Ruthven.
vm, 456 pages. Page, 3^*6}^; paper, 5 x 8^ inches.
The text, in long lines, alternate pages English and Mohawk.
207. Hanhanna qais Htayetu Cekiyapi token ptecena cyapi
ktecin, . . . London: S. P. C. K. 1889.
215 pages, fcap. 8vo. Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in
the language of the Dakota or Sioux Indians of Rupertsland.
208. ShahguhnahsheAhnuhmeahwineMuzzeneegunOjib-
wag anwawaud Azheiihnekenootah-beegahdag. Toronto:
Rowsell . . . MDCCCLIII.
1-272, i-ccclvi pages. Page, 3^ x 6% ; paper, 4}4x 7^ inches. A
[38 ]
Chippewa-Indian translation made by the Reverend Frederick
Augustus O'Meara.
209. Morning and Evening Prayer, the Administration of
the Sacraments, . . . together with hymns. [Munsee and
English.] Translated into Munsee by J. B. Wampum and
H. C. Hogg . . . London: S. P. C. K. [1886.]
35° pages. i6mo.
210. Lutheri Catechismus ofversatt pa American- Virgi-
niske Spraket. Stockholm. M DC XCVI.
(16), 160 pages. Page, 3//8*5Jl3 inches; paper, 4*6^ inches.
Original, dark brown leather binding. A translation of the Swed-
ish Lutheran Catechism into the language of the Delaware Indians
of New Sweden.
211. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Translated into
the language of the Cree Indians. By Archdeacon Hunter.
London: S. P. C. K. 1895.
(2), 190 pages. i2mo.
212. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Translated into
the language of the Cree Indians . . . By the Right Rev.
John Horden. London: S. P. C. K. 1907.
(2), 298 pages. I2mo.
213. Kwagiitl Version of portions of the Book of Common
Prayer. London: S. P. C. K. 1891.
62 pages. i6mo.
214. Ettumetle tutthug enjit gichinchik ako Sakrament
rsikotitinyoo. . . . London: S. P. C. K. 1912.
460 pages, fcap. 8vo. Archdeacon MacDonald's Tukudh transla-
215. Part of the Book of Common Prayer, . . . Translated
into the language of the Chipewyan Indians ... by W.
W. Kirkby. Adapted to the use of the Tenni Indians
[ 39 ]
by the Right Rev. W. C. Bompas. London: S. P. C. K.
(4), 276 pages, fcap. 8vo. Text in roman chara&ers.
216. Part of the Book of Common Prayer . . . Translated
intoTenni. London: S.P. C.K. 1905.
(4), 196 pages, fcap. 8vo. — In syllabic characters.
217. Shaonshkgum Shagait Gigiengwaklthit, . . . [Por-
tions of the Book of Common Prayer in the Zimshian lan-
guage.] London: S. P. C. K. 1892.
(4), 218 pages, fcap. 8vo.
218. Portions of the Book of Common Prayer ; together with
hymns and addresses in Eskimo. Translated by E. J.Peck
... and W. G. Walton. London, S. P. C. K. 1902.
Sig. A-M, in eights; N 4 leaves, fcap. 8vo.
219. Nimpasmo Nimpaiwa Nelmathnangkama. Oracion
Comun. Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in the
Lengua language, as spoken by a tribe of Indians of the
Paraguayan Chaco. London : S. P. C. K. 1907.
171 pages, fcap. 8vo.
220. Liturgia Tigurina : or, the Book of Common Prayers
. . . , usually performed in all the churches and chappels
of the city and canton of Zurick, in Switzerland . . . Faith-
fully translated out of the Helvetian into the English tongue,
by John Conrad Werndly . . . London: Newman. 1693.
(40), 320, 1 6 pages. Page, 2^x 5; paper, 324*6 inches. Original
221. The Book of Common Prayer reformed. 2d edition
. . . London: Johnson. MD. CCCII.
C 40 ]
xii, 414, (n), 150 pages. Page, 2^*4^; paper, 3^*6 inches.
English Unitarian edition of the Prayer-Book by John Disney.
222. La liturgie Vaudoise, . . . etablie dans les eglises
evangeliques des Vallees du Piemont. A Edinburg : Short-
viii, 206,5 pages. Page, 6 x 9^; paper, 10*13^6 inches. An adap-
tation of the Book of Common Prayer for the use of the French
Waldensians of Piedmont.
223 . A Rationale upon the Book of Common Prayer . . .
By Anthony Sparrow. London: Garth wait. 1657.
(io),4o8, (12) pages. Page, 2%x 5^; paper, 3 x 5^ inches. Con-
temporary binding in brown leather. Additional engraved title-page
and frontispiece.
224. The Alliance of Divine Offices, Exhibiting all the
Liturgies of the Church of England since the Reformation ;
as also the late Scotch service-book, ... By Hamon
L'Estrange. 2d edition. London: Brome. 1690.
(l6), 351 pages. Page, 5^x9^; paper, 736x11% inches. Con-
temporary binding in dark brown morocco.
225. The Common-Prayer-Book the best companion in the
House and Closet as well as in the Temple : . . . [By Wil-
liam Howell.] 5th edition. Oxford: Howell. 1692.
(14), 104 pages. Page, 2 */> x 5; paper, 3^* 5^3 inches. Engraved
frontispiece. Contemporary binding in dark brown morocco.
226. The Rites and Ceremonies of the Greek Church, in
Russia ; containing an account of its doctrine, worship, and
discipline. By lohn Glen King. London: W. Owen, . . .
(7), xix, (4), 477, (6) pages. Page, 4&*7f6; paper, 9*11^
inches. Medallion portrait of Catherine II, of Russia, on title-
page; plans of churches and plate, showing costumes of the priests,
etc. Contemporary binding.
227. A rational illustration of the Book of Common Prayer
of the Church of England. . . . By Charles Wheatly. Lon-
don: Longman, Orme &: Co. 1840.
ix, 522 pages. 8vo.
228. Worship in the Church of England. By A. J. B.
Beresford-Hope. 2d edition. London: Murray. 1875.
xii, 260 pages. 8vo.
229. Worship and Order. By the Right Hon. A. J. B.
Beresford-Hope. London: Murray. 1883.
vii, 321 pages. 8vo.
230. Ceremonial of the English Church. 2d edition. By
Vernon Staley. Oxford : Mowbray & Co. 1900.
viu, 267 pages. Small 8vo.
231. The Principles of Divine Service. An inquiry con-
cerning the true manner of understanding and using the
Order for Morning and Evening Prayer, and for the
administration of the Holy Communion in the English
Church. By the Rev. Philip Freeman. Oxford printed ; Lon-
don. 1855-1862.
2 volumes in one. 8vo.
232. A vindication of the doctrine of the Holy and ever
blessed Trinity, and the incarnation of the Son of God.
Occasioned by the Brief notes on the Creed of St. Atha-
nasius, and the Brief history of the Unitarians, or Socini-
ans, and containing an answer to both. London: Rogers.
(8), 272 pages. Page, 3^*6^ ; paper, 6%xj}6 inches. Con-
temporary binding in full dark brown morocco.
[42 ]
233. The Litany of the English Church, considered in its
history, its plan, and the manner in which it is intended to
be used. By W. H. Karslake. London : Pickering. 1876.
xii, 1 76 pages. 8vo.
234. Mensa mystica ; or a discourse concerning the Sacra-
ment of the Lords Supper. In which the ends of its insti-
tution are so manifested ; our addresses to it so directed ; our
behaviour there, and afterward, so composed, that we may
not lose the benefits which are to be received by it. By
Simon Patrick. London: A. M. for F. Titon. 1667.
(64), 446 pages. Page, 35/8*6; paper, 4.^2 x 6^ inches. Contem-
porary binding in full blue morocco. This is the 2d edition, which
contains as part 2 : Aqua genitalis : a discourse concerning Baptism.
1670. (20), 104 pages.
235. A Short and Plain Instruction for the Better Under-
standing of the Lord's Supper. . . . By the Right Rever-
end Father in God, Thomas [Wilson], Lord Bishop of
Sodor and Man. 10th edition. London: Dod. M. dec. lii.
xii, (4), 210 pages. Page, 2^x5^ ; paper, 3^* 6^2 inches. Red
morocco binding.
236. Notitia Eucharistica. A commentary, ... on the
Order for the Administration of the Lord's Supper or
Holy Communion, . . . By W. E. Scudamore. 2d edition.
London: Rivingtons. MDCCCLXXVI.
xxxiv, 1055 pages. Large 8vo.
237. Altar Service Book, according to the Use of the united
church of England and Ireland. Edited by Frederick
George Lee. London: Bos worth. 1867.
(122) folios. Page, 6^3x11^; paper, n$/s xi$3^ inches. The text
is printed in double columns and rubricated throughout. The pages
[43 ]
have red-ruled borders. This is also the case with the two compan-
ion volumes, Nos. 238, 239.
238. The Book of the Gospels, according to the Use of the
United Church of England and Ireland, throughout the
year. Edited by F. G. Lee. London: Bosworth. 1867.
(66) folios. Page, 6 x 9/^ ; paper, 9 # 1 1 24 inches.
239. The Book of the Epistles, . . . Edited by F. G. Lee.
London: Bosworth. 1867.
(44) folios. Page and paper of the same size as in No. 238.
240. The Communion and other services, according to the
use of the Church of England. Oxford: The University
Press. [No date.]
(4), 15, (i) pages, containing the Scottish Communion Office in
use in the Scottish Episcopal Church. Text, A-Z, in fours. Page,
16^*24; paper, 24*31 inches. Printed in black and red.
241. A Catechisme, or first Instruction and Learning of
Christian Religion. Written in Latine by A. Nowell. And
translated into Englishe. [Printer's mark.] At London.
Printed by lohn Daye . . . AN. 1575.
Black-letter. (4), 79, (4) leaves. Page, 4^* 6^; paper, $3/8X 7^
inches. Sig. A-y, in fours.
The fourth edition of Dean Alexander Nowell's Larger Catechism
translated into English by Thomas Norton.
242. Book of Common Prayer . . . Copy of the Alterations
in the Book of Common Prayer, prepared by the Royal
Commissioners for the revision of the Liturgy in 1689.
Extracted from the original volume . . . , and accompanied
by explanatory documents. Ordered, by the House of Com-
mons, to be printed 2 June, 1854.
1 1 o pages. Paper, 5^x9% inches. The attempted revision of 1 689.
[44 ]
243. The Revised Liturgy of 1689: Being the Book of
Common Prayer, interleaved with the alterations prepared
for Convocation by the Royal Commissioners, in the first
year of the reign of William and Mary. Edited, from the
copy printed by order of the House of Commons, by John
Taylor. London: Bagster. 1855.
viii pages, xviii and 78 leaves. Large 8vo.
244. Ritual Commission, 1867-1870. First (to Fourth)
Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the
rubrical orders, and directions for regulating the course
and conduct of public worship, &c. according to the Use
of the United Church of England and Ireland. With min-
utes of evidence and appendices. 4 volumes, bound in one.
London: Eyre & Spottiswoode. 1867-1870.
Paper, 8 x I 2 inches.
245. Royal Commission on Ecclesiastical Discipline. 1906.
— Report of the Royal Commission . . . Presented to both
Houses of Parliament by command of his Majesty. . . .
London: Wyman & Sons. 1906.
(i), viii, 79 pages. Paper, 8* 12^6 inches.
246. Royal Commission on Ecclesiastical Discipline. 1906.
— Minutes of Evidence taken before the Royal Commis-
sion on Ecclesiastical Discipline. Presented to both Houses
of Parliament by command of His Majesty. London:
Wyman & Sons. 1906. 4 volumes.
Paper, 8*13 inches.
247. A Brief Discourse concerning the Lawfulness of wor-
shipping God by the Common-Prayer. . . . 2d edition cor-
rected. London: Chiswell. MDCXCIV.
(4), 36 pages. Page, 4^ * 7; paper, S^xJ^/s inches. The author
was John Williams, Lord Bishop of Chichester.
248. A dialogue between a curat and a countrey-man
[45 ]
concerning the English-service or Common-Prayer-Book of
England. [By the Rev. John Anderson. 1668 ?-1721.
24 pages. Small 410.
249. The second dialogue between a curat and a coun-
trey-man concerning the English-service. 1711.
43 pages.
250. The answer to the dialogue &c. . . . , examined, in a
familiar letter to [Robert Calder] the author of the answer.
[By John Anderson.] 1712.
68 pages.
251. Thecountrev-man's letter to the curat. [By John An-
v L. J
derson . J 1711.
96 pages.
252. A sample of Jet-Black Pr — tic calumny, in answer
to a pamphlet, called, a sample of True-Bleu Presbyterian
loyalty. [By John McBride.]
218 pages.
253. A Persuasive to the People of Scotland, in order to
remove their prejudice to the Book of Common Prayer.
Wherein are answered, all objections against the liturgy
of the Church of England, &c. By P. Barclay. 2d edition.
London: Bowyer. 1723.
(2), viii, 172 pages. Page, 3^ x 6*^ ; paper, 4^* 7^ inches. Ori-
ginal light brown leather binding.
254. The Ingoldsby letters, (1858-1878) ... By James
Hildyard. 4th edition . . . London : Cassell, Petter &Galpin.
1879. 2 volumes.
Volume L,xii, 432 pages; 2, xii, 431 pages. Engraved title-pages,
portraits. 8vo.
255. Ritual Conformity. Interpretations of the rubrics of
the Prayer-Book, agreed upon by a conference held at All
[ 46 ]"
Saints, Margaret Street, 1880-1881. 4th edition. Oxford:
Parker. 1891.
viii, 92 pages. 8vo.
256. The Royal Commission and the ornaments rubric.
By Malcolm MacColl. London: Longmans, Green & Co.
ex, 398 pages. 8vo.
257. Convocation of Canterbury. Upper House. The orna-
ments of the Church and its ministers. Report of the sub-
committee appointed February, 1907. London: S. P. C. K.
1 20 pages. 8vo.
258. Prayer-Book revision series. Edited by Canon Beech-
ing. London: Nisbet. 1910.
7 pamphlets, each 32 pages. I2mo.
259. Some principles of liturgical reform. A contribution
towards the revision of the Book of Common Prayer, by
W.H. Frere. London: Murray. 1911.
xi, 210 pages. I2mo.
260. An Answer of the most reverend Father in God,
Thomas Archebyshop of Canterburye . . . vnto a crafty
and sophisticall cavillation deuised by Stephen Gardiner,
doc tour of law, late byshop of Winchester, agaynst the
trewe and godly doctrine of the moste holy Sacrament of
the body and bloud of our Sauiour lesv Christe. Wherin
is also, as occasion serueth, answered such places of the
bookeof D. Rich. Smyth, as may seeme any thyng woorthy
the aunsweryng. Item, ye shall fynde here also the true
copye of the booke written, and in open courte delyvered,
[47 ]
by D. S. Gardiner, not one woorde added or diminished,
but faythfully, in all poyntes agreeyng with the Originall
. . . M. D.L.I. Imprinted at London by Reynolde Wolfe.
Black-letter. (8), 459, (i) pages. Page, 5IAX9%> PaPer> ll/ixl1
261. Certaine Sermons or Homilies appointed to be read
in Chvrches, in the time of the late Queene Elizabeth of
famous memory. And now thought fit to bee reprinted by
authority from the King's most excellent Maiestie. Lon-
don, Printed by John Bill, . . . 1623.
Black-letter. Two volumes in one. (7), 98 and (3), 320, (3) pages.
Page, 6 x 9^ ; paper, 7^x11^ inches.
262. Ecclesia Vindicata : or, the Church of England justi-
fied. i. In the way and manner of her Reformation, ii. In
officiating by a publick liturgie. iii. In prescribing a set
form of prayer to be used by preachers before their ser-
mons. iv. In her right and patrimony of tithes, v. In re-
taining the Episcopal government and therewith, vi. The
Canonical ordination of priests and deacons. By Peter
Heylyn. . . . London: E. Cotes for Henry Seile. M. DC.
Black-letter. (46), 350, (4), 28, (30), 15, (2), 109,345-483 pages.
Page, 4^ x 65/8 ; paper, 5^ x 7% inches. Contemporary binding
in dark brown leather.
263. Brvtvm Fvlmen : or, the Bull of pope Pius V. con-
cerning the damnation, excommunication, and deposition
of Q. Elizabeth, as also the Absolution of her subjects of
their oath of allegiance, . . . With some observations &
animadversions upon it. By Thomas [Barlow] , Lord Bishop
of Lincoln. Whereunto is annexed the Bull of pope Paul
the third containing the damnation, excommunication, &c.
of King Henry the Eighth. The second edition. London :
Printed by S.Roycroft for Robert Clavel . . . MDCLXXXI.
(24), 231, 5 pages. Small 4to. Original binding.
264. Kei/xTpUa 'E/cKX^cricuTTtKct. The historical and mis-
[48 ]
cellaneous Tracts of the Reverend and Learned Peter Hey-
lyn. Now collected into one volume:
i. Ecclesia Vindicata: or, the Church of England justified; 2. The
history of the Sabbath, in two parts; 3. Historia quinquarticularis;
or,a historical declaration of the judgment of the Western churches,
and more particularly of the Church of England, in the five contro-
verted points reproach'd in these last times with the name of Ar-
minianism. 4. The Stumbling of disobedience and rebellion, prov-
ing the kingly power to be neither co-ordinate nor subordinate to
any other upon earth. 5. A treatise De jure paritatis episcoporum:
or, a defence of the right of peerage of the English bishops — and,
an account of the life of the author. . . .
London : M. Clark for Charles Harper . . . 1687.
Black-letter, (i), xxviii, (20), 747, 24 pages. Page, 5^x10^6; pa-
per, lY^x 11% inches. Original binding in dark brown leather.
265. Essays on subjects connected with the Reformation
in England. Reprinted, with additions, from The British
Magazine. By S. R. Maitland. London: Francis & John
Rivington. 1849.
viii, 590 pages. 8vo.
266. The history of the Church of England. From the death
of Elizabeth to the present time. By George Gresley Perry.
In three volumes. London: Murray. 1861-1864.
267. Documents relating to the settlement of the Church
of England by the Act of Uniformity of 1662. London:
Kent. 1862.
vi, 516 pages. 8vo. Edited by George Gould for the Central United
Bartholomew Committee.
268. Essays on Liturgiology and Church history. By
J. M. Neale. With an appendix on Liturgical Quotations
from the Isapostolic Fathers, by G. Moultrie. 2d edition,
with preface by R. F. Littledale. London : Saunders, Otley
& Co. 1867.
ages- 8v°-
[49 ]
269. A defence of the Church of England against dises-
tablishment. With an introductory letter to the Rt. Hon.
W. E. Gladstone. By Roundell, Earl of Selborne. New edi-
tion. London. Macmillan & Co. 1887.
363 pages. Small 8vo.
270. English Church history exhibition at the town hall of
St. Albans, from 27th June to 15th July, 1905. [Catalogue.]
Westminster: Nichols. [1905.]
viu, (i), 203 pages. 9 plates. 8vo. — Includes a series of Prayer-
Books from Edward VI to Edward VII, and other printed books
of liturgical character.
271. The Elizabethan religious settlement. A study of con-
temporary documents. By Henry Norbert Birt. London :
Bell. 1907.
xvi, 595 pages. Portraits. 8vo.
Neal, Coit and Hopkins on the history of Puritanism and
the Puritans. See Nos. 622-624.
272. The two Books of Common Prayer, set forth by au-
thority of Parliament in the reign of King Edward the sixth,
compared with each other. [By Edward Cardwell.] Ox-
ford, at the University Press. MDCCCXXXVIII.
xxxviii, (2), 438 pages. 8vo.
273. A History of the Book of Common Prayer and other
books of authority, with an attempt to ascertain how the
rubrics and canons have been understood and observed
from the Reformation to the accession of George III. Also
an account of the state of religion and religious parties in
England from 1640 to 1660. By Thomas Lathbury. Ox-
ford : Henry and J. Parker. 1858.
xii, 442 pages. 8vo.
274. The Origin and Compilation of the Prayer-Book :
With an appendix, containing various historical facts and
[ 50 ]
documents connected with the liturgy. By W. H. Oden-
heimer. 4th edition, enlarged. New York: General Pro-
testant Episcopal Sunday School Union, and Church Book
Society. 1864.
128 pages. i6mo.
275. An elementary history of the Book of Common Prayer.
2d edition. London: Macmillan & Co. 1866.
viu, 136 pages. Small 8vo.
276. An introduction to the history of the successive revi-
sions of the Book of Common Prayer. [By James Parker.]
Oxford: Parker & Co. 1877.
132 and xvii-dxxxii pages. 12 mo.
277. Notes on some passages in the liturgical history of the
Reformed English Church. By Lord Selborne. London:
Murray. 1878.
viii, 85 pages. 8vo. A most admirable presentation elicited by some
passages in Parker's two books mentioned in Nos. 276 and 279.
278. The Latin Prayer-Book of Charles II.; or, An ac-
count of the Liturgia of Dean Durel, together with a reprint
and translation of the Catechism therein contained, with
collations, annotations, and appendices. By Charles Mar-
shall and William W. Marshall. Oxford: Thornton. 1882.
ix, (i), 205 pages. 8vo.
279. The First Prayer-Book of Edward VI. compared with
the successive revisions of the Book of Common Prayer.
Also, a Concordance to the Rubricks of the several edi-
tions. [By James Parker.] 2d edition. Oxford: Parker & Co.
vii, 572 pages. I2mo.
280. The Layman's introduction to the Book of Common
Prayer: being a short history of its development. By Edwin
Harding Eland. London : Longmans, Green & Co. 1896.
viii, 195 pages. Facsimile. 8vo.
28 1 . Studies in the history of the Book of Common Prayer.
By Herbert Mortimer Luckock. New edition. London:
Longmans, Green & Co. 1899.
xxxn, 259 pages, iimo.
282. The workmanship of the Prayer Book in its literary
and liturgical aspects. By John Dowden. London: Methuen
&Co. 1899.
xv, 239 pages. Small 8vo. — The churchman's library.
283. The history of the Book of Common Prayer. By
Leighton Pullan. London : Longmans, Green & Co. 1900.
xvni, (i), 328 pages. Small 8vo. — Oxford library of practical the-
284. The Prayer-Book; its history, language, and con-
tents. By E. Daniel. 5th edition. London: Wells, Gard-
ner, Darton & Co. [No date.]
xii, 456 pages. I2mo.
285. A new history of the Book of Common Prayer with a
rationale of its offices. On the basis of the former work of
Francis Procter revised and re\vritten by Walter Howard
Frere. [3d impression, with corrections and alterations.]
London: Macmillan. 1905.
xxiv, 699 pages. Small 8vo.
286. Further studies in the Prayer Book. By John Dowden.
London: Methuen & Co. [1908.]
ix, 352 pages. Small 8vo.
287. The Book of Common Prayer, its origin and growth.
By J. H. Ben ton. Boston : Privately printed. [D. B. Updike,
The Merry mount Press, Boston.] 1910.
(i), LXVIII, (i) pages. 8vo.
288. The Book of Common Prayer among the nations of
the world. A history of translations of the Prayer Book of
the Church of England and of the Protestant Episcopal
[ 52 ]
Church of America. By William Muss-Arnolt. London:
S.P. C. K. 1914.
xxi, 473 pages. Demy 8vo. A study, based mainly, on the collec-
tion of Josiah Henry Benton, LL.D.
289. A Perswasive to Communion with the Church of
England. 2d edition. London: Gardiner. 1683.
By Robert Grove, Bishop of Chichester. (5), 43 pages. The size
of page of this and the other trails is 4 x 6^8 inches; paper, 5^ x
290. A Resolution of some Cases of Conscience with re-
spect to Church-Communion. 2d edition. London: Gardi-
ner. 1683.
By William Sherlock, Dean of St. Paul's, (i), 50 pages.
291. A Letter to Anonymous, in answer to his "Three
Letters to Dr. Sherlock about Church-Communion." Lon-
don : Gardiner. 1683.
By William Sherlock, (i), 58 pages.
292. The Case of Lay-Communion with the Church of
England considered ; and the Lawfulness of it shew'd from
the testimony of above an hundred eminent Non-Con-
formists of several perswasions. . . . London: Chiswell.
(8), 75 pages. The author of this tracl: and the two following was
John Williams, Lord Bishop of Chichester.
293. The Case of indifferent things, used in the Worship
of God, proposed and stated. . . . London : Gardiner. 1683.
(2)> 49
294. A Vindication of the Case of indifferent things, used
in the Worship of God. . . . London: Gardiner. 1684.
(0> 57 Pages-
[ 53 ]
295. A Discourse concerning Conscience; wherein an ac-
count is given of the nature, and rule, and obligation of it.
And the case of those who separate from the Communion
of the Church of England as by law established, upon this
pretence, that it is against their conscience to joyn in it, is
stated and discussed. London: Kettilby. 1684.
By John Sharp, (i), 59 pages.
296. Some Considerations about the case of scandal, or
giving offence to weak brethren. London: Basset. 1683.
By Benjamin Calamy. (i), 60 pages.
297. 298. Certain Cases of Conscience resolved, con-
cerning the lawfulness of joyning with the forms of
prayer in publick worship. 2 parts. London : Basset, &c.
By John Scott, (i), 56 and (i), 61 pages.
299. An Answer to the Dissenters' objections against the
Common Prayers, and some other parts of divine-service
prescribed in the Liturgie of the Church of England. Lon-
don : Basset. 1684.
By William Clagett. (i), 43 pages.
300. The Resolution of this Case of Conscience, Whether
the Church of England's symbolizing so far as it doth
with the Church of Rome, makes it unlawful to hold com-
munion with the Church of England? 2d edition. London :
Gardiner. 1683.
(i), 54 pages. This trail and the following one were written by
Edward Fowler.
301. A Defence of the Resolution of this Case, viz.
Whether the Church of England's Symbolizing so far as it
doth with the Church of Rome, makes it unlawfull to hold
communion with the Church of England. London : Aylmer.
(0> 52 Pages-
[ 54 ]
302. The Case of Infant-Baptism, in five questions . . .
London: Basset. 1683.
By George Hickes. (3), 106 pages.
303. The Case of the Cross in Baptism considered. Where-
in is shewed, that there is nothing in it, as it is used in
the Church of England, that can be any just reason of sepa-
ration from it. London : Gardiner. 1684.
By Nathaniel Resbury. (i), 38 pages.
304. A Persuasive to frequent communion in the Holy
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. In a Sermon upon
1 Corinth, xi, 26, 27, 28. London: Aylmer . . . 1683.
By John Tillotson. (i), 35 pages.
305. 306. The Case of Kneeling at the Holy Sacrament
stated and resolved. 2 parts. London: Gardiner, &c. 1683.
By John Evans, (i), 60; (i) 55 pages.
307. A Discourse about Edification: in answer to a ques-
tion, whether it is lawful for any man to forsake the com-
munion of the Church of England, and go to the separate
meetings, because he can better edifie there? 2d edition.
London: Gardiner. 1684.
By Gregory Hascard. (i), 28 pages.
308. A Discourse of Profiting by Sermons, and of going
to hear, where men think they can profit most. London :
Basset, &c. 1683.
By Simon Patrick. (4), 32 pages.
309. An Argument for Union, taken from the true interest
of those dissenters in England, who profess, and call them-
selves Protestants. London: Basset, &c. 1683.
By Thomas Tenison. (4), 43 pages.
310. A Serious Exhortation, with some important Advices,
relating to the late cases about Conformity, recommended
[ 55 ]
to the present Dissenters from the Church of England. Lon-
don: Gardiner, &c. 1683.
By William Cave. (4), 44 pages.
311. The Church of England free from the Imputation of
Popery. London: Abington. 1683.
By George Hooper, (i), 35 pages.
312. Articuli de quibus convenit inter Archiepiscopos, et
Episcopos u triu sque Provinciae, et clerum universum in
Synodo Londini. Anno. 1562. Secundum computationem
Ecclesice Anglicanas ad tollendam opinionumdissentionem,
& consensum in vera religione firmandum . . . Londini.
Apud Joh. Day. 1571.
Black-letter. Page, 4^ x 6^j; paper, 6 x 7*4 inches. The Latin
form of the Thirty-nine Articles, mentioned in No. 315.
313. Liber quorundam canonum disciplines Ecclesice An-
glicanas. Anno MDLXXI. Londini. Apud Joh. Day.
Black-letter. Page and paper of the same size as No. 312. The
Latin form of the Constitutions and Canons of 1571.
314. Injvnctions given by the Qveenes Majestic concern-
ing both the Clergie and Laity of this Realme. Published
Anno Dom. 1559. Being the first yeare of the Raigne of
our Soveraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth . . . Printed Anno
Dom. 1641.
Black-letter. 16 folios. Sig. A-D, in fours. Page, 4^3x6)^; paper,
315. Articles wherevpon it was agreed by the Archbishops
& By shops of both prouinces and the whole Clear gie, in the
Convocation holde at London in the yeare of our Lord God
1562 according to the computation of the Churche of
England, for the auoyding of the diuersities of opinions,
[ 56 ]
and for the stablishing of consent touchyng true Religion.
London : Christopher Barker. 1593.
Black-letter. 12 folios. Sig. A-C, in fours. Page, 324*6^j paper,
316. Capitula sive Constitutiones ecclesiastics per Archi-
episcopum, episcopos, &c reliquum Clerum Cantuariensis
provincial in synodo inchoata Londini xxv die mensis Oct.
anno Domini MDXCVII. RegniqJ serenissimae in Christo
Principio Dominas Elizabeths, . . . promulgatae. Londini,
Anno Domini MDXCVII.
Black-letter. Page and paper of the same size as No. 312. The
Constitutions and Canons of 1597.
317. Constitvtions and canons ecclesiasticall. Treated vpon
by the Bishop of London, President of the Conuocation for
the Prouince of Canterbury, and the rest of the Bishops
and Clergie of the sayd Prouince. And agreed vpon with
the kings Maiesties Licence in their Synode begun at Lon-
don Anno Dom. 1603 . . . And now published for the due
obseruation of them by his Maiesties authentic, vnder the
great Scale of England. Imprinted at London by R. Barker,
. . . Anno 1604.
60 folios. Sig. A-P, in fours. Page, 3^*6/^; paper,
318. Constitvtions and canons ecclesiasticall. Treated vpon
by the Bishop of London, . . . London: Norton and Bill,
. . . 1628.
A reprint, with only slight changes in spelling of the Canons, printed
in 1604.
319. The Avthority of the Chvrch in making Canons and
Constitutions concerning things indifferent. And the obedi-
ence thereto reqvired ; with particular application to the pres-
ent estate of the Church of England. By Fran. Mason . . .
2d edition, revised . . . Oxford: Lichfield. 1634.
(6), 72 pages. Page, 4^*6^; paper, 5^x7^ inches.
[ 57 ]
320. Reformatio Legum Ecclesiasticarum, ex authoritate
primum Henrici 8. inchoata : deinde per Regem Edovar-
dum 6. provecta, adauctaque in hunc modum, atq£ nunc ad
pleniorem ipsarum reformationem in lucem edita. Londini,
Typis T. H. & R. H. . . . An. Dom. M. DCXL.
Black-letter, xvi, 303 pages. Page, 4^ x 6; paper, S3AX11A inches.
321. A Collection of Articles, Injunctions, Canons, Orders,
Ordinances, and Constitutions Ecclesiastical, with other
publick records of the Church of England; chiefly in the
times of K. Edward VI. th, Q. Elizabeth and K. James.
Published to vindicate the Church of England and to pro-
mote Uniformity and Peace in the same. And humbly pre-
sented to the Convocation. [By Anthony Sparrow.] Lon-
don : Norton. 1661.
Black-letter. (14), 37 2 pages. Plate. Page, 4^* 6}i; paper, 6 x J^4
322. The same. The third impression with additions. . . .
London: Pawlet. 1675.
Black-letter. (12), 402, (16) pages. Plate. Page, 4^2* Jj4; paper,
7*9 inches. Contemporary binding. The main additions are the
injunctions, etc., promulgated under K. Charles I.
323. Directions to our Arch-Bishops and Bishops for the
Preserving of Unity in the Church and the Purity of the
Christian Faith, Concerning the Holy Trinity. . . . Lon-
don: Bill and Newcomb. 1695 [1696].
Black-letter. 7 pages. Page, 3/^*5^; paper, S/^x 7J4 inches. The
directions were issued by King William against the Socinians and
Unitarians of England.
324. Synodalia. A Collection of Articles of religion, canons,
and proceedings of Convocations in the province of Can-
terbury. From the year 1547 to the year 1717. With notes
historical and explanatory. By Edward Cardwell. Oxford:
At the University Press. MDCCCXLII.
Two volumes. 8vo.
[ 53 ]
325. Documentary Annals of the reformed Church of Eng-
land, being a collection of injunctions, declarations, orders,
articles of inquiry, &c., from the year 1546 to the year
1716; with notes. By Edward Card well. A new edition in
2 volumes. Oxford: At the University Press. 1844.
Facsimiles. 8vo.
326. A History of Conferences and other proceedings con-
nected with the revision of the Book of Common Prayer ;
from the year 1558 to the year 1690. By Edward Card-
well. 3d edition. Oxford: At the University Press. MD
xii, 464 pages. 8vo.
327. A Collection of the Laws and Canons of the Church
of England, from its first foundation to the Conquest,
and from the Conquest to the reign of King Henry VIII.
Translated into English with explanatory notes. By John
Johnson. A new edition. Oxford : Parker /MDCCCL, MD
Two volumes. 8vo.
328. The constitutional history and constitution of the
Church of England. Translated from the German of
Felix Makower . . . London: Swan Sonnenschein. 1895.
x, 545 pages. 8vo.
329. The Whole Booke of Psalmes, collected into English
meeter by Tho. Sterneholde, John Hopkins, and others ;
conferred with the Hebreue. London: Windet . . . 1597.
181, (21) folios. Page, \y%xiy(\ paper, 2 x 3 inches. Printed in
small clear type. Title in a compartment.
330. The Whole booke of Psalmes collected into English
[ 59 ]
meetre by T. Sternehold, W. Whittingham, I. Hopkins,
and others. Conferred with the Hebreue. With apt notes
to sing them withall. . . . London : Windet. . . . 1598.
Black-letter. Sig. A, 4 leaves; B-U and Aa-Dd, in eights; Ee, 10
leaves. No signatures X, Y, Z. Page, 4^ x 6$/g ; paper, 5%xJ/4
inches. Title in a compartment. Wood-cut initial letters.
331. The Whole • booke • of Psalmes: with their wonted
tunes, as they are sung in churches, composed into foure
parts : being so placed, that foure may sing each one a
seuerall part in this booke. . . . Compiled by X. svndry
avthors. ... In London : Printed by Thomas Este, for the
companie of Stacioners. 1604.
(i), 274, (4) pages. Page, 3^ A- 5%; paper, 4*6 inches. Each
psalm has four tunes, indicating cantus, altus, tenor, and bassus.
Pages 274-276 contain prayers; pages 277,278,3 table.
332. The Whole Booke of Psalmes. Collected into Eng-
lish meeter, by Thomas Sternhold, lohn Hopkins and
others : conferred with the Hebrew ; with apt Notes to
sing them withall. . . . London. Printed for the Company
of Stationers. 1615.
Black-letter. (19), i-no, no, in, 112, 1 12-151, + (16)= 188
pages. Page, 5^*6^; paper, 7^2* nl/z inches. Title in an elab-
orate compartment, 6^4 x 10$. inches, with Fame, Wisdome and
Science. Vignettes and initial wood-cut letters. The letter A on sig-
nature A 2, obv. and C on signature A 5, obv. have the initials
T. P., representing the name Thomas Purfoot, the elder (1562—
i6i5),who printed the book for the Company. Contemporary bind-
ing in vellum.
333. The whole booke of Psalmes : With the hymnes Evan-
gelicall, and songs spirituall. Composed into 4. parts by
sundry authors, to such seuerall tunes, as haue beene and
are usually sung . . . Newly corrected and enlarged by
Tho: Rauenscroft . . . London: Company of Stationers.
(l6)> 273> (5) Pages- Page5 3/4>5^5 paper, 3^* 6^ inches.
334. The Whole Booke of Psalmes. Collected into English
Meeter, by Thomas Sternhold, lohn Hopkins . . . London:
I. L. for the Company of Stationers. 1634.
510, (17) pages. Page, 2^*4^; paper, 3X*5/^ inches.
335. The whole book of Psalmes, with the Prose in the
Margin, according to the new translation of the English
Bible. . . . London: Company of Stationers. 1649.
(i), 428, 8 pages. Page, 324* 6; paper, 4^2.* 6j^ inches. Title in
a compartment. Red-ruled throughout, by hand. Contemporary
binding in dark blue morocco.
336. A New Version of the Psalms of David, Fitted to the
tunes used in churches. By N. Tate and N. Brady. Lon-
don : Clark . . . 1696.
(3), 316, (4) pages. Page, 2^*5^; paper, 3%* 5^6 inches.
337. A New Version of the Psalms of David ... By N.
Tate and N. Brady. 2d edition . . . London : Clark ... 1698.
(3), 314, (i) pages. Page, 2^*5%; paper, 3^*5^ inches.
338. A New Version of the Psalms of David . . . By
N. Brady and N. Tate. London: L Hive . . . 1727.
(2), 232, (2) pages. Page, 3x6^; paper, 4^*7^6 inches. Con-
temporary binding in full dark blue morocco.
339. A New Version of the Psalms of David: . . . By
N. Brady and N. Tate. Boston, New-England : Re-printed
by J. Draper, for T. Leverett, in Cornhill. 1754.
320 pages. Page, 2^# 5^; paper, 3f4*5^ inches. Pages 315-
320 contain the Benedicts, Magnificat, Nunc dimittis,and other
hymns. Then follows as part 2:
Appendix, containing a number of Hymns taken chiefly
from Dr. Watts's Scriptural Collection. . . . Boston :
Printed for T. Leverett. 1760.
84 pages, and 10 broadside-folios containing instructions how to
sing, and notes to selected hymns.
340. A New Version of the Psalms of David . . . By
[ 61 ]
N. Tate and N. Brady. Boston: John Boyles. . . . M. DCC.
276 pages. Page, 2$/%x 5/4; paper, 3^2* 6^ inches.
341. A New Version of the Psalms of David . . . By
N. Tate and N. Brady. Boston : Samuel Hall MDCC
358 pages. Page, 2^2*5^; paper, 3^2* 6^ inches.
The Psalmes of King David. Translated [in metre] by
King James. 1636. See, below, Nos. 510, 511.
342. The Psalter of David, with titles and collects accord-
ing to the matter of each Psalme . . . Oxford : Lichfield.
Black-letter. (20), 392 pages. Page, 3^* 5; paper, 3^3 x $$/%
inches. Attributed usually to Christopher Hatton, first Lord Hatton
(1605 ?— 1670), but more likely written by Jeremy Taylor.
343. The Psalms of King David paraphrased, and turned
into English verse, according to the common metre, as they
are usually sung in parish-churches . . . By Miles Smyth.
London: Garthwait. 1668.
(8)> 374 Pages. Page, 3^*6^; paper, 4^*7 inches.
The Book of Psalms in metre. By W. Barton. 1682. See
No. 628.
344. The Psalms of David, in English metre ; translated
from the original, and suited to all the tunes now sung in
churches: With the additions of several new. By Luke
Milbourne . . . London, Printed for J. Lawrence [etc.]
(23),xxnj,(i),324 pages. Page, 2^*5#;paper,3#* 524 inches.
Contemporary binding in full blue morocco. Pages ni-xxnj con-
tain the tunes of the Psalms; pages 316-324, Doxologies.
345. The Psalms of David, translated from the Vulgat.
[ 62 ]
(19), 347 pages. Page, 2^x5; paper, 3^ x 6% inches. The trans-
lator was Sir John Caryll, titular Lord Caryll.
346. The Psalms of David, Imitated in the Language of
the New Testament, . . . By I. Watts. 2d edition. Lon-
don : Clark . . . 1719.
viii, 318, (29) pages. Page, 2^*5^; paper, 3#*5>£ inches.
347. The Psalms of David, imitated in the language of
the New Testament . . . Together with Hymns, and Spir-
itual Songs, in three books . . . With Indexes and Tables
complete. By Isaac Watts. Boston : Thomas & Andrews.
227 pages. Page, \Y^x 8 inches.
348. Hymns and Spiritual Songs. In three books. I. Col-
lected from the Scriptures. II. Composed on divine sub-
jects. III. Prepared for the Lord's Supper. With an essay
towards the improvement of Christian Psalmody, by the
use of Evangelical Hymns in worship, as well as the
Psalms of David. By I. Watts. London : J. Humfreys, for
J. Lawrence. 1707.
xxiv, 276 pages. Page, 2^x5^; paper, $%x $fa inches. The first
edition of Watts's famous hymns.
349. A New Version of the Psalms of David, fitted to the
tunes used in churches. By Sir Richard Blackmore. Lon-
don: J. March. 1721.
(u), 330 pages. Page, 3 x 5 24 ; paper, 3^x6^ inches. Contem-
porary binding in full blue morocco.
350. The Psalms of David, translated into heroic verse,
in as literal a manner, as rhyme and metre will allow.
With arguments to each Psalm, and explanatory notes . . .
London: S. Birt and J. Buckland. M. DCC. LIV.
xvi, 366 pages. Page, 2^6x5^; paper, 4^*7 inches. Contem-
porary binding in full English red morocco. The translation was
made by Stephen Wheatland and Tipping Silvester.
351. The Psalms translated or paraphrased in English
verse, by James Merrick. . . . 2d edition. Reading: Carnan.
x^ 325> (13) Pages- Pa§e> 3*5^5 paper, 4*6^4 inches.
352. The Psalter; or Psalms of David, in English verse,
by a member of the University of Oxford [John Keble] .
Oxford. 1839.
353. The Psalter or Psalms of David, printed as they are
to be sung or said in churches. London : Burns. MDCCC
Black-letter. Page, 3*4^ (with border, 4^* 6^); paper 6%x
8fy inches. Edited, with notes, by William Dyce.
354. Les Pseaumes de David, mis en rime francoise par
Clement Marot, & Theodore de Besze, auec les XVI
Cantiques du Vieil & Nouveau Testament. . . . Berjon.
Sig. A-Z, a-g, and A-D 7, in eights. Page, 2^*4; paper, 3^6*
4.5/8 inches. The Catechism of Calvin, in French, is contained in
this copy.
355. De CL Psalmen des Propheten Davids . . . Mitsgaders
De Christelicke Catechismus . . . Als oock De Liturgie . . .
Tot Leyden . . . CI3. 13. C. XLII.
(82) leaves, 40 pages. Page, 3 24* 6^3 ; paper, 4^* 7^ inches.
356. De CL Psalmen des Propheten Davids . . . Mitsga-
ders De Christlicke Catechismus . . . Te Amsterdam . . .
(182) leaves. Page, 2^*5; paper, 3^6*5^ inches.
357. Tuksiautit attuagaekset illageennut innuit nunnaennet-
unnut . . . Barbime. 1785.
304, (32) pages. Paper, 4*7 inches. A hymn-book prepared by
German missionaries for the Greenland Eskimos.
[ 64 ]
358. The Psalter, or Psalms of David, in the language of
the Cree Indians of North- West America. By the Right
Rev. John Horden . . . London: S. P. C. K. 1907.
(4), 1 88 pages. iamo.
359. A Collection of Psalms and Hymns in the language
of the Cree Indians of North-West America. Compiled
by the Right Rev. John Horden. London: S. P. C. K.
xiv, 150 pages. I2mo.
360. A Collection of Anthems used in his Majesty's chapel
royal, and most cathedral churches in England and Ire-
land. . . . Published under the direction of Anselm Bayley
. . . London: Rivington . . . MDCCLXIX.
xv, 240, (7) pages. Page, 3^ x 6y&; paper, 4 }4 * 7 ^ inches. Ru-
bricated throughout.
361. The Book of Praise from the best English hymn
writers. Selected and arranged by Roundell Palmer. Lon-
don: Macmillan and Co. 1867.
xiv, (i), 512 pages. Page 2x5; paper, 4*6^ inches. A volume
belonging to the Golden Treasury series. The first edition appeared
in 1863.
362. Hymns : Their history and development in the Greek
and Latin churches, Germany and Great Britain. By
Roundell, Earl of Selborne. London and Edinburgh : Black.
(5), 216 pages. Page, 2J/& x 5J/Q-, paper, 4x6% inches.
363. The Original Services for the State-Holidays, with
documents relating to the same. Collected and arranged
by A. P. Perceval. London: Leslie. 1838.
[ 65 ]
137 pages. llmo. The standard book on the history of the state
364. Prayers and thanksgiving to be used . . . for the happy
deliverance of his Majestic, the Qveen, Prince, and states
of the parliament, from the most traiterous and bloody in-
tended massacre by gun-powder, the fifth of November,
1605 . . . London: Barker, . . . and the Assignes of I.
Bill. 1638.
The Gunpowder Plot service. Black-letter. Sig. A-G, in fours. Page,
paper, 5/4xj^_ inches.
365. A Form of Prayer with thanksgiving, to be used
yearly upon the fifth day of November . . . London : Bill
& Newcomb. MDCXC.
The Gunpoiuder Plot service. Black-letter. Sig. A and B, in fours.
Page, 4 YZ x 6 y^ ; paper, 5 y2 x 7 % inches.
366. A Form of Common Prayer, to be used upon the thir-
tieth of January . . . London. Bill & Barker. 1661.
Execution of Charles I. The church-service, 166^. Black-letter.
Sig. A-H 3, in fours. Page, 4*6^; paper, $$4x j^4 inches. Two
367. A Form of Prayer with Fasting, to be us'd yearly
upon the 30th of January, . . . London : Bill, Hills & New-
comb. 1685.
Execution of Charles I. The crown-service, 1685. Black-letter.
Sig. A-C i, in fours. Page, 35/8* 6; paper, 5*6^4 inches.
368. A Form of Prayer, with thanksgiving, to be used . . .
the 29th of May yearly, for his Majestic' s happy return to
his kingdoms ; it being also the day of his birth . . . London:
Bill and Barker. . . . 1661.
Restoration of Charles II. Black-letter. Sig. A-F 2, in fours. Page,
4 x 6J/4 ; paper, 5^2* 7^5 inches.
369. A Form of Prayer, with thanksgiving to Almighty
God for having put an end to the great rebellion by the
[ 66 ]
restitution of the king and royal family, and the restau-
ration of the government after many years interruption :
which unspeakable mercies were wonderfully completed
upon the 29th of May, in the year 1660. And in memory
thereof, that day in every year is by Act of Parliament
appointed to be for ever kept holy. [1661.] London: Bill,
Hills & Newcomb. 1685.
Restoration of Charles II. Black-letter. Sig. A-C I , in fours. Page,
3 £/8 * 6; paper, 5 * 6^4 inches.
370. A Forme of Prayer, with thankesgiuing, to be vsed
. . . euery yeere the 24. of March : Being the day of his
highnesse entry to this kingdome. . . . London : Norton
and Bill. [1603-4.]
Accession service, James I. Black-letter. Sig. A-E, in fours. Page,
6l7l6; paper, SJ^xj/s inches.
371. A Form of Prayer, with thanksgiving, to be used . . .
every yeer the 27. of March : being the day of his High-
nesse entry to this kingdome. London: Barker . . . and
. . . Assignes of John Bill. 1638.
Accession service, Charles I. Black-letter. Sig. A-F 2, in fours. Page,
; paper, 5*6/6 inches.
372. A Form of Prayer, with thanksgiving . . . , to be used
. . . every year, upon the sixth day of February, being
the day on which his Majesty began his happy reign . . .
London: Bill, Hills & Newcomb. 1685.
Accession service, *James II. Black-letter. Sig. A-B 3, in fours. Page,
6; paper, 5*6^ inches.
373. A Form of Prayer, with thanksgiving . . . , to be used
. . . , every year, upon the eighth day of March : being
the day on which her Majesty began her happy reign. Lon-
don : Bill & Newcomb. 1704.
Accession service, £)ueen Anne. Black-letter. Sig. A-B 2, in fours.
i 3^6*6^; paper, 5^2*7^ inches.
374. A Form of Prayer, with thanksgiving . . . , to be used
[ 67 ]
. . . , every year, upon the first day of August : being the
day, on which his Majesty began his happy reign. Lon-
don: J. Baskett, Newcomb & Hills. 1715.
Accession service, George I. Black-letter. Sig. A-B 2, in fours. Page,
4 x 6^ ; paper, S^X11A- inches.
375. A Fourme to be vsed in Common prayer twyse
aweke, and also an order of publique fast, to be vsed euery
Wednesday in the weeke, during this tyme of mortalitie,
and other afflictions wherwith the Realme at this pres-
ent is visited. Set forth by the Queenes Maiesties speciall
comaundement . . . xxx. Julii. 1563.
Colophon : Imprinted ... by Jugge and Cawood.
Black-letter. Sig. A-C 3, in fours. Page, 3^* 6; paper, S/^x 7/i
Contains as part 2 (Sig. D foil.): An homyly, concerning the jus-
tice of God, in punyshing of impenitent synners, and of his mer-
cies to wardes all such as in theyr afflictions vnfaynedly turne vnto
hym. Appoynted to be read in the tyme of sicknes.
376. A fourme of Prayer, necessary for the present time
and state. London : Deputies of Christopher Barker . . .
In commemoration of the Spanish Armada event. Black-letter. Sig.
A-C, in fours. Page 43/i6* 65/j6; paper, S^X11A inches.
377. The same, issued in 1603.
JAMES i : 1603-1625
378. Certaine Prayers collected out of a forme of godly
Meditations set forth by his Maiesties authoritie : And most
necessary to be vsed at this time in the present Visitation of
Gods heauy hand for our manifold sinnes. Together with
[ 68 ]
an order of a Fast to be kept euery Wednesday during the
said Visitation. London: Barker . . . 1603.
Plague of London form. Black-letter. Sig. A-D, in fours. Page,
-, paper, 5}^* 7^3 inches.
CHARLES i: 1625-1649
379. A Forme of Common Prayer, together with an order
of fasting : for the auerting of Gods heauy visitation vpon
many places of this kingdome, and for the drawing downe
of his blessings vpon vs, and our armies by sea and land.
The prayers are to be read euery Wednesday during this
visitation . . . London: Norton and Bill. 1625.
Plague of London form. Black-letter. Sig. A-O 3, in fours; A i,
blank. Page, 3$4*6#» paper, S^xl7/^> inches.
380. A Short Forme of Thankesgiuing to God for staying
the contagious sickenesse of the plague: To be vsed in Com-
mon Prayer, on Sunday es, Wednesdayes, and Frydayes:
. . . London: . . . Norton and Bill . . . 1625.
Black-letter. Sig. A-C 3, in fours. Page, 4^ *6^; paper, 5^ x j
381. A Forme of Prayer, necessary to bee vsed in these
dangerous times, of warre and pestilence, for the safety and
preseruation of his Maiesty and his realmes . . . London:
Norton and Bill. 1626.
Black-letter. Sig. A-L 3, in fours. Page, 4 x 6^4; paper, S%x T/i
382. A Forme of Prayer, necessary to bee vsed in these
dangerous times of warre . . . London: Norton and Bill.
Black-letter. Sig. A-M 3, in fours. Page, 4^ x 6%; paper, 5^ x 6%
383. A Forme of Common Prayer, together with an order
of fasting: for the auerting of Gods heauie visitation vpon
[ 69 ]
many places of this kingdome, and for the obtaining of
his blessings vpon vs. The prayers are to be read euery
Wednesday during this visitation. . . . London : Barker and
Bill. 1636.
Black-letter. Sig. A-N 3, in fours. Page, 4^*6; paper, jxiofy
384. A Forme of Common Prayer; to be used upon the
8th of July: on which day a fast is appointed . . . , for
the averting of the plague, and other judgements of God
from this kingdom . . . London: Barker and Bill. 1640.
Black-letter. Sig. A-L 4, in fours. Page, 4^* 6_^; paper, 6 x "]*/>
385. A Form of Common Prayer : to be used upon the 17th
of November, and the 8th of December: . . . for the remov-
ing of the plague, and other judgements of God, from this
kingdom . . . London: Barker and Bill. 1640.
Black-letter. Sig. A-L 3, in fours. Page, 35/8x6*4; paper, 5x7
386. A Forme of Common-Prayer, to be used . . . upon
the second Friday in every moneth. Beginning on the tenth
day of November next, being Friday. For the averting of
Gods ludgements now upon us ; for the ceasing of this pres-
ent rebellion ; and restoring a happy peace in this kingdome
. . . Oxford: Lichfield. 1643.
76 pages. Page, 35/8*6^2; paper, SX7 inches.
387. Formes of Prayer, used in the court of her highnesse
the princesse royall : At the solemn fast for the preservation
of the king. Anno M. DC. XLIX.
Black-letter. 32 pages. Sig. A and B, in eights. Page, 2^*424;
paper, 35/8*55/8 inches. Without name of place or printer.
CHARLES II : 1660-1685
388. A Form of Prayer, to be used upon the 12th of June,
[ 7° ]
in all churches and chappels within the cities of London and
Westminster; the suburbs of each, and the burrough of
Southwark. And upon the 19th of the said moneth, in all
other churches . . . within the rest of his Majesties domin-
ions of England and Wales, and the town of Berwick upon
Twede. Being . . . appointed for a general fast, to be kept
. . . , for the averting those sicknesses and diseases, that
death and scarcity, which justly may be feared from the
late immoderate rain and waters : For a thanksgiving also
for the blessed change of weather, and the begging the
continuance of it to us for our comfort. And likewise for
beseeching a blessing upon the high court of parliament
now assembled. London: Bill and Barker. 1661.
Black-letter. Sig. A-H 2, in fours. Page, 4 x 6$/8 ; paper, SIAX7IA
389. A Form of Common Prayer, to be used on Wednes-
day the 5th of April, being the day of the general fast ap-
pointed . . . , for imploring Gods blessing on his Majes-
ties naval forces . . . London: Bill and Barker. 1665.
Black-letter. Sig. A-J 2, in fours. Page, 3^* 6}^; paper, sY^xllA
390. A Form of Common Prayer, with thanksgiving, for
the late victory by his Majesties naval forces, ... to be
used . . . on Tuesday, the 20th of June . . . London : Bill
and Barker. 1665.
Black-letter. Sig. A-H 3, in fours. Page, 4 x 6^ ; paper, 5j4x J%
inches. Two copies. Commemoration of the victory over the Dutch
fleet offTexel, June 3, 1665. At the end of this war New Am-
sterdam was ceded to England and became New York.
391. A Form of Common Prayer, together with an order
of fasting, for the averting of Gods heavy visitation upon
many places of this realm. The fast to be observ'd ... on
Wednesday, the 12th of ... July ; and ... in all parts of
this realm on the 1st Wednesday in every moneth : and the
prayers to be read on Wednesday in every week during
this visitation . . . London : Bill and Barker. 1665.
Plague of London form. Black-letter. 2 leaves and sig. A-K 4, in
fours. Page, 3 24*6^; paper, S1AXT1A inches.
392. A Form of Common Prayer, with thanksgiving, for
the late victory by his Majesties naval forces, ... to be
used in and about London, on Tuesday the 14th of Au-
gust: and through all England, on Thursday the 23d of
August . . . London: Bill and Barker. 1666.
Black-letter. Sig. A-H 4, in fours; the last leaf, obverse, contain-
ing the colophon, reverse blank. Page, 4^^ 6^; paper, 5/^*7^3
393. A Form of Common Prayer, to be used on Wednes-
day, the 10th of October ... in consideration of the late
dreadful fire, which wasted the greater part of the city of
London . . . London: Bill and Barker. 1666.
The Fire of London form. Black-letter. Sig. A-G 2, in fours. Page,
4*6; paper, 5^5*7 inches. The great fire began on September
2, 1666.
394. A Form of Common Prayer, to be used on Wednesday,
the 27th of March, 1672 ... for imploring Gods blessings
on his Majesties naval forces . . . [London.] Bill and Bar-
ker. 1672.
Black-letter. Sig. A-J 2, in fours. Page, 3^8* 6^ ; paper,5^x 7^
inches. Beginning of the war with Holland, March 7, 1672.
395. A Form of Common Prayer, to be used on Wednes-
day, the 4th of February, 167f, within the cities of Lon-
don and Westminster . . . And on Wednesday the llth
of Febr. next through the rest of ... England ... for
imploring Gods blessing on his Majesty and the present
Parliament . . . London : Assigns of John Bill and Christo-
pher Barker. 167|.
Black-letter. Sig. A-J 2, in fours. Page, 3^* 6^; paper, 5^ x J3/&
396. A Form of Common Prayer, ... to be used upon
Wednesday, April 10 ... London :Bill, Barker,Newcomb
and Hills. 1678.
[ 72 ]
Black-letter. Sig. A-G 3, in fours. Page, 3^ * 6% ; paper,
397. A Form of Prayer, to be used on Wednesday the
22d of December; being the fast-day appointed by the
kings proclamation . . . London : Bill, Newcomb, and Hills.
Black-letter. Sig. A-F 4, in fours. Page, 3^* 6)^; paper, S^AX 11A
inches. The form was called forth by the invention of the Popish
plot by Titus Oates and of the Meal-tub plot.
398. A Form of Prayer with thanksgiving, to be used on
Sunday September 9 ... in due acknowledgment of God's
wonderful providence, and mercy, in discovering and de-
feating the late treasonable conspiracy against his sacred
Majesties person, and government. London : Assigns of
John Bill . . . , and Hills & Newcomb. 1683.
Black-letter. Sig. A-F,in fours. Page, 3^ x 5^; paper, 5 x j inches.
The form commemorates the discovery of the Rye House plot.
The same form for the Church of Ireland follows:
399. A Form of Prayer with thanksgiving, to be used on
Sunday, September 9 ... Dublin : Took and Crook. 1683.
Black-letter. Sig. A-F, in fours. Page, 2^ix7'j paper, 5^*
JAMES ii : 1685-1689
400. A Form of Prayer, and solemn thanksgiving ... for
his Majesties late victories over the rebels ; to be observed
. . . upon Sunday the twenty sixth of this instant July
. . . London : Assigns of John Bill . . , and Hills Sc New-
comb. 1685.
Black-letter. Sig. A-B 2, in fours. Page, 4^x65^; paper,
WILLIAM III AND MARY: 1689-1694 (1702)
401. A Form of prayer to be used on Wednesday the 12th
[ 73 ]
day of March . . . being the fast day . . . To be observed
... for supplicating Almighty God for the pardon of
our sins . . . London : Bill and Newcomb. MDCLXXXIX
[i.e. 1690].
Black-letter, excepting the title-page. Sig. A-F 2, in fours. Page,
; paper, 5/^*7^ inches.
402. A Form of prayer, to be used on Friday the 15th of
August, and on every Friday during his Majesties expe-
dition in the Kingdom of Ireland : being the fast-days ap-
pointed by the king and queen . . . Dublin : Edward Jones.
Black-letter. Sig. A-D 3, in fours. Page, 4^x6^; paper, S/^X7
403. A collect to be used in the morning-service on the
sixteenth day of July ; appointed by the Lords-Justices to
be observed as a thanks-giving day, for the late eminent
victory in Connaught, July 12. 1691. Dublin: Crook, as-
signee of ... Tooke. 1691.
Black-letter, excepting the title-page. 2 folios. Page, 4^/8 x 6; paper,
404. A Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving ... to be used
... on Sunday, the 12th of November . . . for the preser-
vation of his Maiesty from the great and manifold dangers
to which his royal person \vas exposed during his late ex-
pedition : and for his safe return to his people. London:
Bill and Newcomb. MDCXCIII.
Black-letter. Sig. A-C 2, in fours. Page, 4^ x 6^ ; paper,5^ x
OJJEEN ANNE: 1702-1714
405. A Form of Prayer, and thanksgiving . . . ; to be used
on Thursday, the 23d of August, ... for the late glorious
success in forcing the enemies lines in the Spanish Nether-
lands, by the arms of her Majesty and her allies, under
[ 74 ]
the command of the Duke of Marlborough . . . London :
Bill and Newcomb. 1705.
Black-letter. Sig. A-B 2, in fours. Page, 3^x6^; paper, S%
Most of the forms proclaimed by Queen Anne and George I have
the same size of paper as this form.
406. A Form of Prayer, to be used ... on Wednesday
the 20th of March . . . for imploring the continuance of
Gods blessing and assistance on the arms of her Majesty,
and her allies, engaged in the present war, . . . London :
Bill and Newcomb. 1706.
Black-letter. 43 pages. Page, 4*6^ inches.
407. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . , to be used
on Thursday the 27th of June, ... for having given to the
arms of her Majesty, . . . under the command of John,
Duke of Marlborough, a ... victory in Brabant over the
French army, and for restoring the greatest part of the
Spanish Netherlands to the possession of the house of
Austria, . . . , and for having bless'd the arms of her
Majesty . . . with great success in Catalonia, and other
parts of Spain . . . London: Bill & Newcomb. 1706.
Black-letter. Sig. A-B 2, in fours. Page, 4,.l/>xbl/s inches.
408. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving, to be used on
Tuesday, the 31st of December, ... for the great and
wonderful success vouchsafed to the arms of her Majesty
and her allies; . . . London: Bill and Newcomb. 1706.
Black-letter. Sig. A-B I, in fours. Page, 4*6^ inches.
409. A Form of Prayer, to be used ... on Wednesday the
9th of April . . . for imploring the continuance of Gods
blessing and assistance on the arms of her Majesty, and
her allies, engaged in the present war; and for restoring
peace, safety, and prosperity . . . London : Bill and New-
comb. 1707.
Black-letter. 43 pages. Page, 3^x6^ inches.
[ 75 ]
410. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving, to be used on
Thursday, the first of May, . . . for the . . . conclusion of
the treaty for the Union of her Majesties two kingdoms of
England and Scotland ; ... for disappointing the bound-
less ambition of France ; and, for beseeching Him, to give
all her Majesties subjects hearts disposed to become one
people. London: Bill and Newcomb. 1707.
Black-letter. Sig. A-B i,in fours. Page, 4*6^ inches.
41 1 . A Form of Prayer, to be used ... on Wednesday the
14th of January, ... for obtaining the pardon of our sins,
and imploring Gods blessing and assistance on the arms
of her Majesty and her allies, engaged in the present war ;
. . . London: Bill and Newcomb. 1707 [i.e. 1708].
Black-letter. 44 pages. Page, 3^x6% inches.
412. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving, to be used on
Thursday the 19th of August; . . . for the happy success
of her Majesties councils and forces against the late inso-
lent and unjust attempt of the common enemy and the
Pretender, to invade her Majesties kingdom of Great
Britain ; as also for the late great victory obtain 'd over the
French army near Audenarde . . . London : Bill and New-
comb. 1708.
Black-letter. Sig. A-B i, in fours. Page, 4^2 x 6 y? inches.
413. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving, to be used on
Thursday the 17th of February ... for protecting her
Majesty this year . . . , and for blessing the arms of her
Majesty . . . throughout this last campaign, happily finished
by the taking of ... Lisle and the reduction of Ghent and
Bruges. London: Bill and Newcomb. 1708 [i.e. 1709].
Black-letter. Sig. A-B 2, in fours. Page, 4 x 6% inches.
414. Prayers to be used next after the Prayer "In time
of War and Tumults" . . . , on all Sundays, Wednesdays,
and Fridays, during the present war . . . [June, 1709].
[London: Bill and Newcomb. 1709.]
Black-letter. 3 pages. Page, 4^*6^ inches.
[ 76]
415. October 3, 1709. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiv-
ing, to be used on Tuesday, the 22d of November, for
continuing her Majesty His protection and assistance in
the . . . war, in which she is engaged, by giving her arms
... a signal and glorious victory at Blaregnies near Mons
in Hainault. London: Bill and Newcomb. 1709.
Black-letter. Sig. A-B 2, in fours. Page, 4^8 AT 7 inches. See, also,
No. 501.
416. A Form of Prayer, to be used ... on Wednesday
the 15th of March, being the day appointed by her Ma-
jesty for a general fast and humiliation . . . London : New-
comb and Hills. 17^.
Black-letter. 43 pages. Page, 4*6^ inches.
417. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving, to be used on
Tuesday the 7th of November . . . for . . . giving to our
arms ... a wonderful course of successes this campaign,
and more particularly, a signal and glorious victory in
Spain. London: Newcomb and Hills. 1710.
Black-letter. Sig. A-B 2, in fours. Page, 4^*6^ inches. See,
also, No. 502.
418. A Form of Prayer, to be used ... on Wednesday the
28th of March . . . appointed by her Majesty for a gen-
eral fast and humiliation . . . London : Newcomb and Hills.
Black-letter. 43 pages. Page, 4^x6^ inches.
419. A Form of Prayer, to be used ... on Wednesday,
the 16th of January . . . appointed by her Majesty for a
general fast and humiliation . . . London : Newcomb and
Hills. 17li
Black-letter. 43 pages. Page, 4^3* 6^-2 inches.
[ 77 ]
GEORGE I I 1714-1727
420. A form of Prayer and thanksgiving ... to be used
... on Thursday, the 20th of January, for bringing his
Majesty to peaceable and quiet possession of the throne,
and thereby disappointing the designs of the Pretender, and
all his adherents. London: Baskett, Newcomb and Hills.
Black-letter. Sig. A-C 4, in fours. Page, 3^*6^3 inches.
421. Prayers to be used next after the Prayer "In time
of war and tumults,'1 ... on all Sundays, Wednesdays,
and Fridays, . . . for imploring God's blessing on the
counsells and arms of his Majesty, King George, in order
to the disappointing of the evil designs of his and our ene-
mies, and the settling of these kingdoms in peace [October,
1715]. London: Baskett, Newcomb and Hills. 1715.
Black-letter. 4 pages. Page, 4 x 6^/g inches.
422. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . , to be used
... on Thursday, the 7th of June, for the blessing of God
upon his Majesties counsels, and arms, in suppressing
the late unnatural rebellion. London: Baskett, Newcomb,
and Hills. 1716.
Black-letter. Sig. A-C 3, in fours. Page, 4)^x6^ inches.
GEORGE II : 1727-1760
423. A Form of Prayer to be used . . . upon Wednesday,
the 9th of January [1740], . . . appointed . . . for a gen-
eral fast and humiliation before Almighty God . . . Lon-
don: Baskett. MDCCXXXIX.
Black-letter. 28 pages. Page, 4^8*6^ inches; paper, 6xj^4
This is also the size of paper of the special forms of prayer (gen-
eral), Nos. 424-453, 455-459.
[ 78 ]
424. A Form of Prayer., to be used . . . upon Wednes-
day, the llth of April [1744] . . . appointed ... for a
general fast and humiliation before Almighty God . . . for
. . . restoring . . . peace . . . London: Baskett. 1744.
Black-letter. 29 pages. Page, 4.^x6% inches.
425. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . , upon Wednes-
day the 18th of December, being the day, appointed . . for
a general fast and humiliation before Almighty God, . . .
London: Baskett. 1745.
Black-letter. 29 pages. Page, 4^*65^ inches.
426. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . , upon Wednesday,
the 17th of February, being the day, appointed ... for
a general fast and humiliation before Almighty God, . . .
London: Baskett. 1747.
Black-letter. 29 pages. Page, 4.^3x6% inches.
427. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . , to be used
... on Tuesday, the 25th of April, being the day appointed
. . . for a general thanksgiving to Almighty God, for
putting an end to the late bloody and expensive war, by
the conclusion of a just and honourable peace. London :
Baskett. 1749.
Black-letter. 15 pages. Page, 4.^x6^4 inches.
428. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . , upon Friday,
the 6th of February, being the day appointed . . . for
a general fast and humiliation. . . . London : Baskett.
Black-letter. 21 pages. Page, 4.^x6 inches.
429. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . , upon Friday,
the llth of February, being the day appointed ... for
a general fast and humiliation . . . London : Baskett.
Black-letter. 30 pages. Page, 4^2*6^ inches.
430. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . , upon Friday, the
[ 79 ]
17th of February, being the day appointed ... for a gen-
eral fast and humiliation . . . London: Baskett. 1758.
Black-letter. 30 pages. Page, 4^*6^ inches.
431. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . , upon Friday, the
7th of February, being the day appointed . . . for a general
fast and humiliation . . . London: Baskett. 1759.
Black-letter. 30 pages. Page, 4*^*6^ inches.
432. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving ... to be used
... on Thursday, the 29th of November, being the day
appointed ... for a general thanksgiving to God ; for vouch-
safing such signal successes to his Majesty's arms, both
by sea and land, particularly by the defeat of the French
army in Canada, and the taking of Quebec ; and for most
seasonably granting us at this time an enormously plenti-
ful harvest. London: Baskett. 1759.
Black-letter. 15 pages. Page, 4^*5^ inches.
433. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . , to be used
at morning and evening service, after the "general thanks-
giving," ... on Sunday, the 9th of December, 1759;
. . . for the victory gained by his Majesty's fleet under the
command of Sir Edward Hawke, on the 20th of Novem-
ber . . . London: Baskett. 1759.
Black-letter. 4 pages. Page, 4^ xb/£ inches.
434. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . , upon Friday, the
14th of March, 1760, being the day appointed ... for a
general fast and humiliation . . . London : Baskett. 1760.
22 pages. Page, 4/^2*5^ inches.
GEORGE in: 1760-1820
435. A Form of Prayer to be used . . . , upon Friday, the
13th of February, 1761, being the day appointed ... for a
general fast and humiliation . . . London: Baskett. 1761.
27 pages. Page, 4^x6 inches.
436. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . upon Friday, the
12th of March, 1762, being the day appointed ... for a
general fast and humiliation . . . London: Baskett. 1762.
27 pages. Page, 4*^*6 inches.
437. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . , to be used
... on Thursday the 5th of May, being the day appointed
... for a general thanksgiving to Almighty God, for put-
ting an end to the late bloody and expensive war, by the
conclusion of a just and honourable peace. London : Bas-
kett. 1763.
14 pages. Page, 4 x 6% inches.
438. Another edition. Printed for J. Baskett : London. 1763.
8 pages, lacking the title-page. Page, 4 /4x6% inches.
439. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . , upon Friday, the
13th of December, being the day appointed . . . for a gen-
eral fast and humiliation. . . . London: Eyre and Strahan.
24 pages. Page, 4^ x 6 inches. This form and the six following
(Nos. 440-445) were exercised during the American War of In-
dependence, April 19, 1775-September 3, 1783.
440. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . , on Friday, the
27th of February, 1778, being the day appointed ... for
a general fast and humiliation. Bristol : M. Ward. [1778.]
xvi pages. Page, 3%* 6/4 inches.
441. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . , upon Wednes-
day, the 10th of February, being the day appointed . . .
for a general fast and humiliation . . . London : Eyre and
Strahan. 1779.
24 pages. Page, 4^*6 •*• 6 inches.
442. A Prayer to be used every day next after the Prayer
"In time of war and tumults," . . . during the present
troubles . . . London : . . . Eyre and . . . Strahan, . . .1779.
4 pages. Page, 4^* 6^ inches.
[ 81 ]
443. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . , upon Friday the
4th of February, being the day appointed ... for a gen-
eral fast and humiliation . . . London : Eyre and Strahan.
22 pages. Page, 4 5/6 #63^ inches.
444. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . , upon Friday, the
8th of February, being the day appointed ... for a gen-
eral fast and humiliation . . . London: Eyre and Strahan.
24 pages. Page, 45/8* 6^ inches.
445. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . , to be used
. . . , on Thursday, the 29th of July, being the day ap-
pointed . . . for a general thanksgiving to Almighty God,
for putting an end to the late bloody, extended, and ex-
pensive war in which we were engaged . . . Printed in the
year 1784.
8 pages. Page, 4*5^ inches.
446. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . , to be used
. . . , on Thursday, the 23d of April, being the day ap-
pointed . . . for a general thanksgiving to Almighty God,
for the signal interposition of his good providence in deliv-
ering our most gracious sovereign from the severe illness
with which he hath been afflicted. London: Printed in the
year 1789.
8 pages. Page, 4^x6^ inches.
447. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . , upon Friday, the
19th of April, being the day appointed . . . for a gen-
eral fast and humiliation . . . London: Eyre and Strahan.
22 pages. Page, 4^2 x 6% inches. This form was proclaimed at the
opening of the wars against the French Republic and against Na-
poleon I. To the same period belong also the following forms, Nos.
448. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . , upon Friday, the
[ 82 ]
28th of February, being the day appointed ... for a gen-
eral fast and humiliation . . . London: Eyre and Strahan.
23 pages. Page, 4*6^ inches.
449. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . , upon Wednes-
day, the 25th of February, being the day appointed . . .
for a general fast and humiliation . . . London : Eyre and
Strahan. 1795.
1 6 pages. Page, 4 AT 7 inches.
450. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . , upon Wednes-
day, the 9th of March, being the day appointed ... for a
general fast and humiliation. London: Eyre and Strahan.
1 6 pages. Page, 4.% x 7^ inches.
451. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . upon Wednesday,
the 8th of March, being the day appointed . . . for a gen-
eral fast and humiliation . . . London: Eyre and Strahan.
I 6 pages. Page, 4x7^ inches.
452. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . , to be used
on Thursday the 19th of December 1797, being the day
appointed . . . for a general thanksgiving to Almighty God,
for the many signal and important victories, which his
divine providence hath vouchsafed to his Majesty's fleets
in the course of the present war. . . . London : Eyre and
Strahan. 1797.
II pages. Page, 4^4 # 6^ inches.
453. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . , upon Wednes-
day, the 7th of March, being the day appointed ... for
a general fast and humiliation . . . London : Eyre and
Strahan. 1798.
19 pages. Page, 4^*6}^ inches.
454. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving, for the sig-
[ 83 ]
nal victory obtained by his Majesty's ships of war, under
the command of Admiral Nelson, over the French fleet, on
Wednesday, the 1st of August, 1798. To be used . . . ,
on Sunday, the 21st of October, 1798 . . . London: . . .
Eyre and . . . Strahan, . . . 1798.
4 pages. Page 4 % x 6^6 ; paper, 6%x 8% inches. See also, below,
No. 504.
455. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . , to be used
. . . , on Thursday, the 29th of November, 1798, being
the day appointed . . . for a general thanksgiving to Al-
mighty God, for the late glorious victory obtained by his
Majesty's ships of war, under the command of Rear Ad-
miral Lord Nelson of the Nile, over the French fleet, . . .
London: Eyre and Strahan. 1798.
ii pages. Page, 4^*6^ inches.
456. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . , upon Wednes-
day, the 27th of February, being the day appointed . . .
for a general fast and humiliation, . . . London : Eyre and
Strahan. 1799.
19 pages. Page, 4.2^x6% inches.
457. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . , upon Wednesday,
the 12th of March, being the day appointed ... for a gen-
eral fast and humiliation . . . London : Eyre and Strahan.
1 6 pages. Page, 4^ x j% inches.
458. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . , throughout Eng-
land and Ireland, on Friday, the 13th of February, being
the day appointed . . . for a general fast and humiliation.
. . . London: Eyre and Strahan. 1801.
2O pages. Page, 4^-X 6% inches.
459. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . , to be used
. . . , on Tuesday, the 1st of June, being the day appointed
. . . for a general thanksgiving to Almighty God, for put-
ting an end to the late bloody, extended, and expensive
[ 84 ]
war, in which we were engaged. . . . London: Eyre and
Strahan. 1802.
1 1 pages. Page, 4^-6^ inches. This form was proclaimed in com-
memoration of the Peace of Amiens, March 27,1802.
460. A Prayer to be used every day next after thePrayer" In
time of war and tumults," . . . during the war. London:
. . . Eyre and . . . Strahan, . . . 1803.
4 pages. Page, 4 %x6; paper, 6^*8^ inches.
461. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . , to be used
... on Thursday, the 5th of December, 1805, being the
day appointed . . . ; for the late signal and important vic-
tory obtained by his Majesty's ships of war, under the com-
mand of the late vice admiral, Lord Viscount Nelson, over
the combined fleet of France and Spain . . . London : . . .
Eyre and . . . Strahan. 1805.
1 1 pages. Page, 4^ x 6% ; paper, 6*8 inches. Commemoration of
Nelson's victory at Trafalgar, October 21, 1805.
462. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . , on Wednesday,
the 17th of February, 1808, being the day appointed . . .
for a general fast and humiliation . . . London : . . . Eyre
and . . . Strahan, . . . 1808.
20 pages. Page, 4^3x8^; paper, 6^*8^ inches.
463. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . , on Wednesday,
the 28th of February, 1810, being the day appointed . . .
for a general fast and humiliation . . . London : . . . Eyre
and . . . Strahan, . . . 1810.
1 6 pages. Page, 4*7; paper, S^xjH inches.
464. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . ; to be used
. . . , on Thursday, the 18th of January, 1816, being the
day appointed . . . for a general thanksgiving to Almighty
God : for his great goodness in putting an end to the war
in which we were engaged against France . . . London :
. . . Eyre and . . . Strahan, . . . 1816.
14, (2) pages. Page, 4*5^; paper, 6#*8# inches.
[85 ]
WILLIAM IV : 1830-1837
465. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . , to be used
. . . , upon Sunday, the 14th of April, 1833, being the day
appointed for a general thanksgiving to Almighty God : to
acknowledge his great goodness and mercy in removing
from us that grievous disease with which several places in
this kingdom have been lately visited . . . London : . . .
Eyre and . . . Spottiswoode, . . . 1833.
II pages. Page, 4^*6^; paper, 6^ x 8 inches.
quEEN VICTORIA: 1837-1901
466. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving to Almighty God;
for his late merciful preservation of the Queen from the
atrocious and treasonable attempt against her sacred per-
son, on Wednesday, the 10th of June, 1840. To be used
. . . , on Sunday, the 2 1st of June . . . London: . . . Eyre
and . . . Spottiswoode, . . . 1840.
4 pages. Page, ^.^xb1^; paper, 6^x8 inches.
467. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . ; for the safe
delivery of the Queen, and the happy birth of a princess.
To be used . . . , upon Sunday, the 29th of ... Novem-
ber, . . . London : . . . Eyre and . . . Spottiswoode . . .
4 pages. Page, 4.^x6%', paper, 6%x 8 inches.
468. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . ; for the safe
delivery of the Queen, and the happy birth of a prince.
To be used . . . , upon Sunday, the 14th of ... Novem-
ber, . . . London : . . . Eyre and . . . Spottiswoode, . . .
4 pages. Page, 4^*6^; paper, 6%x% inches.
469. AForm of Prayer and thanksgiving to Almighty God;
for his late merciful preservation of the Queen from the
[ 86 ]
atrocious and treasonable attempt against her sacred per-
son, on Monday, the 30th of May, 1842. To be used . . . ,
on Sunday, the 5th of ... June . . . London : . . . Eyre and
. . . Spottiswoode, . . . 1842.
4 pages. Page, 4^* 6^; paper, 6%x 8 inches.
470. A Prayer of thanksgiving to Almighty God, for the
great blessing which, in his mercy and goodness, he hath
vouchsafed to this nation, in the late abundant harvest. To
be used . . . , on Sunday, the 2d of October . . . London :
. . . Eyre and . . . Spottiswoode, . . . 1842.
4 pages. Page, 4-%x6%; paper, 6^x 8 inches.
471. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . ; for the safe
delivery of the Queen, and the happy birth of a princess.
To be used . . . , upon Sunday, the 30th of April . . . Lon-
don : . . . Eyre and . . . Spottiswoode, . . . 1843.
4 pages. Page, 4^ #6^; paper, b^x 8 inches.
472. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . ; for the safe
delivery of the Queen, and the happy birth of a prince. To
be used . . . , upon Sunday, the llth of August . . . Lon-
don : . . . Eyre and . . . Spottiswoode, . . . 1844.
4 pages. Page, 4^x65^; paper, 6/{x 8 inches.
473. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . ; for the safe
delivery of the Queen, and the happy birth of a princess.
To be used . . . , upon Sunday, the 3 1st of May . . . Lon-
don . . . Eyre and . . . Spottiswoode . . . , 1846.
4 pages. Page, 4^ x6j^; paper, 6^ x 8 inches.
474. A Form of Prayer . . . ; for relief from the dearth and
scarcity now existing in parts of the United Kingdom,
oAving to the failure of some of the crops of the present
year, to be read . . , , on Sunday, the llth of October, and
the two following Sundays, immediately before the Litany,
and when the Litany shall not be read , before ' ' The prayer
[ 87 ]
for all conditions of men." London: . . . Eyre and . . .
Spottiswoode, . . . 1846.
4 pages. Page, 4^* 6^ ; paper, 6%x 8 inches.
475. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . , on Wednesday,
the 24th of March, 1847, being the day appointed ... for a
general fast and humiliation . . . : for the removal of those
heavy judgments which our manifold sins and provocations
have most justly deserved ; and with which Almighty God
is pleased to visit the iniquities of this land by a grievous
scarcity and dearth of divers articles of sustenance and
necessaries of life . . . London : . . . Eyre and . . . Spottis-
woode, . . . 1847.
15 pages. Page, 45^*6^; paper, 6}(xS inches.
476. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . , to be used
. . . , on Sunday, the 17th of October, 1847 . . . : for the
late abundant harvest . . . London: . . . Eyre and . . .
Spottiswoode, . . . 1847.
14, (2) pages. Page, 4.^x6%; paper, 6%x 8 inches.
477. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . ; for the safe
delivery of the Queen, and the happy birth of a princess.
To be used ... . , upon Sunday, the 26th of March . . .
London: . . . Eyre and . . . Spottiswoode, . . . 1848.
4 pages. Page, 4^ x6%; paper, 6}{x 8 inches.
478. A Form of Prayer . . . , for the maintenance of peace
and tranquillity, to be used on Friday, the 21st of April
. . . , before the general thanksgiving, and on the four
Sundays following, . . . London : . . . Eyre and . . . Spottis-
woode, . . . 1848.
4 pages. Page, 4.^x6%; paper, 6%x 8 inches.
479. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . , to be used
. . . , on Thursday, the 15th of November, 1849, being
the day appointed for a general thanksgiving to Almighty
God : to acknowledge his great goodness and mercy in re-
[ 88 ]
moving from us that grievous disease with which many
parts of this kingdom have been lately visited . . . London:
. . . Eyre and . . . Spottiswoode, . . . 1849.
ii pages. Page, 4^x6^; paper, 6%x 8 inches.
479 A. Another issue.
7 pages. Page, 4^x7^; paper, 5^ x 8^ inches.
480. A Special Form of Prayer, to be used . . . , instead of
the prayer used during any time of common prayer or sick-
ness, on Sunday, the 16th of September; and to be con-
tinued during the prevalence of the cholera in this country ;
for obtaining pardon of our sins; and, particularly, for be-
seeching God to remove from us that grievous disease with
which many places in this kingdom are now visited . . .
London: . . . Eyre and . . . Spottiswoode, . . . 1849.
4 pages. Page, 4^ x6%; paper, 6%xS inches.
48 1 . A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . ; for the safe
delivery of the Queen, and the happy birth of a prince. To
be used . . . , upon Sunday, the 5th of May . . . London:
. . . Eyre and Spottiswoode, . . . 1850.
4 pages. Page, 4^x6^; paper, 6%x 8 inches.
482. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . , on Wednesday,
the 26th of April, 1854, being the day appointed ... for
general humiliation and prayer before Almighty God : . . .
imploring his blessing and assistance on our arms, for the
restoration of peace to her Majesty and her dominions . . .
London: . . . Eyre and . . . Spottiswoode, . . . 1854.
1 6 pages. Page, 4 ^.xjj/^; paper, 6^*8 inches.
483. Another issue.
8 pages. Page, 4^*7^; paper, 5^ *8^ inches.
484. A Prayer of thanksgiving . . . , for the present abun-
dant harvest. To be used at morning and evening service,
after the general thanksgiving . . . , on Sunday, the 1st of
[ 89 ]
October . . . London: . . . Eyre and . . . Spottiswoode.
. . . 1854.
4 pages. Page, 4.^x6%; paper, 6%xS inches.
485. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . , on Wednesday,
the 21st of March, 1855, being the day appointed ... for
a solemn fast, humiliation and prayer . . . London : . . .
Eyre and . . . Spottiswoode, . . . 1855.
14, (2) pages. Page, ^.fyxjj^; paper, 6^x8 inches.
486. Another issue.
8 pages. Page, 4^x7^; paper, syZxSfy inches.
487. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . , for the sig-
nal and repeated successes obtained by the troops of her Ma-
jesty, and by those of her allies, in the Crimea ; and espe-
cially for the capture of the town of Sebastopol. To be used
at morning and evening service, after the general thanks-
giving, . . . , upon Sunday the 30th of September . . .
London: . . . Eyre and . . . Spottiswoode, . . . 1855.
4 pages. Page, 4^x6^; paper, 6%x8 inches.
488. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . ; to be used
. . . , on Sunday the 4th of May, 1856, being the day
appointed . . . for a general thanksgiving to Almighty God:
for his great goodness in putting an end to the war in which
we were engaged against Russia . . . London : . . . Eyre
and . . . Spottiswoode, . . . 1856.
4 pages. Page, 4^x6^; paper, 6%x8 inches.
489. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . , for the safe
delivery of the Queen, and the happy birth of a princess. To
be used . . . , upon Sunday, the 19th of April . . . Lon-
don : . . . Eyre and . . . Spottiswoode, . . . 1857.
4 pages. Page, 4%x6%; paper, 6^*8 inches.
490. A Form of Prayer, to be used . . . , on Wednesday,
the 7th of October, 1857, being the day appointed ... for
a solemn fast, humiliation, and prayer before Almighty
God : ... for imploring his blessing and assistance on our
arms for the restoration of tranquillity in India . . . Lon-
don : . . . Eyre and . . . Spottiswoode, . . . 1857.
14, (2) pages. Page, 4/6 #6^; paper, 6^*8 inches.
491. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . ; to be used
. . . , on Sunday the 1st of May, 1859, being the day ap-
pointed for a general thanksgiving to Almighty God : For
the success granted to our arms in suppressing the rebellion
and restoring tranquillity in her Majesty's Indian domin-
ions . . . London : . . . Eyre and . . . Spottiswoode, ... 1859.
4 pages. Page, 4^x6^; paper, 6% x 8 inches.
492. A Form of Prayer . . . ; for relief from the plague
now existing amongst cattle ; and for the protection against
the cholera. To be read until further order, . . . , on Sunday
the 8th of October, . . . immediately after the third collect
in the morning and evening service. London : . . . Eyre and
. . . Spottiswoode, . . . 1865.
4 pages. Page, 4^*6^; paper, 6%x8 inches.
493. A special Form of Prayer . . . ; to be read immedi-
ately after the third collect in the morning and evening
service, ... on Sunday the 12th of August, 1866, . . . ,
during the prevalence of the cholera, and of cattle plague,
in this country, instead of the prayer now used for relief
from the plague existing amongst cattle, and for protec-
tion against the cholera. London : . . . Eyre and . . . Spot-
tiswoode, . . . 1866.
4 pages. Page, 4%x 6%; paper, 6^x8 inches.
494. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . , to be used
... on Sunday, the 18th of November, 1866, instead of the
prayers now used for relief from the cattle plague, and for
protection against the cholera, which are to be discontinued.
London: . . . Eyre and . . . Spottiswoode, . . . 1866.
3 pages. Page, 4^ x6%; paper, 6%x 8 inches.
[ 91 ]
495. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving to Almighty God ;
for his merciful preservation of his Royal Highness, the Duke
of Edinburgh, from the attack of an assassin in Australia,
on Thursday, the 12th of March, 1868 ; and for the success
and safety which have been vouchsafed to her Majesty's
forces in the Abyssinian Expedition for the rescue of certain
captives imprisoned in that country : to be used . . . , on
Sunday, the 28th of June . . . London: . . . Eyre and . . .
Spottiswoode, . . . 1868.
3 pages. Page, 4^*6^; paper, 6^x 8 inches.
496. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . , for the
recovery of his Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales ; to be
used . . . , on Sunday, the 21st of January . . . London:
. . . Eyre and . . . Spottiswoode, . . . 1872.
3 pages. Page, 4^ x6%; paper, 6%x 8 inches.
497. A Form of Thanksgiving and Prayer . . . , upon the
completion of fifty years of her Majesty's reign ; to be used
on Tuesday, the 21st of June . . . , and certain other days
as herein appointed, . . . London : . . . Eyre and . . .
Spottiswoode, . . . 1887.
12 pages. Page, 4^x6^; paper, 6}4x8j/& inches.
498. A Form of Intercession with Almighty God, on behalf
of her Majesty's naval & military forces now in South
Africa, to be used ... on such occasions as each bishop
shall appoint for his own diocese. By Authority. London :
. . . Eyre and Spottiswoode . . . 1900.
8 pages. Page, 5fyxj%; paper, 7/^*9% inches. Two columns
to the page.
GEORGE v: 1910-
499. Special forms of service in commemoration of his late
Majesty King Edward VII of blessed and glorious mem-
ory . . . By authority.
See, above, No. 96.
[92 ]
500. A Form of thanksgiving, to be used throughout the
cities of London and Westminster, and elsewhere within
the bills of mortality, on Saturday, the 25th of December,
immediately after the ''General thanksgiving," both at
morning and evening prayer . . . London : Bill and New-
comb. 1708.
Black-letter. 3 pages. Page, 4*6^; paper, $/4xj% inches.
501. September 5, 1709. A Form of Prayer and thanks-
giving . . . , to be used ... on Wednesday, Friday, and
Saturday next, both at morning and evening prayer, after
the 'General thanksgiving'1 for the late great success
vouchsafed to the forces of her Majesty and her allies, at
Blaregnies in Hainault, under the command of the Duke
of Marlborough . . . London : Bill and Newcomb. 1709.
Black-letter. 4 pages. Page, 4* 6f6; paper, 5%x 7^ inches. See,
above, No. 415.
502. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving, ... to be used
after the "General thanksgiving," ... on Sunday, the
17th of September, for the wonderful course of successes
vouchsaf'd, this campaign, to the forces of her Majesty and
her allies ; and particularly for the late glorious victory in
Spain. . . . London: Newcomb and Hills. 1710.
Black-letter. 3 pages. Page, 4* 6^; paper, 5/^.v 7/^ inches. See,
also, No. 417.
503. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving . . . ; to be used
... on Sunday the 20th of August 1758 . . . ; for the
taking of Louisbourg by his Majesty's forces . . . London:
Baskett . . . 1758.
Black-letter. 4 pages. Page, 4?/l6x6^(; paper, S/^x 7/{
504. A Form of Prayer and thanksgiving, for the signal
[93 ]
victory obtained through the blessing of Almighty God by
his Majesty's ships of war, under the command of Admiral
Nelson over the French fleet, the 1st of August 1798. To
be used ... on Sunday, the 2 1st of October 1798 . . . Lon-
don: . . . Eyre and . . . Strahan, . . . 1798.
4 pages. Page, 4'/,6 x 6 ; paper, 5 y2 x 7^ inches. See, also, No. 454.
505. Forma precum in utraque domo convocations, sive
synodi praelatorum et cseteri cleri, seu provincialis seu na-
tionalis, in ipso statim cujuslibet sessionis initio solemniter
recitanda . . . Londini : . . . Eyre et Spottiswoode, . . .
1 8, (i) pages. Page, 4^*6^; paper, 6^ x 7^ inches.
506. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . According to the
Use of the Church of Ireland, together with . . . , the Form
and Manner of Making, Ordaining and Consecrating of
Bishops, Priests, and Deacons. Dublin : George Grierson.
Without pagination. Page, 7 x 13^; paper, <)%x 15 inches. Addi-
tional engraved title-page, taken from the London edition of 1662.
See No. 28.
For the reprint, edited by A. J. Stephens, see, above, No. 113.
507. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Dublin: Grierson.
Without pagination. Page, 7 3^ x 13^8; paper, iixij% inches.
Title in black and red, text in double columns, with initial vignette
letters. Additional engraved title-page. Contemporary binding in
red morocco.
508. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Dublin: The
Association for promoting Christian knowledge. MDCCC
Without pagination. Page, 2 fax 5; paper, 3^* 5^3 inches. Bound
in vellum.
509. La Liturgie, on Formulaire des Prieres Publiques,
. . . selon 1' Usage del' Eglise d'Irlande . . .A Dublin, Par
M. Binault, Tan de Grace 1715.
Page, 2^4 * 53/&> paper, 3^3x6 inches. Contemporary binding in
full brown calf. Jean Durel's translation into French of the Book
of 1666 (=1662). See Nos. 127, 128.
Special Forms of Prayer: General, published in Dublin,
Ireland, for the use of the Church of Ireland, see Nos. 399,
402 and 403, pages 73 and 74.
[ 95 ]
510. The Booke of Common Prayer, and Administration
of the Sacraments, and other parts of divine Service for
the Use of the Church of Scotland . . . Edinburgh : Robert
Young. M. DC. XXXVII.
Black-letter. 150 unnumbered leaves. Sig. a and b, in eights, for
preliminary matter; text A-Q, in eights; R, six leaves. Page, 6 x
9^/6; paper, jyfax ioy& inches. Title and calendar in black and
Contains as part 2 :
The Psalter, or, Psalmes of David : According to the last
translation in King James his time. Pointed as they shall
be said or sung throughout all the Churches of Scotland.
Edinburgh : Young, M. DC. xxxvi.
Black-letter. 78 unnumbered leaves. Sig. aa-ii, in eights; kk, six
Part 3, with a special title-page, reads:
The Psalmes of King David translated [in metre] by King
James. London: Harper. 1636.
Black-letter. (2), 147 pages.
The titles are surrounded by ornamental wood-cut borders. Each
of the three parts has numerous wood-cut initials. The Psalms in
metre have occasionally musical notes prefixed.
For the Pickering reprint of this book, see No. 109.
511. The Psalmes of King David. Translated by King
James. [London. 1637?]
(4), 381 pages. Small 8vo.
[96 ]
512. [The Parker Psalter. A selection of Psalms and
Hymns, compiled by Samuel Parker. Boston : Edes. 1786.]
56 unnumbered folios. Sig. A-O 4, in fours. Page, "$fyx 6}4; pa-
per, 4^ x 7 inches. Original leather binding. The book was printed
without a title-page.
513. The A, B, C. With the Church of England Cate-
chism. . . .Philadelphia: Young, Stewart & M'Culloch.
12 pages. Page, 3^ x 6; paper, 43^^73^ inches.
514. [Another edition of the same.] Philadelphia : Poulson.
515. The Book of Common Prayer, And Administration
of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies, As re-
vised and proposed to the Use of the Protestant Episcopal
Church, at a Convention of the said Church in the States of
New-York, New -Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Mary-
land, Virginia, and South-Carolina; Held in Philadelphia,
from September 27th to October 7th, 1785. Philadelphia:
Hall & Sellers. M DCC LXXXVI.
(361), 8 pages. Page, 35/i6*6; paper,4-v6^2 inches. "The Pro-
posed Book."
516. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Philadelphia,
Printed: London, Re-printed for J. Debrett, . . . M DCC
[ 97 ]
(362) pages. Page, 3^ x ^; paper, 4x6^2 inches. An English
reprint of "The Proposed Book," but without the Tunes.
517. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . according to the
Use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United
States of America; Together with the Psalter, or Psalms
of David. Philadelphia : Hall & Sellers. MDCCXC.
Without pagination. Sig. a-c; A-Z, Aa-Bb 2 (re&o), in sixes. Page,
3 Y\ x 5 % ; paper, 4x6^ inches. The first of the eight standard edi-
tions of the American Book. Follows : The Whole Book of Psalms,
in metre . . . Sig. Bb 3,re6to— Tt 2,re6to; Tt 2, verso— Uu 6, verso:
518. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . New York : Hugh
Gaine. M, DCC, xcm.
Page, 224*5; paper, 324*5^ inches. A corrected edition of the
first standard.
519. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . New York: Hugh
Gaine. M, DCC, XCIII.
Without pagination. Sig. a 8, b and c, in fours, d 2 leaves; A-Z,
Aa-Bb, in eights, Cc 2 leaves ; last page blank. Page, 4*7; paper,
4 T/<&X 8 inches. The second standard edition. Follow the Psalms
in metre.
520. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . New York: Hugh
Gaine. M, DCC, XCIV.
Page, 2 24* 4^5; paper, 3 /^ * 5 /^ inches.
521. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Boston: Manning
& Loring, for I. Thomas & H. T. Andrews. MDCCXCIV.
Without pagination (384 pages). Page, 3^*6^; paper, 4*7
inches. Follow the Psalms in metre, 244, (4) pages.
522. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . New York : Hugh
Gaine. M, DCC, XCV.
Without pagination. Sig. a, B, C, d; A-Bbb, in twos. The first edi-
tion of the American Prayer Book in Folio.
[ 98 ]
523. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Charleston:
Young. 1799.
Without pagination. Page, 3 x 5*4; paper, 3^ x 6% inches.
524. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Brooklyn: S.
Campbell, Gomez, & Stephens. 1801.
525. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . ; To which is
prefixed, an introduction, containing- observations on the
Services for morning and evening, Sundays and holy
days. Philadelphia : T. L. Plowman, printer, & B. Tanner,
engraver. 1805.
Without pagination. Page, 4^ xj y>; paper, 5/^*9 inches. The
Prayer-Book is followed by the Ordinal, the Form of consecra-
tion of a church or chapel; the Articles of religion, and the Psalms
in metre, with hymns.
526. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . New York:
Mesier. 1805.
Contains Office of the Induction of ministers into parishes and
527. The Book of Common Prayer . . . New York : Long-
worth. 1808.
384, 245. (J) Pa§es- Pa§e 3^*6/2; paper, 4x7 inches.
528. TheBookof Common Prayer, . . .Boston: Williams.
Without pagination. Plates. 8vo.
529. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Philadelphia:
Thomas. 1812.
530. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Baltimore: Coale
& Maxwell. 1815.
531. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . New York : Gilley.
vi, (14), 377,342, (8) pages. Page, 2'/,6 * 3'Vie; PaPeiS3^*4?4
inches. Contains engravings.
532. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Stereotyped by
D. &G. Bruce. New York . . . 1818.
(16), 17-304 pages. Page, 4^*7^6; paper, 5^^85/l6 inches.
Follow the Psalms in metre, . . . New York: Swords. 1811. 226,
(4) pages.
An issue of the second standard edition.
533. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Philadelphia: S.
Potter & Co. ... 1818.
392 pages. Page, ^.^xj^/s; paper, 6^*10 inches.
An issue of the second standard edition.
534. The Family Prayer-Book ; or, the Book of Common
Prayer, . . . accompanied by a general commentary, his-
torical, explanatory, doctrinal, and practical : compiled from
the most approved liturgical works, with alterations and
additions, and accommodated to the liturgy of the Pro-
testant Episcopal Church in the United States of America.
By Thomas Church Brownell, Bishop . . . of Connecticut.
Sidney's Press; New Haven: J. Babcock & Son; New
York: T.& J. Swords. 1823.
(2), 2,Lvn, 676, 2 pages. Page, 6^*9^; paper, 9^x11^ inches.
535. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . New York: Gilley.
304, 244 pages. Page, 4^*724; paper, 5^x8^ inches.
Contains steel engravings. Engraved title-page, reading: The Book
of Common Prayer, . . . Philadelphia: S. Potter & Co. 1822, pre-
cedes the printed one.
536. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Hartford: Silas
Andrus. 1826.
545, 124 pages. 32010.
537. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . New York : S.
Marks. 1827.
538. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Boston: Mass.
Episcopal Miss. Society. 1828.
539. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . New York : Bart-
lett & Ray nor. 1831.
540. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . New York: Pro-
testant Episcopal Press. MDCCCXXXI.
vi, (7-20), 21-546 pages. Page, 3^ x 6?/l6; paper, 4^ x 7%
Part 2, Hymns ... 124 pages. An issue of the third standard edi-
541. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Baltimore : Lewis.
542. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . New York : Hewet.
xxv, 671 pages. Page, 4^*7^; paper, 6% x 91/4. inches. Extra,
engraved, title-page: The Illustrated Book of Common Prayer,
Rev. J. M. Wainwright. Contains many engravings and illustra-
tions, after the Pictorial Book of Common Prayer, published by
C. Knight. 1838-1840. See No. 79.
543. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Philadelphia:
Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co. 1843.
544. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Together with
the Psalter, or Psalms of David. Philadelphia : Female
Protestant Episcopal Prayer Book Society of Pennsylvania.
531 pages. Page, 3^*6^; paper, 4 ^ x 7 % inches. An issue of
the 5th (1838) standard edition. Contains as part 2: Psalms in
metre, . . . with hymns . . . 248 pages.
545. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . New York: Blake.
809 pages. Large 8vo.
546. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . New York: Hewet.
Royal 8vo.
One of 250 copies of the rare edition of the pre-standard of 1845.
547. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . New York : D.
Appleton & Co. 1845.
670, 237 pages. I2mo.
548. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . Buffalo: Peck.
1 2 mo.
549. The standard edition of the Book of Common Prayer,
. . . New York : Harper & Brothers. 1845.
xx, 580 pages. Page, A.ysxj^; paper, S^X9/^ inches. Follow,
Selections from the Psalms of David in metre; with hymns . . .
1844. 109, (i) pages. — The sixth standard edition.
550. The Book of Common Prayer, . . .Philadelphia: Lip-
pincott, Grambo & Co. 1854.
xxn, 552, 252 pages. Page, 2^*4; paper, 3*4^3 inches. Extra,
engraved title-page, and illustrations.
551. The soldier's Prayer Book ; Arranged from the Book
of Common Prayer, with additional collects and hymns.
With the approval of Bishop Alonzo Potter. Philadelphia :
64 pages. 8vo.
552. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . according to the
Use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confeder-
ate States of America . . . Richmond, Va. : Randolph.
Page, i 26x3%; paper, 2^ x 3-^ inches. The Confederate States
Prayer Book, printed in London, by Eyre & Spottiswoode.
553. [The same. A larger edition.]
Page, 2^* 4^*6; paper, 3^*5^5 inches.
554. The Army and Navy Prayer Book. . . . Diocesan
Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church of
Virginia. Richmond: Wynne. 1864.
95 Pages. Page, 2*^ x 3^; paper, 2^5 x 4 finches. Likewise a Con-
federate States publication.
555. Another edition of the Army and Navy Prayer Book,
published in 1865.
Page, i fax 35/:6 inches.
556. The Services of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the
United States of America, as ordered by the bishops during
the Civil War . . . Brooklyn: Hatch & Co. 1864.
(134) lithographed pages. Paper, 6^x8^2 inches.
557. The teacher's Prayer Book : Being the Book of Com-
mon Prayer . . . With introductions, analyses, notes, and
a commentary upon the Psalter, by Alfred Barry sometime
bishop of Sidney , and an introduction by Bishop H. C. Potter.
New York: Young. [1899.]
(i), 6, (i), 7-566 pages. i6mo.
558. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . New York:
Printed for the Committee. MDCCCXCIII.
(28), 566; (2) pages. Page, 9 x 12^; paper, 10 x 14% inches. Ru-
bricated throughout. The eighth standard edition.
[ I03 ]
559. Materia ritualis. An appendix to a paper on "The Re-
vision of the Common Prayer," in The Ameiican Church
Review for April, 1881. By William Reed Huntington.
Privately printed. Worcester: Hamilton. 1882.
74, (i) pages. Paper, 6*9^ inches.
560. The Book annexed to the report of the Joint Committee
on the Book of Common Prayer, appointed by the General
Convention of MDCCCLXXX. Philadelphia. MDCCC
xxiv, 578 pages. Paper, ^x ~]Y± inches. — Annexed to the:
561. Report of the Joint Committee ... 51 pages.
562. Notifications to the dioceses of the alterations and ad-
ditions in the Book of Common Prayer . . . : proposed
in the General Convention of 1883, and to be acted upon at
the General Convention of 1886. [Boston?] 1885.
170 pages. Paper, 4 24 .v 7 ^ inches.
563 . The Book annexed to the report of the Joint Committee
on the Book of Common Prayer as modified by the Action
of the General Convention of MDCCCLXXXIII. New
York: Young & Co. [1885.]
(3), xxiv, 604, ( 1 6) pages. Paper, 4 34 ^ 7 /^ inches. The authorized
1885 edition of the Book Annexed.
564. A Book of Offices and Prayers. Set forth by the Gen-
eral Convention of 1886; and authorized for use on occa-
sions for which no provision is made in the Book of Com-
mon Prayer. 1886.
Unofficial. 35 pages. Paper, 5 A- 7^ inches.
565. Alterations and Additions in the Book of Common
Prayer, proposed by the General Convention of 1883, noti-
fied to the dioceses, and adopted in the General Convention
of 1886, . . .
Official copy. 36, (i) pages. Page, 4^x6^4; paper, 8^.vii^
566. Preliminary report of Liturgical Committee, 1889.
I. Proposed alterations and additions . . .II. Proposed book
of offices. New York: Pott. 1889.
101 pages. Page, 3^x6; paper, 5/&xS% inches.
567. Notification to the dioceses of the Alterations and Addi-
tions to the Book of Common Prayer . . . , proposed in the
General Convention of 1886 and to be acted upon at the
General Convention of 1889.
Official copy. 20 pages. Page, 4^ x 6^2; paper, 8^x11^
568. Notifications to the dioceses of the alterations and ad-
ditions in the Book of Common Prayer . . . , proposed in
the General Convention of 1889, and to be acted upon at
the General Convention of 1892.
Official copy. 40 pages. Page, 4^ x 6}4', paper, S}4 x nfy
569. The Alterations and Additions in the Book of Common
Prayer . . . adopted by the General Convention in the years
1886, 1889, and 1892. Boston : Printed for the Convention.
65 pages. Page, 4*6}^; paper, 5^x8 inches.
570. The same.
Official copy. Page, 4*6^; paper, 8}4x n^ inches.
571. Report of the Joint Committee appointed to prepare
a standard Book of Common Prayer. With an appendix.
Boston: Printed from the Journal. 1893.
72 pages. Page, 3 24* 6^; paper, J^xii inches. No. 76 of an
edition of 150 copies.
TRANSLATIONS : 1837-1911
572. A Prayer Book, in the language of the Six Nations of
Indians . . . Together with forms of family and private
devotions ... By Solomon Da vis . . . New York: Swords,
Stanford & Co. *1837.
168 pages. Paper, 4^* 73/6 inches.
573. Libro delle preghiere comuni edell' Amministrazione
dei Sacramenti . . . Philadelphia : Bishop White Prayer
Book Society. [1904.]
(i), xxvin, 566 pages. 241110. — Translated by Michele Zara.
574. Service Book : Being parts of the Book of Common
Prayer, set forth for use in the dialect of the Qliyukuwhu-
tanalndians at the Mission of our Saviour, Tanana, Alaska.
New York : The New York Bible and Common Prayer Book
Society. 1908.
109 pages.Paper,4^A- 73/6 inches. Translated by Dr. Jules Prevost.
575. In Wejibuewsj Mamawi Anamiawini Mazinaigun,
. . . New York : The New York Bible and Prayer Book So-
ciety. 1911.
280 pages. Paper, 3^*5/"£ inches. Chippewa translation of the
American Prayer Book.
576. Hymns, selected from the most approved authors, for
the use of Trinity Church, Boston. Boston: Munroe, Fran-
cis & Parker. 1808.
179 pages. I2mo.
577. A collection of psalm, hymn, and chant tunes, adapted
to the service of the Protestant Episcopal Church . . . New
York: Birch. 1823.
vi, 148 pages. 8vo.
[ 106 ]
578. Hymns of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the
United States of America, set forth in General Conventions
... in ... 1789, 1808, and 1826. Stereotyped by L.
Johnson, Philadelphia; published by S. F. Bradford, Phila-
delphia. 1827.
137 pages. 8vo. — Contains 212 hymns.
579. The Book of Hours, in which are contained Offices of
the Seven Canonical hours, litanies, and other devotions.
New York: Hurd & Hough ton. 1866.
171 pages. I2mo.
580. The Book of Psalms translated into the Choctaw lan-
guage [By the Rev. John Edwards]. New York. 1886.
192 pages. Paper, 4^* 6^ inches.
581. Memoirs of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the
United States of America . . . By Bishop William White.
1st edition. Philadelphia: S. Potter & Co. 1820.
, (i), 474 pages. 8vo.
582. Contributions to the ecclesiastical history of the United
States of America. By F. L. Hawks. 2 volumes. New York :
Harper & Brothers [Taylor]. 1836, 1839.
Vol. I : 286, (i), 332 pages. Vol. 2, 523 pages. — No more was
583. The history of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut.
By E. E. Beardsley . 2 volumes. New York : Hurd & Hough-
ton. 1865, 1868.
Vol. i, xxix, (2), 470 pages; frontispiece. Vol. 2, xxix, 465 pages.
584. Annals of the American Pulpit . . . By W. B. Sprague.
Vol. 5. Episcopalian. New York : R. Carter & Bros. 1859.
xxi, 822 pages. Large 8vo.
585. Historical collections relating to the American Colonial
Church. Edited by W. S. Perry. [Hartford:] printed for
the subscribers. 1876-78.
5 volumes. Large 8vo.
586. History of the American Episcopal Church from the
planting of the Colonies to the end of the Civil War. By S.D.
McConnell. 8th edition. New York: Whittaker. 1899.
xvi, 392 pages. I2mo.
587. A history of the Episcopal Church in Narragansett,
Rhode Island, including a history of other Episcopal
Churches in the State. By Wilkins Updike. . . . 2d edition,
enlarged and corrected by the Reverend Daniel Goodwin.
Boston: Updike. 1907.
3 volumes. Portraits. Plates. Maps. Facsimiles. 8vo.
588. Early Prayer Books of America. By John Wright. 2d
edition. St. Paul, Minn.: Printed privately. 1896.
xv, 492 pages. Facsimile plates. 8vo.
589. A short history of the Book of Common Prayer: to-
gether with certain papers illustrative of liturgical revision,
1878-1892. By W. R. Huntington. New York: Whit-
taker. [1893.]
(5)i 235 pages. I2mo.
590. Journal of the proceedings of the Bishops, Clergy and
Laity of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United
States of America, assembled in General Convention . . .
1838-1913. Philadelphia [etc.]. 1838 [etc.].
Issued every three years. The titles vary. 8vo.
591. Journals of General Conventions of the Protestant
Episcopal Church, in the United States. 1785-1835. Pub-
lished by authority of General Convention. Edited by Wil-
liam Stevens Perry. Claremont, N. H. 1874.
3 volumes. 8vo.
[ '08 ]
592. Digest of the Canons for the government of the Pro-
testant Episcopal Church in the United States of America,
passed and adopted in General Conventions. Together with
the Constitution. Printed for the Convention. 1899.
167 pages. 8vo.
593. The Book of Common Prayer, . . . London, 1789.
Reprinted by Bishop George David Cummins. New York :
xxxui, 461 pages. Page, 2^ x 5 ; paper, 3^ x 5^ inches.
594. Bishop Seabury's Communion-Office. Reprinted in
Fac-simile. With an historical sketch and notes, by the
Rev. Samuel Hart. 2d edition. New York: Whittaker.
(i), 72 pages. I2mo.
595. The Book of Common Prayer of the Reformed Episco-
pal Church : Adopted, and set forth for use, by the second
General Council of the said Church, held in the city of New
York, in the month of May, 1874. Philadelphia: James A.
Moore. 1874.
XL, 588 pages. Paper, 3^x5^ inches.
596. Oficios provisionales de la Iglesia episcopal Mexicana,
6 Iglesia de Jesus. Mexico: Gonzalez. 1894.
94 pages. Small 8vo.
597. Oficios provisionales de la iglesia episcopal Mexicana,
6 Iglesia de Jesus. — Provisional Offices of the Mexican
Episcopal Church, or Church of Jesus. [Mexico. 1895.]
(i), 91, 91 pages. Small 8vo. The Spanish and the English are
printed on opposite pages.
598. A Liturgy, collected principally from the Book of
Common Prayer, for the use of the First Episcopal Church
in Boston ; together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David.
. . . Boston : Edes. MDCCLXXXV.
Unpaged. Sig. A-Z, Aa-Zz, Aaa-Bbb 3, in fours. Title-page and
preface, 8 pages, bear no signature. Page, 324*6^j paper, 4^3 x
jy& inches. Editio princeps. The preface was written by the pastor
of the Chapel, the Rev. James Freeman (1759-1835), minister at
King's Chapel from 1787-1824.
599. A Liturgy collected for the use of the Church at
King's Chapel, Boston. 2d edition. Boston : Belcher. 1811.
(8), 360 pages. Page, 4*6^; paper, 5^x8^2 inches.
600. A Liturgy for the use of the Church at King's Chapel
in Boston ... 3d edition. Boston: Press of the Christian
368 pages. Page, 3^ x 6^4; paper, 5%x8j^ inches.
601 . A Liturgy for the use of the Church of King's Chapel
in Boston; . . . 4th edition. With family prayers and ser-
vices, and a collection of hymns for domestic and private
use, by F. W. P. Greenwood. Boston: Carter & Hendee.
381 pages. Page, 3^x6; paper, 4^* 7/^ inches.
602. A Liturgy for the use of the Church at King's Chapel
in Boston, . . . 5th edition. . . . By F.W. P. Green wood.
Boston : Munroe & Co. MDCCCXLI.
vii, 424 pages. Page, 3;/l6 x 6; paper, 4^*7^ inches.
603. Book of Common Prayer, according to the Use of
King's Chapel, Boston. Boston : Ticknor, Reed and Fields.
6th edition, xii, 407 pages. Page, 3^* 7; paper, 5$/8X<)% inches.
604. Book of Common Prayer, according to the Use
of King's Chapel, Boston. Boston: Ticknor & Fields.
7th edition, xii, 407 pages. Page, 3^*7; paper, $y%x 8^ inches.
A reprint of the sixth edition.
605. Book of Common Prayer, according to the Use of
King's Chapel, Boston. Boston : Little, Brown & Co. 1865.
8th edition. xix, 563 pages. Page, 2^x 5^ ; paper, 4^* 6^ inches.
606. Extracts from a Liturgy, collected principally from
the Book of Common Prayer. . . . Boston : Belknap &. Hall.
60 pages. Page, 3^*6; paper, 4*6^ inches. Original leather
607. A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Christian Wor-
ship. Boston: Carter & Hendee. 1830.
Unpaged; except for the introductory matter, xxvi, (i) pages. Sig.
A, 8 leaves, B-Z, Aa-Kk, in sixes, LI, 4 leaves. Page 2^x5; paper,
4 x 6l/± inches. First edition, compiled and edited by the Rev. Dr.
Francis William Pitt Greenwood (1797-1843), minister at King's
Chapel from 1824-1843.
608. A History of King's Chapel, in Boston ; the first Epis-
copal Church in New England. . . . ByF. W. P. Green-
wood. Boston: Carter, Hendee & Co. 1833.
xii, 215 pages. I2mo. Frontispiece.
609 . Annals of King's Chapel from the Puritan Age of New
England to the present day. By Henry Wilder Foote. Bos-
ton : Little, Brown & Co. 1882, 1896.
2 volumes. Portraits. Plates. Large 8vo.
Dr. Foote (1838-1 889) was minister at King's Chapel from 1858-
1889. Volume 2 was edited by Henry Herbert Edes, with a me-
moir of Dr. Foote, by Hon. Winslow Warren.
610. The Form and Manner of Consecrating and Ad-
ministring the Holy Communion, according to the Liturgy
of King Edward VI. called The Book of Common Prayer,
and Administration of the Sacraments. . . . Printed at
London by Edward Whitchurch, Anno Dom. 1549, Mense
Maij. London : H. Parker for J. Morphew. 1717.
Black-letter. 46 pages. Page, 3 x 5 1/% inches ; paper, 4^ x 7 ^ inches.
The same size of page and paper applies, also, to the seven num-
bers next following.
611. A Communion Office, taken partly from Primitive
Liturgies and partly from the First English reformed Com-
mon Prayer-Book : Together with Offices for Confirma-
tion, and the Visitation of the Sick. London : Bettenham.
74 (unnumbered) pages.
612. Reasons for restoring some Prayers and Directions,
as they stand in the Communion-Service of the First Eng-
lish Reform'd Liturgy, . . . 2d edition. London : Morphew.
35 pages. By Jeremy Collier (1650—1726), a nonjuring bishop.
613. No Reason for restoring the Prayers and Directions
of King Edward VI. 's First Liturgy. By a Nonjuror. Lon-
don: Morphew. 1717.
(2), 90 pages. By Nathanael Spinckes (1653—1727), consecrated a
nonjuring bishop in 1713.
614. A Defence of the Reasons for restoring some Prayers
and Directions of King Edward the Sixth's first Liturgy:
. . . London; Morphew. 1718.
(2), 122 pages. By Jeremy Collier.
615. No Necessity to alter the Common-Prayer; or, the
Unreasonableness of the New Separation, . . . London :
Morphew. 1718.
44 pages. By William Snatt (1645-1721).
616. The Necessity of an Alteration: . . . London: Bet-
tenham. 1718.
(4), 208 pages. By Thomas Wagstaffe, the younger (1692—1770).
617. A Letter from Mr. Lesly to his friend; against alter-
ations or additions to the Liturgy of the Church of Eng-
land. London. MDCCXVIII.
(2), 5 pages. Charles Leslie (1650-1722) was a nonjuring contro-
618. A Compleat Collection of Devotions, both Publick and
Private, taken from the Apostolical Constitutions, the An-
cient Liturgies and the Common Prayer Book of the Church
of England. In two parts, with Appendix. Also, An essay
to procure Catholick communion upon Catholick principles.
. . . London. M. DCC. XXXIV.
xxxi, 341, (5), 119, (8), 5, (2) pages. Page, 3^*6^; paper,
5*7^3 inches. The author was Thomas Deacon (1697-1753),
a physician and nonjuring bishop. The book is generally known as
" Deacon's Devotions." The essay was contributed by Dr. Thomas
Brett (1667—1743), a nonjuring bishop.
619. A history of the Nonjurors; their controversies and
writings. . . . By Thomas Lathbury. London: Pickering.
x> (4)1 53° Pages- 8vo-
620. The lives of the seven bishops committed to the tower
in 1688. By Agnes Strickland. London: Bell & Daldy.
iv, 393 pages. I2mo.
621. The Forme of prayers and ministration of the Sacra-
mentes &c. vsed in the Englishe Congregation at Geneua:
and approued, by the famous and Godly learned man
M. John Caluin. [London?] 1561.
Black-letter. 84 folios. Page, 2^*4^; paper, 3^* 5^ inches.
On folio 36 begins The Catechisme . . .
622. The history of the Puritans, or Protestant Non-con-
formists from the Reformation to the death of Queen Eliza-
beth. With an account of their principles ; their attempts for
a further reformation in the church ; their sufferings ; and
the lives and characters of their most considerable divines.
By Daniel Neal. Anew edition. In five volumes. Reprinted
from the text of Dr. Toulmin's edition, with his Life of the
author and account of his writings. Revised, corrected, and
enlarged. London: Baynes & Son. 1822.
5 volumes. 8vo.
623. Puritanism : or, a churchman's defence against its as-
persions, by an appeal to its own history . . . By T. W.
Coit. New York : D. Appleton & Co. 1845.
527, (i) pages. I2mo.
624. The Puritans : or, the Church, Court, and Parliament
of England, during the reigns of Edward VI. and Queen
Elizabeth. By S. Hopkins. In three volumes. Boston : Gould
6 Lincoln. 1859-1861.
625. A Directory for the publique Worship of God,
throughout the three kingdoms of England, Scotland, and
Ireland. Together with an Ordinance of Parliament for the
taking away of the Book of Common-Prayer : And for es-
tablishing and observing of this present Directory through-
out the kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales. Die
Jovis, 13. Martii, 1644 [i.e. 1645] . . . London: Printed
for Evan Tyler, Alexander Fifield . . . 1644.
Black-letter. (7), 86, (i) pages. Page, 3^*6^; paper, 5^*7
626. Another edition. London: Company of Stationers.
Black-letter. (7), 86, (i) pages. Page, 31J/l6*6#; paper, 5^*7
inches. In this copy follows, on 8 pages, the Ordinance of the Lords
and Commons of August 23, 1645.
627. A supply of prayer for the ships of this kingdom
that want ministers to pray with them : agreeable to the
Directory established by Parliament . . . London: John
Field. [1645.]
1 6 pages. Sig. A & B, in fours. Page, 3^*6)^; paper, 5^*7^
628. The Book of Psalms in metre. Close and proper to
the Hebrew : smooth and pleasant for the metre. . . . Newly
translated . . . By William Barton . . . London : Company
of Stationers. 1682.
(24), 412 pages. Page, 2^*5^; paper, 3^*5^ inches.
629. To the Right Honorable the Lords and Commons
assembled in Parlament. The Humble Petition of divers of
the clergie of the Church of England. Whereunto is added
[ "5 ]
five motions with reasons concerning Deanes and Chap-
ters. Printed, Anno Domini 1641.
Black-letter, (i), 5 pages. Page, 3^x6; paper, $}4xj}i inches.
630. Two speeches spoken in the house of the Lords, by
the Lord Viscount Newarke : the first concerning the right
of bishops to sit in parliament, May 21, 1641. The second
about the lawfulness and conveniency of their intermed-
ling in temporall affaires, May the 24th following. London.
(2), i o pages. Page, 3^*6^; paper, 5 % x 7 inches.
631. A short treatise of Archbishops and bishops, Lords
spirituall: (viz.,) whether they be in lesse fulnesse Lords,
then the temporall ; and whether to be tryed by peeres as
the Lords temporall. With briefe notes pro & contra, taken
forth of the statutes, yeare-bookes, reports, and approved
authorities. 1641.
(2), 22 pages. Page, 4^6* 6^ ; paper, $%xj inches.
632. Wren's anatomy. Discovering his notorious pranks,
and shamefull wickednesse ; with some of his most lewd
facts, and infamous deeds . . . [London.] 1641.
(i), 13 pages. Page, 3^*6}^; paper, 5%x7/4- inches.
633. The abolishing of the Booke of Common Prayer, by
reason of above fifty grosse corrvptions in it, ... Being
the substance of a booke which the ministers of Lincoln
diocese delivered to King James, the 1st of December 1605
. . . [London:] Reprinted . . .by S. Satterthwaite in
Warnicke Lane. 1641.
(J)' T3 Pages- Page> ^A*by>; paper, 5^ x J% inches.
634. A short view of the pnelaticall Church of England.
Wherein is set forth the horrible abuses in discipline and
government ; layd open in ten Sections by way of quaere and
petition to the high and honourable court of parliament . . .
Newly corrected with additions . . . M DC XLI.
[ "6 ]
(4), 44 pages. Page, 3 yz x 6 X ; PaPeri4/^ * 7 }i inches. — Attributed,
erroneously, to John Barnard. See, also, No. 25.
635. The Anatomic of the Service-Booke : dedicated to the
high court of parliament. Wherein is remonstrated the un-
lawfulnesse of it : and that by five severall arguments : . . .
by all which we clearly evince the necessity of the removall
of it ... By Dwalphintramis. [MDCXLI?]. 3d impres-
sion. [London:] 1642.
(6), 66 pages. Page, \Y%x 6^; paper, $%xj}( inches. The tracl:
is now assigned to Vavasor Powell. See, also, No. 25.
636. The Service, Discipline, and Forme, of the Common
Prayers and Administration of the Sacraments, used in
the English Church at Geneva. As it was approved by ...
lohn Calvin, and the Church of Scotland. Humbly pre-
sented to the most high court of parliament . . . London :
Cooke. 1641.
Black-letter. (4), 63 pages. Page, 3 fyx6; paper, $%x 7 inches.
637. The first century of scandalous, malignant priests,
made and admitted into benefices by the prelates . . .Or,
a narrative of the causes for which the parliament hath
ordered the sequestration of the benefices of severall min-
isters . . . By John White. London : George Miller, . . .
(8)> 51 Pages. Page, 3^*6^; paper, ^AXTA inches.
638 . The Cavaliers New Common-Prayer Booke vnclasp't.
It being a collection of prayers and thanksgivings, used in
his Majesties Chappell and in his armies. Vpon occasion of
the late (supposed) victories against the parliaments forces,
and for the future successe of the Cavalier forces. . . . York:
Buckley. 1644. And reprinted at London, by G-B. with
some briefe and necessary observations, to refute the lyes
and scandalls that are contained in it ...
Black-letter. 16 pages. Page, 4^* 6^; paper, 5^*7^ inches.
639. A vindication of episcopacie : or, animadversions upon
[ "7 ]
a late pamphlet intituled, Unparallel'd reasons for the abol-
ishing of episcopacy . . . [London.] 1644.
(4), 64 pages. Small 410. — The author of 4 Unparallel'd reasons'
was Nathaniel Fiennes.
640. An ordinance of the Lords and Commons ... for the
present settling ... of the presbyteriall government in the
Church of England . . . London. 1846.
(i), 9 pages. Page, 4^* 6}^; paper, Sl/ix7l/i inches.
641. Codex litvrgicvs ecclesiae vniversae in epitomen re-
dactvs. Cvravit Herm. Adalb. Daniel. Lipsiae: Weigel.
4 volumes. 8vo. Vol. I contains the Roman liturgy; vol. 2, the
Lutheran liturgy; vol. 3, the Reformed and Anglican liturgies;
vol. 4, Oriental liturgies.
642. The Ancient Liturgy of the Church of Jerusalem, being
the Liturgy of St. James, freed from all latter additions and
interpolations of whatever kind, and so restored to its origi-
nal purity ; by comparing it with the account given, in 347
A. D. , of that liturgy by St. Cyril, presbyter and afterwards
bishop of Jerusalem, in his fifth Mystagogical Catechism,
and with the Clementine liturgy, &c. . . . With an English
translation and notes, as also an appendix, containing some
other ancient prayers, of all which an account is given in
the preface. By Thomas Rattray. London : Bettenham. M.
xx, 122 pages. Page, 5^x8^; paper, 7*9 inches.
643. The Ancient Liturgy of the Church of England, ac-
cording to the Uses of Sarum, Bangor, York, & Hereford,
and the modern Roman liturgy arranged in parallel col-
umns. By William Maskell. 2d edition. London : Pickering.
CLXI, (i), 237 pages. 8vo.
644. Monumenta Ritualia Ecclesiae Anglicanae ; or, Oc-
casional Offices of the Church of England according to the
ancient Use of Salisbury, the Prymer in English, and other
Prayers and Forms. Writh dissertations and notes by Wil-
liam Maskell. London: Pickering. 1846, 1847.
3 volumes. 8vo.
645. Origines Liturgicas, or Antiquities of the English Rit-
ual, and a dissertation on primitive liturgies. By William
Palmer. Oxford: The University Press. MDCCCXXXII.
2 volumes. 8vo.
646. The Old Service-books of the English Church. By
Christopher Wordsworth and Henry Littlehales. London :
Methuen & Co. 1904.
xv, 319 pages. 8vo, plates and facsimiles. = Volume 3 of The
Antiquary's Books.
647. Church services and service-books before the Refor-
mation. By H. B. Svvete. 2d issue. London: S. P. C. K.
229, (i) pages. Facsimiles. Small 8vo.
648. The Leofric Missal as used in the Cathedral of Exe-
ter during the episcopate of its first bishop, A.D. 1050-
1072. Together with some account of the Red book of
Derby, the Missal of Robert of Jumieges, and a few other
early manuscript service books of the English church.
Edited, with introduction and notes by F. E. Warren. Ox-
ford : At the Clarendon Press. 1883.
LXVI, (i), 344 pages. Plates. Facsimile. 410.
649. The Missal of St. Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury.
With excerpts from the Antiphonary and Lectionary of
the same monastery. Edited, with an introductory mono-
graph, from a manuscript in the library of Corpus Christi
College, Oxford, by Martin Luther Rule. Cambridge: The
University Press. 1896.
CLXXXIV, 1 74 pages. Large 8vo.
650. The Church of our Fathers, as seen in St. Osmund's
rite for the Cathedral of Salisbury, ... By Daniel Rock.
3 volumes. Plates and illustrations. 8vo.
651. Hierurgia; or, The holy sacrifice of the Mass, with
notes and dissertations elucidating its doctrines and cere-
monies, and numerous illustrative plates, &c. By Daniel
Rock. London : Booker. MDCCCXXXIII.
2 volumes. Plates and illustrations. 8vo.
652. The Liturgy of the Church of Sarum. Together with
the Kalendar of the same church. Translated from the
Latin, with a preface and explanatory notes, by Charles
Walker. With an introduction by T. T. Carter. London:
Hayes. [1866.]
vii, 127 pages. Small 4to.
653. The Sarum Missal done into English. By H. Har-
ford Pearson. 2d edition. London: Church Printing Com-
LXIX, 15,615 pages. 8vo.
654. Processionale ad Usum insignis ac prseclaras ecclesise
Sarum. Leeds: McCorquodale & Co., Limited. MDCCC
xxni, 1 74 pages. 8vo.
655. Ordinale Sarum, sive Directorivm Sacerdotvm (Liber,
quem Pica Sarum vulgo vocitat clerus) : auctore. Clemen te
Maydeston, sacerdote : Transcribed by the late William
Cooke, and edited by Chr. Wordsworth. London: Henry
Bradshaw Society. 1901, 1902.
2 volumes. 8vo.
656. The Psalter, or Seven ordinary Hours of Prayer ac-
cording to the Use of the illustrious & excellent Church of
Sarum. And the Hymns, Antiphons & Orisons or Collects,
for the principal festivals & seasons ; with the appropriate
musical intonation & melodies, together with hymns, and
other devotions from Ancient English Sources, and the more
important variations of the York and Hereford Uses. Also,
the Litany and Vigils of the dead, translated and arranged
for private, or ccenobial use. With explanatory notes and
comments. London: Masters. M. DCCC. LII.
(4), 443 , (i) pages. Page, including red-ruled border, 4^ x
paper, 6 x 8^ inches. The book was compiled and edited by John
David Chambers.
657. Manuale et Processionale ad Usum insignis ecclesias
Eboracensis. Durham: Andrews & Co. 1875.
xxvn, 207,228* pages, 8vo. = Volume 63 of the Publications of
the Surtees Society, for whom Canon William George Henderson
did the editorial work.
658. Missale ad Usum percelebris ecclesias Herfordensis.
XLVII, 461 pages. 8vo. Edited by William George Henderson and
published by McCorquodale in Leeds.
659. The institution of a christen man, contaynynge the
Exposytion or Interpretation of the commandementes, and
of the Pater noster, and the Aue Maria, Justyfication $ Pur-
Colophon : Londini in aedibvs Thomae Bertheleti regii im-
pressoris. An. M. D. XXXVII.
The Bishops' Book. Black-letter. Sig. a, four leaves; A-Z, in fours;
Aa, 6 leaves. Page, 4^x7; paper, 59/,6*8 inches. Bought from
the Lord Amherst library, No. 421.
660. A necessary doctrine and ervdition for any Christen
man, set furthe by the kynges maiestie of Englande &c.
Colophon: Imprinted at London in Fletestrete by Thomas
Barthelet . . . M. D. XLIII. . . .
The King'sEook. Black-letter. Sig. A-Z, a-d, in fours; e, six leaves.
Page, 4^*6^; paper, 5xj*4 inches. Running head-lines and
chapter headings in roman. Wood-cut initial letters. Bought from
the Lord Amherst library, No. 427.
661. Another copy of: A necessary doctrine and ervdition
for any Christen man.
Large-paper copy. Paper, Ss/i6x 7ll/tt> inches.
662. Pia et catholica Christian! hominis Institvtio. Londini:
Apvd Thomam Berth eletvm. Anno. M. D. XLIIII.
Sig. A-Y 4, in fours. Page, 4^*6; paper, sV^xl^A inches. A
Latin translation of the King's Book of 1543. Bought from the
Lord Amherst library, No. 424.
663. Formularies of faith, put forth by authority during
the reign of Henry VIII . , viz . , Articles about religion ,1536;
The institution of a Christian man, 1537; A necessary
doctrine and erudition for any Christian man, 1543. Oxford:
At the University Press M. DCCC. LVI.
xxxn, 336 pages, 8vo. Edited by Charles Lloyd, late bishop of
664. Breviarivm Romanum ex sacra potissimvm scriptvra,
et probatis sanctorum Historijs nuper confectum, ac denuo
per eundem authorem accuratius recognitum eaq| diligentia
hoc in anno a mendis ita purgatum vt momiiudicivm non
pertimescat. . . . Cvm privilegio svmmi pontificis et regis
Galliae. Lugduni M. D. XL VI.
Colophon: Lugduni, Apud Theobaldvm Paganvm. M. D.
Black-letter. Sig. A, 4 leaves, b 8, c 6, d-g 8, h 4, A-ii, in eights.
Page, 6 x 8^4; paper, 8 x 11%. — Cardinal Quignon's recension of
the Roman Breviary. Copy from the Huth library.
665. Breviarium Romanum a Francisco cardinali Quig-
nonio editum et recognitum iuxta editionem Venetiis
A. D. 1535 impressam. Curante Johanne Wickham Legg.
Cantabrigiae : Typis atque impensis Academiae. MDCCC
LIV, 208 pages. 8vo.
666. The Brandenburg-Nuremberg Kirchen Ordnung of
Kirchen Ordnung In meiner gnedigen herrn der Marg-
grauen zu Brandenburg Vnd eins Erbern Rats der Stat
Niirmberg Oberkeyt vnd gepieten Wie man sich bayde
mit der Leer vnd Ceremonien halten solle. M. D. XXXIII.
Colophon: Getruckt durch Johan Petreium. Anno M. D.
Black-letter. Signatures A-G, K,in sixes; H,I, L, in fours ; a-o n,
in sixes. Partly rubricated. Page, 5^ x 8% ; paper, 8 x 1 1 % inches.
Original contemporary binding, wooden covers and pig-skin back,
with brass clasps. The liturgy was compiled by Andreas Osiander
and Johann Brentz (Brenz).
[ 124 ]
667. The Prymer or Prayer-Book of the Lay people in the
Middle Ages in English, dating about 1400 A.D. Edited
with introduction and notes from the manuscript (G 24)
in St. John's College, Cambridge, by Henry Littlehales.
London: Longmans, Green & Co. 1891, 1892.
Two volumes. Large 8vo. Part I, Text (ix, 120 pages). Part 2,
Collation of Mss. With a temporary introduction (xx, 76 pages).
Facsimile plates in both volumes.
668.fLHore Beatissime virginis Marie ad legitimu Saris-
buriensis Ecclesie ritum/cum quindecim orationibus beate
Brigitte/ ac multis alijs orationibus pulcherrimis/ et indul-
gentiis/ cum tabula aptissima iam ultimo adiectis.
Follows wood-cut — the funeral of the virgin — which recurs Fol.
xxxi, rev. Below this,
CUenudaf Parisius a Fracisco Regnault Jn vico scti Ja-
cobi/ sub signo Elephantis.
Black-letter. 224 folios. Signatures A, in ten, A-X, y, z, J, p, aa,
bb, in eights; bb 7 and 8 blank. Folios 1-24 are not numbered.
Folio 25 (signature B 7) begins with Fo. j. The numbering con-
tinues as far as folio 22O, numbered Fo. cxcvj. The last four
leaves, again, are not numbered. Each page is surrounded by a
beautiful wood-cut border. Page, 3^ x 6^ ; with border, 5*8^;
paper, 6% x 9^ inches. Title and text in black and red. Full-
page wood-cuts and bold initial letters throughout the volume.
The wood-cut borders are composed of arabesques and of sacred and
grotesque subjects, including a Dance of Death; 21 wood-cuts,
of which three are repetitions, besides numerous smaller ones.
Colophon on bb vi, obv., end: C Hore beatissime virginis Marie
secudu vsum Sail/ totalitr ad longum/ cum multis pulcherrimis
orationibus | indulgetijs iam vltimo adieclis. Jmpresse Parisius
per Fraciscu Regnault: Jmpesis J sumptibus eiusde alme vni-
uersitatis Parisien. librarij iurati. Anno dni millesimo qngentesimo
vigesimo sexto • Die vero • j • Martij • The reverse contains the
printer's device and below it M. D. xxvj.
[ "5 ]
669. Thys prymer off salysburye vse • is sett owght along •
wythought ony serchyng, with many prayers, and goodly
pyctures yn the Kalender, yn the matyns off owr lady, yn
the houres off the crosse yn the vn psalmes : & yn the
dyryge, wyth the xv oos yn ynghlysh & the pfessionall &
Jesus psalter, newly enpryntyd yn Paris wythyn the howse
off Thylma keruer att the expenses off Johan growte boke-
seller yn london dwellyng wythyn the blak freers next the
churche doore. . . . M. D. xxxm.
Black-letter. Signatures A-Z vin, comprising Fo. I-CLXXXIIII.
A I-G vin, numbered Fo. CLXXXV-CCXL. Then follows an unfo-
lioed insertion of 2 signatures, marked >J« and >J< >f«, = 16 leaves.
These, again, are followed by signatures H I-N vin, comprising
Fo. CCXLI-CCLXXXIII, and five unnumbered leaves, containing the
table of contents and the colophon. Page, 2^ x 4; paper, 3^ •*• 4^4
inches. Printed in black and red, with many wood-cuts. Original
stamped binding with an arabesque pattern in reddish color on the
sides; old gilt gauffred edges. The oval wood-cuts in the Calendar,
representing the successive stages of the human life, have the
Lorraine cross, the mark of Geofroy Tory. This copy appears to
be the only extant perfect specimen of the issue of 1533.
670. CLHore beatissime virginis Marie ad legitimu Saris-
buriensis Ecclesie ritum/ cum quindecim orationibus beate
Brigitte/ ac multis alijs orationibus pulcherrimis/ (J indul-
getijs cum tabula aptissima iam vltimo adiectis. 1535.
Follows the same wood-cut as in the edition of 1526. Below this,
C Uenudant Parisius a Fracisco Regnault Jn vico Jacobi/
sub signo Elephantis.
Black-letter. 174 folios. Signatures A, in tens; A-X iiij, in eights.
The first 13 leaves are not numbered, the I4th beginning with
Fo. iiij (signature A iiij). The numbering continues, with few
omissions, as far as Fo. CLX. The last four leaves are not numbered.
Printing and ornamentation similar to that of the edition of 1526.
Page, 5*7^6; paper, 6^*8^4 inches. There are 18 large wood-
cuts, none of them being repeated; and a great number of smaller
ones. Of these several were re-engraved. Many wood-cuts of me-
dium size are added in this edition which are not contained in the
primer of 1526. The borders occur only on pages with large wood-
[ "6 ]
cuts. The reverse of the last folio contains the colophon and the
printer's device. The colophon corresponds to that of 1526 except-
ing the date, which reads Anno domini millesimo quingentesimo
tricesimo sexto. Die vero • xxv • Maij.
671. [Here after foloweth the Prymer in Englysshe sette
out alonge after the use of Sarum. 1538.]
Colophon : Thus endeth the Prymer in Englysshe after the
vse of Salysbury, dilygetly correcte &. newly imprynted
at Rowen by Nycholas le Roux for Franchoys Regnault.
M. D. xxxvn j.
Black-letter. Printed in black and red. Long lines, 36 to a full page.
Page, 2 y%x 4^4; paper, 3^* $y& inches. Wood-cuts in the text,
as well as figured and ornamental initials. Bound in old calf.
672. The Prymer in Englyshe, and Latyn wyth the Epys-
tles and Gospelles : of euerye Sonday, (J holye daye in
the yere, and also the exposycion vpon Miserere mei deus.
wyth many other prayers >Ji Prynted in London by Roberte
Toye. Cum priuilegio Ad imprimendum solum. 1542.
Black-letter. Signatures A-T 4, in eights. T 4, rev., blank. Size of
page, 6^5#4^; paper, 7^*5^ inches, trimmed somewhat by
repeated binding. Title of Prymer as well as of part 2 in compart-
ment, with the printer's mark of Richard Grafton. This impres-
sion of Grafton's was also made for Wyllyam Bonham. The edi-
tions are identical, excepting the publisher's nameon the title-pages.
Title and text are printed in black and red. An Almanacke for.
xxi yeares (Fol. A i, rev.) — from 1542-1562. The text is in
English and in Latin, the former column measuring 3^, the
Latin (printed in much smaller type), !3/,6 inches. Initial wood-cut
letters throughout the English text and vignettes. T 4, obv. : The
contentes of thys Prymer.
Part 2 (title):
C. Here begynneth the Epistles and Gospels : of euery Son-
daye, and holy daye in the yere. H>%» Prynted in London,
by Robart Toye. 1542.
Signatures A-F 4. A i , rev., blank ; as well as F 4, rev. Part 2 ends
kyngdome, whyche lyuest and raygnest for euer and euer. So be it.
Part 2 is not rubricated and is wholly in English, except Fol. F. mi
(obv.) containing the English and the Latin of C A frutefull prayer
necessary for all menne, called Deus propitius.
673. C The Primer in Englishe and Latine, set out along,
after the vse of Sa2/ : with many godlie and deuoute praiers :
as it apeareth in the table. C Imprinted at London, by Jhon
Kyngston, and Henry Sutton. 1557. cum priuilegio ad im-
primendum solum.
Black-letter. 160 unnumbered folios. Signatures *, C, *, A-R, in
eights. Page, 4^*6^; paper, S]4X1^ inches. Title and text
printed in black and red, with wood-cuts and initial ornamental
letters. A Marian Book of Hours, lettered Queen Mary's Primer.
Almost contemporary binding in full light brown morocco. The
primer is followed without special title-page by Abraham Vele's
edition of the Pistles | Gospels of euery Sonday and holy day in
the yeare. Ixvii, (3) folios. Sig. A-R, in eights; S, 2. leaves. Col-
ophon on folio 70, obverse, below: e Imprynted at London, in
Paules Churche yarde at the sygne of the Lambe by Abraham Vele.
674. The Manuall of prayers, or the prymer in Englyshe,
set out at lengthe, whose contentes the reader by the pro-
loge next after the Kalender, shal sone perceaue and there
in shall se brefly the order of the whole boke. Set forth by
Jhon late bysshoppe of Rochester at the comaundement of
theryght honorable Lorde, Thomas Cruwel, Lorde Priuie
scale Uicegerent to the Kynges hyghnes. Ifgp3 The prayer
of a ryghteous man. &.C. Jacob v.
Title in a compartment, below which is printed in Roman type
the line,
Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.
Colophon (signature Gg iiij, reverse): Jmprynted in bottoll lane, at
the sygne of the whyt beare by me Jhon Mayler for Jhon Way-
lande, and be to sell in powles churchyarde, by Andrewe Hester at
the whyt horse, and also by Mychel Lobley, at the sygne of saynt
Mycheli. cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. 1539.
The Hilsey Primer. Black-letter. 120 unnumbered folios. Signa-
tures A-Z, Aa-Gg, in fours. Page of Calendar, ^/\x 6^3 ; of text,
3^8-^ 5^6; paper, 4^*7 inches. Printed in black and red. Initial
wood-cut letters, and wood-cut illustrations on F. iii (obv.), S. ii
(obv.). Text wholly in English, excepting the headings of the indi-
vidual psalms.
The title is in clever manuscript facsimile, otherwise a perfect
copy. The second edition of Bishop John Hilsey's Primer in Eng-
675. The Primer, in Englishe and Latyn, set foorth by the
Kynges maiestie and his Clergie to be taught learned, and
read : and none other to be vsed throughout all his domin-
ions. Imprinted at London within the precinct of the late
dissolued house of the Gray friers by Richard Grafton
Printer to the Princes grace, the • vi • daye of Septembre,
the yeareof our lorde. M. D. XLV. Cum priuilegio ad im-
primendum solum.
The King's Primer. The English in black-letter, the Latin in
roman type. 176 unnumbered folios. Signatures A, a-v, in eights,
B, C, in fours. Page, 4*6; paper, 5 y% x 7 T/% inches. Title in a com-
partment. The text is rubricated.
The last folio, obverse, has The copy of the Kynges highnes • bil
assigned. The reverse contains the printer's mark and the colo-
phon: Imprinted at London within the precincle of the late dis-
solued house of the grey Friers by Richard Grafton Printer to the
Princes grace, the • vi • daie of Septeber, the yere of our Lorde.
M. D. XLV. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.
676. The Primer set fvrth By the kinges maiestie & his
Clergie, to be taught lerued \sic\ , and red : & none other to
be vsed thorowout all his Dominions. Imprinted at London
within the precinct of the late dissolued house of the graye
Friers by Richard Grafton Printer to the Princes grace, the
xvii. day of August, the yeare of our lorde M, D. XL VI.
. . . Re-printed without any alteration. [1710?]
Black-letter. 84 folios. Page, 3%x6%; paper, 4^*7^ inches.
Bound in old calf.
677. Three primers, put forth in the reign of Henry VIII. ,
viz., I. A goodly pry mer, 1535; II. The manual of prayers
or the prymer in English, 1539 ; III. King Henry's primer,
[ I29
1545. Second edition. Oxford : At the University Press. M.
iv, 526, (i) pages. 8vo. The primers were edited by Edward Bur-
ton, late regius professor of divinity in the university of Oxford,
678. Certaine select Prayers; gathered out of S. Angus-
tines Meditations, which he calleth his priuate talke with
God. Also his Manuel, or booke of Contemplation of Christ.
Newly printed. . . . London: lohn Wolfe. 1586.
Black-letter. Sig. A-U 7, in eights. Page, 3^ x 5; paper, lY\x 5%
inches. Main title in a compartment.
679. A Booke of Christian Praiers, collected out of the an-
cient writers, and best learned in our time, . . . London:
Company of Stationers. 1608.
Black-letter. Introductory, including title, 4 leaves; text, A3-Y4,
and Aa i-Oo 2, in fours. Page, 3IJ/i6 * ^/^ inches. The title is
surrounded by an engraved border representing a tree of Jesse. The
book is called usually "Queen Elizabeth's Prayer Book."
680. Lessons of the creation and of vertues & vices, col-
lected in Order according to the dayes of the weeke, with
a prayer for every day appropriated. Anno Domini 1637.
Rom. 8 : 13 . If by the Spirit you mortify the workes of y flesh
you shall Hue.
A manuscript Roman Catholic prayer-book, beautifully written.
151 folios. Red-ruled throughout and rubricated. Slight illumina-
tions and initial letters. Page, 2^ x^fai paper, 2/4xS inches.
Bound in white vellum.
681. The glory of their times; or, the lives of y Primitive
Fathers, cotayning their chiefest actions, workes, sen-
tences, and deaths . . . London. I. Okes . . . 1640.
(8), 538 pages. Page, 4^* 6^3; paper, $y&x J% inches. Engraved
title-page and 45 portraits finely engraved by G. Glover. The
author of the work was Donald Lupton. Contemporary binding in
old English crimson morocco extra.
682. A Collection of Private Devotions, in the practice of
the Ancient Church, called the Hours of Praier. . . . Lon-
don: Royston. 1664.
(71), 334, (5) pages. Page, 2^*4^; PaPer> 3*5/4 inches. The
compiler was Bishop John Cosin.
683. Devotions. First part in the Antient Way of Offices.
With psalms, hymns and pray'rs. . . . 2d edition. Roan.
(27), 450 pages. Page, 2^6*5 inches; paper, 3^*5-^ inches.
Contemporary binding in dark brown leather. A posthumous work
of John Austin.
684. A Manual of prayers for the use of the scholars of
Winchester College. And all other devout Christians. [By
Thomas Ken.] To which is added three hymns for morn-
ing, evening, and midnight ; not in the former editions.
. . . Newly revised . London: Brome . . . 1697.
(4), 151, (i) pages. Page, 2^ *4}^; paper, 3^3* 5^ inches.
685. A Discourse of Angels: their nature and office, or
ministry. . . . London: Parkhurst. 1701.
(8), 314, (2) pages. Page, 4^.* 6^; paper, 5^*8 inches. The
book is the work of Richard Sa(u)nders.
i c
Deacon's Devotions," see No. 618.
A, B, C. With Catechism (513, 514)
Accession services (370-374) 67-8
African translations (177-203) 34-7
Aless, A., Latin translation (ll8) 24
Alvarado, F. A. de, Spanish transla-
tion (139, 140)28-9
American Indian translations (204-
219) 38-40
American War of Independence,
Forms of prayer during (439-445)
Anatomy of the Common-Prayer (25,
635)9, 117
Ancient liturgy of Church of Jerusa-
lem (642) 119; of Church of Eng-
land (643) 119
Anderson, J. (248-251) 45-6
Anne, Queen, accession service (373)
67; Forms of prayer under (405-
419) 74-77
Annotated Book of Common Prayer
Anthems (360) 65
Antiquary's Books (646) 120
Army and navy Prayer Book (554,
555) 103
Ashbee, C. R. (94) 19
"At the Healing "(3 9, 40, 143) 11,
12, 29
Austin's Devotions (683) 132
Australia and the Pacific Ocean,
translations for (168-176) 33-4
BAGSTER polyglot (l 17) 23-4
Bangor, Use of (643) 119
Barclay, P. (253) 46
Barlow, T. (263) 48
Barnard, J. (25, 634) 9, 116-17
Barry, A. (557) 103
Bartolozzi, F. (70) 16
Barton, W. (628)115
Baskerville editions (54-60) 14
Batchelor, J., Ainu translation (167)
Baxter, Richard (20 c, 21 ) 8
Bayley, A. (360) 65
Bayley, Sir John (74) 16
Beardsley, E. E. (583) 107
Beeching, H. C. (258) 47
Benton, J. H. (287) 52
Beresford-Hope, A. J.B. (228, 229)
Beze, Theodore de (354) 64
Birt, H. N. (271) 50
Bishops' book, The (659) 122
Black Rubric (4) 3-4
Blackmore, Sir Richard (349) 63
Blunt, J. H.(88) 19
Bompas, W. C., Tenni translation
(215, 216) 39-40
"Book annexed, The," of 1662, re-
printed (110) 22
Booke of Christian Praiers (679)
Brady, N., see Tate, N. and N.
Brandenburg-Nuremberg Kirchen
Ordnung (666) 125
Brant, Joseph, Mohawk translation
(205) 38
Brentz, J. (666) 123-4
Breviarivm Romanum(664, 665) 123
Bright and Medd, Latin translation
(124) 25
British empire and the Far East,
translations for (155-167) 31-33
Brownell, T. C. (534) 100
Bruce, R., Persian translation (153)
Brvtvm Fvlmen (263) 48
Burkitt, W. M. (76) 17
Burton, E. (677) 129-30
35 ]
CAESPERS, lanbatista (28) 9-10
Calamy, B. (296) 54
Calder, R. (250) 46
Cal vin's Forme of prayers (621,636)
114, 117
Cardwell, E. (272, 324-326) 50,
Caroline Prayer- Book, editio/irince/is
(28-30, 108, 110-112)9-10,22-3;
revision (26-30) 9-10; documents
concerning (267) 49
Carter, T. T. (652) 121
Caryll, Sir John (345) 62-3
Case, T. (20) 8
Catechisms (210, 241, 513, 514) 39,
44, 97
Cavaliers New Common-Prayer
Booke vnclasp't (638) 117
Cave, W. (310) 55-6
Chambers, J. D. (656) 121-2
Charles I., accession service (371 )
67; Forms of prayer under (379-
387) 69-70; state service in mem-
ory of execution of (366, 367) 66
Charles II., Forms of prayer under
(388-399) 71-3; restoration ser-
vice (368, 369) 66-7; revision of
Prayer-Book (26-30) 9-10
Civil War (1861-65) prayer-books
(551-556) 102-3
Clagett, W. (299) 54
Claus, D., Mohawk revision (204) 38
Clerk's book of 1549 (103) 21
Codex litvrgicvs ecclesiae \Tiiversae
(641) 119
Coit, T. W. (623) 114
Collection of private devotions (682)
Collier, J. (612, 614) 112
Commonwealth publications (625-
639) 115-18
Communion, Order of the, 1548-49
(98,99,610)20-1, 112; and other
services (237, 240) 43-44
Communion Office, of bishop Seabury
(594) 109; of the nonjurors (61 1)
Companion to the Altar (76) 17
Confederate States Prayer-Book
(552-555) 103
Constitutions and canons (313, 315-
322, 592) 56-8, 109
Convocation Prayer Book, 1907(95)
19, 20 ; of 1661, reprinted(l08)22
Convocation prayers (505) 94
Cooke, W.(655) 121
Cosin, J. (682) 131
Cranmer's answer to Steph. Gardiner
and Rich. Smyth (260) 47-8
Crowther and King, Yoruba trans-
lation (203) 37
Cummins, G. D. (593) 109
Czerskier, C., Hebrew translation
(147) 30
DANIEL, E. (284) 52
Daniel, H. A. (641) 119
Davis, S., Mohawk translation (572)
De Laune, Pierre, French translation
(126) 26
Deacon's Devotions (618) 113
Dialogue between curatand countrey
-man, 8c similar tracts (248-51)
Discourse of angels (685) 132
Disney's English Unitarian Prayer-
Book (221) 40-1
Dowden, J. (282, 286) 52
Duez, A., and B. Hoefhagel, Dutch
revision ( 143) 29
Duport, J., Greek translation (122)
Durel,J.(26,27)9; Latin and French
translations (123, 127, 128, 509)
25-6, 95 ; Marshall on (278) 51
Dwalphintramis [pseud.] (635) 117
Dyce, W. (353) 64
[ '36 ]
EASTERN Europe and the Near East,
translations for (146-154) 30-1
Ecclesiastical history society publica-
tions (112, 113) 22-3
Edes, H. H. (609) 111
Edward VI. , First and second prayer-
books of (1-5, 98-105) 3-4, 20-
Edward VII., Prayer-Book of (92,
93) 19; memorial edition (96)
Edwards, J., Choctaw translation
(580) 107
Eland, E. H. (280) 51
Elizabeth, Queen, Forms of prayer
under (375-377) 68; homilies
(261) 48; Injunctions (314) 56;
Prayer-Book of (6-8, 106) 4-5,
22; private prayers (679) 131
Elizabethan religious settlement (27l)
Evans, J. (305, 306) 55
Execution of Charles I. service (366,
367) 66
Exeter, Use of (648) 120
FAMILY Prayer-Book (534) 100.
Fiennes, N. (639) 118
Fire of London form of prayer (393)
First century of scandalous, malig-
nant priests (637) 117
First folio edition of American
Prayer-Book (522) 98
Foote, H. W. (609) 111-12
Forme of prayers, Genevan (621,
636) 114,117
Forms of Prayer (375-504) 68-94
Formularies of faith (663) 123
Fowler, E. (300, 30l) 54
Fox, Geo. (22) 8
Fragmenta liturgica (116) 23
Freeman, J. (598)110
Freeman, P. (23l) 42
French and Napoleonic war, Forms
of prayer during (447-464) 82-5 .
Frere, W. H. (259, 285) 47, 52
GEORGK I., accession service (374)
67-8; Forms of prayer under
(420-422) 78
George II., Forms of prayer under
(421-434) 78-80
George III., Forms of prayer under
(435-464) 80-85
George V., Form of prayer under
(499) 92
Glover, G. (68 1) 131
Goodwin, D. (587) 108
Gould, Geo. (267) 49
Gomes, W. H., and L. C. Biggs,
Hokkien translation (166) 32-33
Greenwood, F. W. P. (601, 602,
607, 608) 110-111
Grove, R. (289) 53
Gunpowder-plot service (364, 365)
HADDON, W., Latin translation
(119) 24
Hall, P. (115, 116) 23
Hampton Court book (9-19, 107)
5-7, 22
Hart, S. (594) 109
Hascard, G. (307) 55
Hatton, Christopher, first Lord Hat-
ton (342) 62
Hawks, E. L. (382) 107
Henderson, W. G. (657, 658) 122
Hemy Bradshaw Society publica-
tions (99, 103) 21
Hereford, Use of (643, 656, 658)
119, 121, 122
Heylyn, Peter (262, 264) 48-9
Hickes, G. (302) 55
Hierurgia (65l) 121-2
Hildyard, J. (254) 46
Hilsey Primer (674, 677) 128-30
37 ]
Homilies (26l) 48
Hooper, G. (311) 56
Hopkins, I., see Sternhold and Hop-
Hopkins, S. (624) 114
Horden, J., Cree translations (212,
358, 359) 39, 65
Howell, W. (225) 41
Hunter, J., Cree translation (21l) 39
Huntington, W. R. (559, 589) 104,
Hymns, Cree (359) 65; English (339,
347, 348, 360, 576-578, 580) 61,
63, 65, 106, 7 ; History of (362) 65
ILLUMINATED editions (83, 86) 18
Ingoldsby letters (254) 46
Injunctions, Elizabethan (314) 56
Institvtion of a Christen man (659) 1 22
Ireland, Church of, forms of prayer
(399, 402, 403) 73, 74; liturgy
(113, 506-509) 23, 95
Isenberg, C. W., Amharic transla-
tion (152) 31
JAMES I., accession service (370) 67;
Form of prayer under (378) 68-9 ;
Prayer-Book of (9-19, 107) 5-7,
22 ; Psalms in metre (510, 511) 96
James II., accession service (372) 67;
Form of prayer under (400) 70
Johnson, J. (327) 59
Jukes, W.,Pashtu translation ( 154)
KARSLAKE, W. H. (233) 43
Keble, J. (352) 64
Keeling, W. (97) 20
Ken, T. (684) 132
King, J. G. (226) 41
King's book, The (660-662) 122-3
King's Primer (675-677) 129-30
Kirkby, W. W., Chipewyan trans-
lation (215) 39-40
Kneeling rubric defended (305, 306)
Koelle, S. W., and J. Tewfik, Turk-
ish translation (149) 30
LATHBURY, T. (273, 619) 50, 113
Latin and Greek translations (118-
124) 24-5
Laud's Prayer-Book (109, 510) 22,
Lay-folks prayer-book (644, 667-
677) 119, 125-30
Lee, G. F. (237-239) 43-44
Legg, J. W. (103, 665) 21, 123
Lens, Bernard, 2d (38) 11
Leofric Missal (648) 120
Leslie, C. (617) 113
Lessons of the Creation and of vertues
& vices, 1637 (680) 131
L'Estrange, H. (224) 41
Littlehales, H. (646, 667) 120, 125
Liturgia Tigurina (220) 40
Liturgise Britannicae (97)20
Lloyd, C. (663) 123
Loggan, D. (28) 10, 11
Luckock, H. M. (281) 52
London, Forms of prayer for (500-
504) 93-4
London fire form of prayer (393) 72
Lupton, D. (681) 131
Luther's Catechism in Delaware In-
dian (210) 39
MACCOLL, M. (256) 47
MacDonald, R., Tukudh translation
(214) 39
Maitland, S. R. (265) 49
Makower, F. (328) 59
Mant, R. (78) 17
Manx Society publications (134) 27
Marian Book of Hours (673) 128
Marot, C. (354) 64
Marshall on Durel (278) 51
[ '38 ]
Maskell, W. (643, 644) 119
Mason, F. (319) 57
Maydeston, Clement (655) 121
McBride, J. (252) 46
McConneU, S. D. (586) 108
Meal-tub plot form of prayer (3 9 7) 73
Mensa mystica (234) 43
Merbecke's Common Prayer noted
(3, 104) 3, 21
Merrick, J. (35 1) 64
Metrical Psalms (329-354,510, 511,
628)59-64, 96, 115
Mexican Episcopal Church (596, 597)
Milbourne, L. (344) 62
Missals (648, 649, 653) 120, 121
Montucci, A., and L. Valetti, Ital-
ian translation (l4l) 29
Moore, A. W. (134) 27
Muss-Arnolt, W. (288) 52-3
NEAL, D. (622) 114
Neale, J. M. (268) 49
Necessary doctrine and ervdition for
any Christen man (660, 66l) 122
Nelles, A., and J. Hill, Jr., Mohawk
translation (206) 38
Nevill, Marianne (148) 30
Newarke, Viscount (630) 116
Newstead, R., Indo-Portuguese
translation (142) 29
Non-English languages of Great Brit-
ain and Western Europe, trans-
lations into (125-145) 26-30
NoweU's Catechism (24l) 44
GATES, Titus (397) 73
Odenheimer, W. H. (274) 50-1
O'Meara, F. A., Chippewa transla-
tion (208) 38-9
Osiander, A. (666) 124
PALMER, Roundell, see Selborne,
Roundell, Earl of
Palmer, W. (645) 120
Parker, J. (276, 279) 51
Parker, S. (512) 97
Parker Psalter (512) 97
Patrick, S. (234, 308) 43, 55
Pearson, H. H. (653) 121
Peck, E. J. and W. G. Walton, Es-
kimo translation (218) 40
Perceval, A. P. (363) 65
Perry, G. G. (266) 49
Perry, W. S. (585, 591) 108-9
Persuasive to the people of Scotland
(253) 46
Petley, Elias, Greek translation(l2l)
Philippe, F., French translation
(125) 26
Phillips, J., Manx translation (134)
Pia et catholica . . . institvtio (662)
Pica Sarum (655) 121
Pickering reprints (98, 100, 104-107,
109, 111) 20-22
Pictorial edition of American liturgy
(542) 101; of English liturgy (79)
Plague of London forms of prayer
(378, 379, 380, 39l) 68-9, 71-2
Popish plot, Form of prayer (397)
Potter, H. C. (557) 103
Powell, Vavasor (24, 635) 9, 117
Prayer, Forms of (375-504) 68-94
Prayer-Book, Sources of (641-677)
Prayer-Book and its ritual, attacked
(22-25, 252, 629, 632-638, 640)
8, 9, 46, 115, 116-7, 118; de-
fended (26-27, 247-251, 253, 289-
311, 623, 630, 631, 639) 9, 45-6,
53-6, 114,116, 117-8
Prevost, J., Tanana translation (574)
[ '39]
Procter-Frere (285) 52
"Proposed Book, The," of 1785-
1789 (515, 516, 593) 97, 109
Prymer, in English (644, 667, 671,
674, 676, 677) 119, 125, 127-30;
in Latin and English (668-670,
672, 673, 675) 125-9
Psalms translated into Choctaw
(580) 107; Cree (358, 359) 65;
Dutch (355, 356) 64; English
metre (329-344, 346, 347, 349-
353, 510, 511, 628) 59-64, 96,
115; Eskimo (357) 64; French
(354) 64
Psalms translated from the Vulgate
(345) 62-3
Pullan, L. (283) 52
Purfoot, T. (332) 60
Puritans, liturgy and history (621-
624) 114
QUEEN Elizabeth's Prayer Book
(679) 131
Quignon's breviarium (664, 665) 123
RATTRAY, T. (642) 119
Ravenscroft, T. (333) 60
Red book of Derby (648) 120
Reeves, J. (71, 72) 16
Reformatio legum ecclesiasticarum,
1640 (320) 58
Reformed Episcopal Church, lit-
urgy of (595) 109
Reformed primers (674-677) 128-
Reliquix liturgies (115) 23
Repp, T. G., Danish translation
(145) 30
Resbury, N. (303) 55
Restoration of Charles II. service
(368, 369) 66-7
Revision, Books against (9, 253, 256)
5,46,47; in favor of (20, 21,254,
258, 259) 8, 46, 47
Revision attempt of 1689, documents
on (242, 243) 44-5
Rieu, C. P. H., Armenian translation
(151) 31
Ritual Commission, 186 7-70 (244) 45
Robert of Jumieges (648) 120
Rock, D. (650, 651) 120-21
Royal Commission on ecclesiastical
discipline, 1906(245, 246) 45
Rubrics of the Prayer-Book (4, 255-
259, 305, 306) 3, 4, 46, 7, 55
Rule, M. L. (649) 120
Rye-House plot form of prayer
(398, 399) 73
SA(U)NDERS, R. (685) 132
Sarum, Use of (643, 644, 650, 652-
656, 668-673) 119, 120, 121-2,
S. Augustines Meditations (678) 131
Savoy Conference documents (20,
21) 8
Scotland, Church in (109, 510) 22,
Scotland, Church of (621-624, 636)
114, 117
Scott, J. (297, 298) 54
Scottish service book, 1637 (109,
510) 22, 96
Scudamore, W. E. (236) 43
Seabuiy's Communion-office (594)
' ' Sealed Book " of the Tower of Lon-
don (28, 29, 111) 9-10, 22
Selborne, Roundell, Earl of (269,277,
361, 362) 50, 51, 65
Sharp, J. (295) 54
Sherlock, W. (232, 290, 291) 42, 53
Short-hand edition of Prayer-Book
(49) 13
Silvester, T. (350) 63
Smyth, M. (343) 62
Snatt, W. (615) 113
Soldier's Prayer-Book (551) 102
Spanish Armada, Form of prayer
(376, 377) 68
Sparrow, Anthony (223, 321, 322)
41, 58
Spinckes, N. (613) 113
Sprague, W. B. (584) 107
Staley, V. (230) 42
Standard editions of American lit-
urgy (517-558) 98-103
Stebbing, H. (79) 17
Stephens, A. J. (112, 113) 22-3
Sternhold and Hopkins (329-335)
59-61 [28
Stewart, P., Gaelic translation (136)
St. Osmund's rite (650) 120
Stothard, T. (70) 16
Strickland, A. (620) 113
Sturt, J. (36, 43-45) 11, 12
Supply of prayer for ships (627) 115
Swete, H. B. (647) 120
TATE and Brady (336-341) 61-2
Taylor, Jeremy (342) 62
Taylor, John (243) 45
Teacher's Prayer Book (557) 103.
Tenison, T. (309) 55
Texeda, F. de, Spanish translation
(138) 28
Thirty-nine Articles (312, 315)56,57
Tillotson, J. (304) 55
Tory, Geofroy (669) 126
Toulmin, J. (622) 114
Translations : American Prayer-
Book, as a whole or in part
Chippewa (575) 106
Italian (573) 106
Mohawk (572) 106
Tanana (574) 106
Translations: English Prayer-Book,
as a whole or in part
Ainu (167) 33
Amharic (152) 31
Translations (continued)
Arabic (146) 30
Armenian (l5l) 31
Armeno-Turkish (150) 30
Brass (195) 36
Bugotu (174) 34
Chinyanja (189) 36
Chippewa (208) 38-9
Chizwina (Chino) (190, 191) 36
Cree(211, 212) 39
Dakota (207) 38
Danish (145) 30
Eskimo (218) 40
Florida language (173) 33-4
Foochow dialect (165) 32
French (125-8, 509) 26, 95
Greek (122) 25
Hausa ( 196) 36-7
Hawaiian (176) 34
Hebrew (147) 30
Hindi (155) 31
Ho (162) 32
Hok-kien Colloquial (166) 32-33
Ibo (197, 198) 37
Indo-Portuguese (142) 29
Irish (135) 27-8
Isuama-Ibo (199) 37
Italian (l4l) 29
Kaguru (185) 35
Karen (164) 32
Kigogo (186) 35
Kisukuma(l88) 35
Kwagutl (213) 39
Latin (118-20, 123-4)24, 25
Lengua (219) 40
Luganda (178) 34
Lumasaba (l8l) 35
Lunyoro (179, 180) 34-5
Mala dialects (171, 172)33
Malagasy (177) 34
Malayalam (160) 32
Malto (161) 32
Translations (continued)
Manx (133, 134) 27
Maori (175) 34
Marathi (158) 32
Mohawk (204) 38
Mukawa(l68) 33
Mundari ( 163) 32
Munsee (209) 39
Nupe (200) 37
Pashtu (154) 31
Persian (153) 31
Sagalla (184) 35
Scottish-Gaelic (136, 137) 28
Secoana (192) 36
Sesutho (193) 36
Shekiri (201) 37
Spanish (l 38-40) 28-9
Susu (202) 37
Swahili (182, 183) 35
Taveta (187) 35
Telugu (159) 32
Tenni (215, 216) 39-40
Tsimshian (217) 40
Tukudh (214) 39
Turkish (149) 30
Ulawa (170) 33
Urdu (156, 157) 31
Wano (169) 33
Welsh (130, 131) 26-7
Xosa-Kafir ( 194) 36
Yoruba (203) 37
Translations : English Prayer-Book.
Diglot, English and
Dutch (143, 144) 29
French (129) 26
Mohawk (205, 206) 38
Welsh (132) 27
Translations: English Prayer-Book.
Greek and Latin (l2l) 24-5
Translations : English Prayer-Book.
Polyglot (117, 148) 23-4, 30
UNITARIAN adaptations (221, 598-
607) 40-1, 110-111
Unitarians, answer to (232) 42; di-
rections against (323) 58
Updike, W. (587) 108
VICTORIA, Queen, Forms of prayer
under (466-498) 86-92
"Victoria Prayer Book" (82) 18
Victorian reprints of early standard
Prayer-Books (98, 100, 104-107,
109, 111) 20-22
WAGSTAFFE, T., Jr. (616) 113
Wainwright, J. M. (542) 101
Waldensian Book of Common Prayer
(222) 41
Walker, C. (652) 121
Wampum, J. B., and H. C. Hogg,
Munsee translation (209) 39
Warner, R. (73) 16
Warren, F. E. (648) 120
Warren, W. (609) 111
Watts, I., Hymns (339, 347, 348)
61, 63; Psalms (346, 347) 63
Wemdly, J. C. (220) 40
Weston, J. (49) 13
Wheatland, S. (350) 63
Wheatly, C. (227) 42
White, J. (637) 117
White, W. (581) 107
Whittingham, W. (330) 59-60
William III. , Directions against Uni-
tarians (323) 58
William III. and Mary, Forms of
prayer under (401-404) 73-4
William IV., Form of prayer under
(465) 86
Williams, J. (247, 292-294) 45, 53
Wilson, H. A. (99) 21
Wilson, T. (235) 43 [132
Winchester manual of prayers (684)
Wordsworth, C. (646, 655) 120, 121
[ '42 ]
Wray, J. A., Sagalla translation
(184) 35
Wren's anatomy (632) 116
Wright, J. (588) 108
Wynne, Ellis, Welsh translation
(130) 26-7
YORK, Use of (643, 656, 657) 119,
121, 122
ZARA, M. Italian translation (573)
' ; o